This is boring

This is boring


no u

Thats not Lord of the Rings

so is beethoven's symphonies


What did you say about Ludwig Van?

not enough CGI capes?

>story 6/10
>standard cut 8/10 visuals
>directors cut 9.5/10 visuals

visually and thematically interesting
but boring as fuck, op isn't lying

I unironically agree

What about final cut desu


Watch it while drinking, its incredibly immersive after a few pints.

i agree

it's true, this movie truly does suck. no one talks about this movie outside of Sup Forums

Weak b8
Blade Runner oh if you could see what I see in it

It sucked. Most overrated film I've ever seen, ever.

Anyone who doesn't love this is automatically a fucking pleb, and should remove themselves from the internet.

Anyone that enjoys this is a fucking pleb.

sometimes i wish i was a pleb

Dumb baitposter

What movie?

>He got caught in the pleb filter
Grip my pole firmly, but not too tight.

Always was, is and will be to guys that like to lick their fingers clean after wiping the shit off random asses at the local truckstop, and Bernie2016 supporters

What's the best cut?