I have been a proud skinhead since I was 16. Ask me anything

I have been a proud skinhead since I was 16. Ask me anything.

can i give you a noogie?

What's your level of education?

What got you started in being a skinhead?

When do you turn 17?

*Bonehead, don't shame the rest of us faggot

Dropped out junior year of high school.

how old are you?

Proof or you're lying

You're gonna be poor for the rest of your life, dumbass

What's it like sucking so many dicks daily? Does your mouth hurt?

How does your family handle your retardation?

Is freshman algebra still as hard as it was?

I hung out around a lot of them in highschool. They were the closest friends I've ever had.


>Dropped out junior year of high school
Now there's a fucking surprise. So you probably hate the government, but you're ok with collecting welfare and SNAP because you have to supplement your Walmart paychecks, right?

How's it feel being the white equivalent of a nigger?

Is your head made out of skin?

Not a SHARP, are ya?

I'll have you know I work at 7-eleven!

A real rebel amirite


You have red laces yet?

And below that a layer of bone protecting my... admittedly minuscule brain matter.

You're just a fucking neonazi don't call yourself a skinhead

Are you 17?

Doubt he can afford shoes let alone a separate set of laces.

Some neo-nazis are moderately intelligent. Skinheads are always white trash.

Do you fap to American history X ?


What do you think about the alt right

Every night...
Naw, fuck that.
I know I'm white trash.

I really like Milo Yiannopolus and Paul Joseph Watson.