Walk down the street

walk down the street
see this
wat do?

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Go get me a 6 pack of A&W and get wasted

Take a viral photo and walk off

call the cops you sick fuck

take the keys throw them over the hill,piss on the girl, steal the rest of the H. Buy the kid mc d's and drop him off at police station.

did they die of a drug overdose?

I would say steal the change from the cup holder or the cash out their wallets but these junkie probably already spent it on dope and the trunk of this minivan is probably full of stolen copper pipes.

Poke with stick to see if rigamortis has set in

No. The kid killed them with his mind. He's being studied now. It's all over the news.

pull down top for a better picture

Nice legs but

try to catch Hypno

>Check if dead
>Call cops
>Sit on the corner and watch

They're not dead, cops pulled him over and they both passed out right after. Guy got a few months in jail and the kid taken away from them

Call cops. Stare at dead/passed out high people.

At least their vehicle is clean

give the kid some heroin so he doesn't feel left out

>Guy got a few months in jail
It happened yesterday, you autistic sperglet.

Legit, happened 3 days back


Nope, 3 days ago.

> Touch her snatch
> Contract Hep-B
> Call police


Remember breaking bad episode

The look on the kid reminds me of the movie sinister. I bet he did this.

Call 911


fucking lol i spit my food out of my mouth

Check their pockets, might have a few extra shots left

yeah the one where the car wash owner bogdan is all like "u wrok 200 hours for free so i can buy eastern european wife new babushka!" and william white is all like "nah fuck you AND UR EYEBROWS" and bodgan is all like "no" like when heat legend dies

>the A/C is on
>leaving the car with the engine running with a small child inside

Turn 720 degress and walk away

Take the dad's wallet and walk away.

take the boy into my sex dungeon.
he will live a glorious life as my personal cumdump.

Probably 12 dollars in there max. Heroin junkies tend to be poor.

Steal the child and sell him to human traffickers.


He was already with humans in traffic.


ikr this kid is too scary man

This reminds me off Breaking bad with Jesse and that little kid

yeah the one where the car wash owner bogdan is all like "u wrok 200 hours for free so i can buy eastern european wife new babushka!" and william white is all like "nah fuck you AND UR EYEBROWS" and bodgan is all like "no" like when heat legend dies and then jesse is all like "PHYSICS BITCH"

Did you know on new cars you can leave them running and take your keys with you so your car can't drive but the electronics can still run?

So, shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of shit.

SPOILER: Spewing shit on the internet doesn't actually make it true.

Finally someone got it damn I was starting to get worried

>40 minutes later
>still sitting in this thread

Keep walking. Survival of the fittest. Fuck the useless drug addict filth. They deserve their fate. These people are not victims. They chose to be scum and shoot themselves up with heroin in an automobile with a little child in the back seat. They do not deserve your sympathy.

AC usually requires the engine to run, you can't just run it off the battery.


yeah. Cops tooks this picture. Was in news today about heroine usage in USA

do a 720 and walk away

actually they didnt die they were just uber fucked up/unconscious


Look for drugs. Give the kids a smile and a peace sign while walking off with heroin.


>then proceed to wail like a 6 year old schoolgirl when you realize it needs to be injected

No, more and more people are using female Marvel movie characters.



dangit bobbeh
i told you to never mess with my drug and drug accessories

Doesnt have to be...fucking child silly youngsters today know nothing