Is it possible that in the past (Incidentally or purposely) someone used Quantum Entanglement to attach two points in...

Is it possible that in the past (Incidentally or purposely) someone used Quantum Entanglement to attach two points in parallel dimensions together. From what I've read when trying to look at the two you can affect the spin of one. (I'm using Mandella as an example) Attach Point 1 (Mandella dying in prison) to point 2 (Mandella not dying in prison). Then once the entanglement happened Point 1 took the same spin (Or state) as point 2 causing both Universes to share the same event. Thoughts? Clarifications?

My first thought was:

>Why would it affect events rather than actual space & time?

Then I remembered multiverse theoryand realized that is actually a feasible example. Like a family tree. But you force one of the close branches to cross eachother

Entirely probable but what would enable that is a type of god belief system that is held in people to enable those events to happen, or for that to be imposed on the particular individual.

lol wut?

the mandella effect is literal garbage so your point that is solely relying on it is invalid and moot, bring up another example and maybe you got something.

What on earth are you going on about? You think people have the ability to conduct QE consciously?

Basically it seems to be a thing where man has a belief system that is imposed before it's too bad to him and even ducks in the pond feel for him.

And they're in the middle of a fucking drug experience, for christ sakes.

not people....MACHINES

Why is it garbage? Granted, I don't think QE itself will allow us to CHOOSE which events to spin but for the sake of getting is thoughts across it's pretty gud.

Now that's interesting. More?

I'd like to talk about possession as a particular example. Did you ever get a "bullshit bullshit" on your "bullshit" to make you believe that it's only that PCP'd out guy who's smashing windows with his hands to convince you that that is the only type of darkness that is real in the world? Posession is much darker, and much more insidious. The ideas they use to hurt your reality and attempt to devour your ideas systems and turn you against good actions is disgusting and honestly it drives me mental that people try and imply that posession isn't real.

At the end of the day you've got to understand we live in a world where secretism is... secretive. People don't openly bandy about their true form, identity, beliefs and so on.

Why? Because simply put there will one day be an individual who is so fucked with that they get to run around, saving everybody because their body paniced and went looking for the oldest god there is: The one that fucks you in the ass.

Okay, what I think I gathered from this gibberish is that man branches off in their universe until shit goes down hill, then QE's the fuck outta there? Did not get the second part.

Terminators and transformers bruh... they iz real niga

Sometimes I wish I spoke tinfoil.

no filthy casuals allowed in this thread eh

it's garbage because it isn't provable and is all opinionated for christ sake you couldn't even perform an expirement to test it's authenticity literally i never remembered mandela dying and half the shit on that mandela effect website is bullshit that people with bad memories propogate and then other retards come and enable it. it's all bullshit and you can't prove me wrong

Well yeah, but entanglement would be extremely unlikely. The most likely events effected by entanglement would be nuclear. It wouldn't be entirely unlikely that entanglement could occur inside a nuclear bomb and detonate it prematurely. So there is a possibility that japan wouldn't have been decimated in WWII. Also nuclear meltdowns would be tied to this. Anything electronic such as computer systems, especially in today's age where die sizes are down to the level where you have to deal with quantum physics.

The other way it could play a role is in the very beginning of the universe, or sufficiently distant from the present. The only issue with that is we would need to be able to predict the effects of our involvement. We would need a perfect model of the universe. If we have that, we might as well create the reality ourselves, we would already be gods.

What if what was important was building an idea system that there is no propoganda from the government system that governs nations? The league of nations, or whatever, not the bullshit UN. The UN even suck for christs sakes.

>Governs nations
There is no such entity. The US and China own a fuckton of the world, they are the main governing bodies. They don't govern the people of the world, just the power.

You're the rep, right? Cool man, how's it going, what's going on, what's up, you alright though?

Seriously. You been smoking some crack with some smiths haven't you.

Okay, that's fine, that's fine.

But who makes the decisions for the US and Chinese governments? Who's the jews?

It's pretty clear with "clinton vs trump" that the US political system is supposed to seem retarded and a farce. It's to make you think about what is real when you're not from there, and to bullshit believe in when you are.


The system of what those people say to the important people, what is that?

>The jews took my foreskin
>Fuck the jews
Who do you think they report to when they are going to go to war within the next decade? Do you think The US and China are allies in areas besides economic interest? The US hates being #2 and we have the bigger stick.