Hillary: "Half of Trump supporters are a basket of deplorables"

Hillary: "Half of Trump supporters are a basket of deplorables"

Bill: "The slogan 'Make America Great Again' carries strong racial overtones and is being used in a racist manner by Trump and his supporters."

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it just me or did Hillary seem overly lethargic during her speech yesterday?

Hillary is a weak candidate. Two-term Democrat in office (almost always goes to the other party after 8 years, historically). Hillary is a woman. Who the hell wants a woman president.

Those three things should put Trump over the top.


I was thinking the same thing myself.

Maybe she was doped up on meds, because clearly something is wrong with her.

Inb4 tinfoil hat conspiracy

The shill bots are all still sleeping right now.

They don't get up this early on a Saturday. They will be along soon though.

The only thing holding him back is that he's fucking Donald Trump. If the GOP had nominated a normal candidate they would win in a landslide.

Probably right

>landslide victory

pick only 1. the gop is overly racist as a whole, and would never win by a very large margin. this will remain this way until they kick out the tea party ilk from among themselves and start aligning themselves better with main stream americans.

Just as predicted by this user Kek

Bill used the same slogan in 1992

Yes, well it's about the person saying it more so than it is about the exact words spoken.

Given Trump's long history of racism and racist comments, you can bet that to him and his supporters it has a much different meaning than it did to Bill Clinton who also happened to be loved by blacks.


how is trump racist? what are some of the racist things he's said?

>Hillary: "Half of Trump supporters are a basket of deplorables"
more like 95%

mexican immigrants are rapists and drug addicts.
i've got too many black guys counting my money

Mexicans are rapists, Blacks are lazy, are just a couple examples. His rallies have been filled with racist overtones and this has been widely reported by the media. It's no secret what he's up to.


"I would never support what has to be the craziest ideas in the history of U.S. politics: allowing the government to invest Social Security retirement funds in the stock market. Not only would a market downturn spell disaster for millions of retirees, but the process by which government would choose stocks would also be entirely political, making lobbyists and other political hacks the new masters of the universe."

I agree that the GOP is overtly racist, but so is most of America

obviously shooped to make his hands look bigger

>Pink shirt

>believing anything Trump Says


“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

See, he flipped it around. It if he had that they're good people, but some are rapists and criminals, I would understand. I would disagree, but it would be a respectable and not racist opinion.

But what he said is that they're rapists, they're criminals, and SOME are good people. Implying that the majority are rapists and criminals. Yes that's a deeply racist and bigoted thing to say

This is one of few issues that he has only taken one side on. I don't even like Trump but he very clearly is in favor of social security, and does not want to privatize it

I'll just leave these here....




as a canadian im getting a good long laugh at all of this. this has to be the most embarrassing election you guys have ever had

Perfect examples of sexiest attacks against Hillary Clinton made by Trump supporters. All of which are complete bs and have been debunked.


>All of which are complete bs and have been debunked.

[citation needed]

Lol if you think Donald Trump is healthier than Hillary Clinton you have completely lost touch with reality

I'll just leave these here....



Good job at "correcting the record", $0.50 has been deposited into your account.


lol everyone who isn't a conspiracy theorist is a shill now


Holy fuck you're retarded if you can't see that she was just having fun with the reporters.


**their** rapists

thank you for correcting the record 0.03 cents have been added to your account

No actually it's vascular dimensia.

Welcome back from whatever planet you've been visiting. The Hilary internet 'correct-the-record' campaign has been confirmed many times over.

>confirmed many times over

but they're not on Sup Forums....

welcome to Sup Forums



thank you for correcting the record. $0.45 has been added to your account

It's a conspiracy theory believing that Trump actually has a remote chance of winning the election.


Goddamn Sup Forums is a cesspool of degeneracy and complete lack of self-awareness.


>believing what someone who lies to the FBI, congress, and their own people says.

retarded > retarded and evil.

Trump 2016

For every lie that conservatives bitch about Hillary telling, Trump has told at least 10.

Fact checkers constantly find fallacies in Trumps statements.

She didn't lie you dumb pleb. Not knowing and deliberately deceiving are two different things, and the first one is what Hillary did, which is not lying.

Not really. His competitor got rich by side-dealing through a private server, got caught, lied, and was let skate because knee-jerk pussies would have cried "muh soggy knees" if that twat got sent up the river for treason.

>inb4 polticifact is biased liberal media

it's not they are pretty fair

sure kid

Hillary : "We're loosing bill what do we do?"
Bill: "Call everyone who isn't supporting us racists, that's worked for us in the past."
Hillary: "Okay I'll call 1/2 of his supporters deplorable and maybe they'll side with me"
Bill: "Sounds like a good idea dear, now leave me alone I have young girls to try to impress"

Lol. Trump hasn't been around long enough to catch up with Hillary.
She's opposed gay marriage, flown the confederate flag, exonerated a guilty child rapist, and a host of other shit.
When liberals have no argument, they cry "Racism." Wonder why that word is flying around so much lately?


She was deliberately deceiving, have you not looked into this at all? She literally set up an e-mail server in her house, and deleted 30,000 e-mails when she realized she was going to have turn them over

All lies and propaganda. Literally everything you brought up has been debunked by snopes and others.

Nice try though.

actually believing this bullshit.
btw "pleb," ignorance is not a legitimate legal defense. get an education and try to accept the fact hillary is, miraculously, much shittier than trump.

Do you get paid per post or per hour working for CTR?

>people who disagree with me are paid shills

thank goodness you're too young to vote kid.

>implying this bullshit is even an argument

she's corrupt as shit. she got away with it. money talks. Hitlery the most corrupt thing to come along since the cheney-bush team.

I'm not a Trump supporter, I'll actually be voting for Hillary, but you need to educate yourself. I don't know about the confederate flag but everything else is true.

She did oppose gay marraige, she did exonerate a child rapist, but it was her job so I don't hold it against her

I see CTR is also the spelling police now too..

>compares Hillary to Buch/Cheney

I see what you did there, but it's not working.


There are videos and photos to substantiate all of it. Your tactic of flailing denial is desperate. The fact you think snopes is anything more than a lib-run "fact checking" organization proves you're a moron.

Nice try, though.

People are talking about racism so much because Trump is genuinely a racist, and that should be disqualifying


Yeah, god forbid you looked at things objectively. Don't let your ignorance stop you from saying dumb shit. No one else on your shill squad bothers.



You do understand that politifact is entirely incorrect about what it says is true and false? Go ahead and post that on Sup Forums and get ripped to shreds.

hillary lost in 2008.... she already ran for president. people didn't want "the first woman" pres then, we don't want her now.

ripped to shreds by Sup Forums idiots who are completely disconnected from reality.

Poltifact is fair, and if you distrust them because they have a "liberal bias", you too have completely disconnected from reality

sure kid

The racist meme no longer works as effectively as it has in the past. Liberals have labeled anything that they can as racist when done by their opponents. Even when they themselves do/say the same exact things.

Bill Clinton's "Make America Great Again" argument is a perfect example of this.

The fact is, that it is the democrat party who has been historically against blacks. The whole GOP is anti-black racists thing is a giant lie peddled by libs to further their agenda.

Got any legitimate proof?
inb4 "hurr durr, the wall"

Liberals pander to minorities with handouts because it keeps them coming back to the polls.

how many Pulitzer Prizes does fox nooz have?

haha. oh shit. you've done it now.

kek, Pulitzer prizes are not for news organizations for one, they are for "print journalists". How many print journalists are on cable tv? Are you really this retarded?

1/10 for making me reply.

Sorry, but the 2 parties switched places ideologically in the late 60s and the conservatives fled the democrat party, and moved to be the majority of the republican party. Those against this type of behavior, and slavery at the time were STILL the progressives who were in the republican party at the time. Abraham Lincoln was a progressive, and he freed the slaves. Racists tend to also be conservatives for the most part.

>not knowing about the history of American party systems
>thinking Southern-dominated pro-slavery Democratic party is the same as modern Democratic party
>believing this because you saw it on Fox News
>being that stupid


Donald Trump is a huge advocate of the gay community, you stupid cunt.

The GOP is getting fucked by demographics. More minorities and more college/university graduates mean the republicans simply won't have a sustainable voting base if they don't change their image

if you say so Brucie.

>Implying racism is bad


Oh okay.... then your beloved FDR was a republican?

Kek..... wanting to have it both ways.... while selling revisionist history....


You realize that the parties switched sides right? The Republicans who voted to abolish slavery, voting rights, and citizenship for slaves WERE LIBERALS. So you're not entirely wrong that the democratic party was against blacks in the 1950s. But those were CONSERVATIVES.\

It makes me laugh that your image champions the liberal agenda while you make conservative arguments.

Here's what I posted earlier showing that Trump is racist

How can anyone like Shillary enough to have saved memes of the lying cunt on their hard-drive. Really makes you think


"uh oh shaggy! a fact i cant argue with! better call the poster stupid and make a comment about fox news."