What do u faggs think about the mandela affect

What do u faggs think about the mandela affect

It's bullshit.


it's just the majority of people having the same wrong memory we're not colliding with parallel universes or whatever

I think niggers.

and they think you too


It has to be the dumbest fucking thing on the planet. Anyone that actually believes this or even though about it for a second wondering if it was real should be killed, ground up, and turned into dog food.

Quantum computers editing our reality is pretty... well... Great!
I hope they change the laws of physics next so we can fly and teleport!


It's called being something that's easy to get wrong. Just because 4 out of 10 people get the question "what is 27 cubed?" wrong, doesnt mean that the answer changed. It just means its easy to get wrong.

anyone who thinks it actually means anything should hang themselves immediately

CERN is controlling our minds.

I'm a SysOp for the current world simulation you are all in. We have a whole team working on fixing the Mandela bug. I hear it is a virus spawned from the last matrix before we reprogrammed it to be the world you now now. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm not working on it, I'm in entertainment. Yes, we have people in the real world watching you. The current leadership issues of your planet are my doing and ratings have never been higher.


fucking roleplayer lmao

get a life fag

I think it's real. However. I don't think it's as hype or as fucked up as YouTube's make it sound.


Human error.


I think something wrong happened

That's called television shows fucking up the line constantly.

If everyone on tv started saying the quote was actually "luke, i fucked your mother" then everyone raised during that time would believe it was that.

Nope, niggas just dumb.

That's more probable than colliding universes



Nice thumbnail



That grammar and spelling makes me want to fucking hang myself


this too me seems like a ... oh shit a letter chainged on a book / tv show from the 70? better hop on the meme band wagon.Prolly will end up with the cause beeing translations from US english to british english or some bull like that.As for what i think, its funny.

No WTF, it is Interview with A vampire - I remember that shit vividly, someone must have changed that

I'm here to talk to the user who said he'd see me in a month. He was correct, you here?

"Luka, I am your Father!"

I've had this copy since high school. It's always been "the"

Frick forgot the picture..

A company isn't allowed to change its name?

is it anything to do with nelson mandala i aint read on it but i see it alot

It exists. Kinda like how we all think that Nelson Mandela was always a peaceful civil rights activist while in reality, he was a murderous terrorist who intentionally targeted civilians and embezzled money through his wife.