Lets ban the Russians for cheating

>lets ban the Russians for cheating.
>Katie Ledecky.
>Obvious drug cheat.
>Wins almost every event in swimming.
>Americheats dominate in swimming in general.
>Dumb Americans think they're better athletes.

>ausfailia mad again

Nä, wat wor dat dann fröher en superjeile Zick,
mit Träne in d'r Auge loor ich manchmol zurück.
Bin ich hück op d'r Roll nur noch half su doll,
doch hück Naach weiß ich nit wo dat enden soll.

I am superior to you.

>Gets Russia banned for doping
>Invites twice proven doper to compete for their country

America exposed when?

>we're not mad ur mad
>proceed to get devastated
Maximum overkeks

>Winning means you're cheating

I'm 100% certain that you only win gold medals with doping on the olympics. This goes for all gold medals btw, not just the american ones.

Enjoy your dying language while you can.

I was rooting for you guys until you started acting like sore losers about everything. I miss the old bants. Why have yall become this way?

Pretty sure all these athletes are doping, Ledecky clearly dopes and so does every fucker that gets up on the podium

Fette Amerikaner, rennt bevor ich euch erschieße. Heil Hitler, juhu.

>Not understanding the concept of medals per capita and why its so important in interpreting the medal tally.

>19 years old.
>Hairline is receded further back than LeBron's.
>Manly body.
>Manly features.


> so important
So important that nobody gives a shit.

The fact that you are in Rio already means you are doping.

The anti doping test is a joke.

It's mandatory to use gear to be even a good national athlete, don't even get me started on being world class.

I seriously think they should get rid of the test, it does literally nothing.

Wie bitte?

Well it gives us a good excuse to exclude certain nations if they do it bad enough to get caught.

Why isn't the US excluded? I can't remember the last champion sprinter they had that wasn't doping.

Mainly the poor nations, that can only use last gen stuff.

This also further empowers the wealthy countries to dominate.