Why background is moving in jpg image?

why background is moving in jpg image?

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so why its happening?

Because your eyes are focusing on Bugs, and keep semi-focusing on the purple things.

Your brain gets confused and creates an illusion of movement.

there are brains which dont get confused and having clear stable picture, or all brains working like that?

mine gets confused. Am i a idiot?


mine is too, but Im not an idiot. why you should be

no its just how our brains work

Are you also frightened?

Ive thought I seen a bug in matrix

It's just the way our brains process information overload with pictures like that. Our brains are not perfect; they get their information from a bunch of different places and interpret them. They need to do it fast, because when we were hunter-gatherers, if they took the time to process that information properly, your chances of getting attacked by some huge animal you couldn't properly see in time increases. Thus, our brains evolved to get the necessary information quickly.

This comes at a cost. Those images were designed to show the flaws in our perception, and how sensory overload can confuse our brains and trick us into seeing something that isn't actually happening objectively.

>Those images were designed to show the flaws in our perception
how did yhey find it out? I never seen such bugs in rl

Nature thought about everything..Thx Mother Gaia / Frey / etc

How did they find the images? Is that what you mean?

how did they find out about such bugs?

Bugs actually kind of fucks it up, it appears to move a lot more without the text or other images layered over the background.

>mfw nobody mentions Merriweather Post Pavillion

Someone did fag

We knew our brains could be mislead since the time of the ancient Greek philosophers, but it was studied more extensively in the 1800s, and is still studied today with fMRI machines.

Here's another. Look at the line in the middle. See how it seems like it has a gradient like the outside? That is an illusion; it is one simple color.

funny. but there's no such errors in real life, is it? so this is just pics that never happens in real life and maybe brain just dont know how to show them right, because never experienced like that in evolution?

In real life, you do see examples of this in things that are far away. Close up, our brains are pretty okay, but longer distances cause us problems. That is because processing the distance of objects is done by experience, based on a model that we learn to trust over the years as we develop. One of the most important ways we judge distance is the use of shadows.

Experience has shown us that the size of an object by itself is not the best way to determine how far away it is on a whim. Smaller things that are closer together with larger things that are further look indistinguishable without some other information. Shadows help us interpret which one is the closer one.

Here would be an example that helps explain what I mean. Which "moon" is bigger? Which moon is close? How do you know that?

moon on horizon looks bigger. theyre same size?

Absolutely. If you don't believe me, cut out the bottom moon and superimpose it on the "larger" moon, and you will see that they are exactly the same size, albeit the moon is cut off in the top moon.




how we can fix those "bugs"? or its impossible already? or we need few mil. years to have improved vision?

Exactly. The way we interpret "distance" in this fictitious example, a 2D image that has not 3D element, is through shadows. Funny how our brains can be tricked.

Thankfully, for the most part, we can rely on it to keep us alive. These are just showing the flaws in our perception, and the interesting things our brains do to help "fix" these flaws.

I got AS, i dont see moving stuff, my brain better?

because Animal Collective

What bugs?
They're helping you.
If you saw the scene with the moon in real life, of you'd assume that the background moon would be bigger because it IS bigger.
If a giant object that is far away looks the same as a small object close to you, your eyes are fucked

whats AS? asperger syndrome?

It's not about improved image, its about improved image processing done by our brain.

Maybe in about some tens of millions of years, evolution will take its course and be better at processing the natural world, but nature is not a completely sentient phenomenon that knows what it is doing all the time. it is more of a blind tinkerer, trying to blindly go through trial and error, throwing out things that don't work and keeping things that do (ie Natural Selection)


Yup - Everyone says something is moving but I dont see it.

what's asperger?

>but I dont see it.
you sure? just move your eyes around the pic


Put very simply, it's a form of autism.

>moving image

fuck this pic is creepy af

Done that, I seen a pattern but nothing moving.
Autism, sheldon cooper tier

>nature is not a completely sentient phenomenon that knows what it is doing all the time
i think its more complex than that. theres need something more than just intelligence to develop brains, eyes, ears, etc.

how did you found out that you have as?

Which is why I didn't want to use the word "intelligence," because that implies that nature is something that in and of itself, has intelligence or a sentience as we know it (like human intelligence, for example). The example I used is just an analogy, a simplification if you will.

Went for a few tests at the autism shop after some friends said im an annoying fag.
Fully and independently ambidextrous. Memory like a sponge. Complex calculations in my head are no problem. Pretty unemotional. etc...