Guys I'm kinda half ashamed but... I really wanna play DnD. I've never even been associated with the game in any way...

Guys I'm kinda half ashamed but... I really wanna play DnD. I've never even been associated with the game in any way. I've never even met someone who spoke of it to me. But it just looks like a good time. One problem, im not a virgin. Will my fellow adventurers accept me. (besides the shitty quip I'm genuenly interested) any starting advice. Pic unrelated

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Pathfinder is better and doesn't require a shit load of cringey action figures to play.

same here.
i like vidya rpgs, and i like the idea of playing a role and exploring the limitations and intercharacter dynamics and shit.
not sure how to get into it and what crazy wife's response would be.
will bump this with saved rp stories, which make me kek/amazed

Looking into it now


I have no fucking clue cause I haven't played but imo players are always welcome. Where to get into it? Not a clue. Google DnD shit or forums and im sure you can find something if you don't get other help.


Jesus you hivemind motherfucker. Love u bb


I never played DnD with figurines, or even visual maps (except that the DM had maps so they knew what was happening), imagination works just fine

Literally never played DnD with action figures

3.5 master race

Best game ever.
Look into 5th edition, it's good if you're jus5 getting into RPG's, I've had a blast being DM

Ask around at card shops and game shops a place by me hosts free dnd on the weekends

I've been with 7 females and I play d&d, it might get lonesome if you don't smoke pot tbh

>One problem, im not a virgin. Will my fellow adventurers accept me
What makes you think they won't?
This sounds like a variation of cuck bait threads

if you wanna watch some voice actors play DnD go here. its actually really enjoyble and I kinda want to play it now after watching some of these vids


It's a lateral move at best and you know it.

Simply put, if you got the right kind of people who watch enough anime, have someone who knows everything about D&D & have ALL the necessary books, maps & all that jazz, you'll have a blast. I know I did on my first 2 times

How tf is pic related

I read this and its funney

First must correct you that D&D does not require the miniatures either. They are provided as an enhancement, not a requirement.

There's nothing wrong with playing D&D. It's basically an adventure story that you write yourself as you go. Generally speaking, you will have one Dungeon Master who will run the game, handle NPC's, and setting up quests. You will also need at least one player, though the more people in a party the better, to a point. You also do NOT need any of the manual's, supplements, etc. They will help gameplay but are not required. Player's should only look at the Player's handbook and the Dungeon Master (DM) Should be familiar with the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual.

I currently play in 3 campaigns and am the Dungeon Master for another 8 campaigns. For the campaigns I Dungeon Master, the players do not have any manuals (mainly because we play 3E and 3.5E and they don't feel like buying the books). As long as you have a DM that knows what he/she is doing and players that are willing to learn and understand game mechanics, it's really fun. I could go more in depth but will halt there and await criticism.