How you holding up, Sup Forums?

How you holding up, Sup Forums?

*delets own life*

basically this I'll give myself about one more year to turn the ship around

Earlier today I was really happy. Like, escatic, for no reason, and music sounded wonderful, I was really into it. But now I came down and just feel fried.

Been talking to a girl I met on new years, seems to be going alright. We're probably gonna go out sometime this week.

So there's that.

Are you gonna take her to the moooooovies, shawteh?

New Release Friday !!

new Half Japanese is really good so far

Not well

Madly in love with this girl

I thought it was going great, we both liked each other and were totally talking online

I finally transferred back to where I can see her again. Shes been ignoring me since and I have no idea why. It really hurts. I need comfort.

Just jacked off instead of going to get some pussy. Can't stand her smelly vagina

Nah we're probably gonna to a cafe and then walk around the inner city. Its been an idea for a few days but ive been working lately. I prefer doing a daytime date for the first date


I've literally never done that.

I've started to get into law schools, I should be doing some fun shit with a professor this semester, but I'm still pretty shitty since I don't enjoy doing anything other than jacking off and shitposting. Can't stand being around most people, don't enjoy my hobbies anymore, etc

Fucking great! I fucking LOVE being a slave to Big Pharma! Antidepressants for LIFE!

You're a slave to your mind you weakling. Meds are for chicks and the elderly.

Doing great, getting into free improv as a genre and loving it. School going good, life going good. All smiles.

No gf but I'm pretty sure that's a plus right now.

Of course I'm a slave to my mind. I was born with, and confirmed to have, Asperger's Syndrome. What the fuck am I to do, use ECT?

>tfw on two antidepressants and still barely want to live
L I V I N G T H E D R E A M l

You need to unlock new pathways in your mind dummy, you need to rise above adversity and suffering and only then can you begin your path to enlightenment.

Reddit is leaking

Not too bad

I'm struggling to find a reason to stay alive. I have no purpose, nothing really satisfies me anymore, I'm always anxious no matter what, no one has really ever loved me and the loneliness is crippling. I feel like staying alive is just a waste of time. I've experienced almost everything I wanted to (feeling loved is still something that's missing, but realistically it'll never happen). Sisyphus had his stone and managed to find happiness in that, why don't I have a stone?

To make this music related, I'm listening to Homeshake so I guess things aren't really awful.

I have these feelings sometimes, it doesn't make sense it just feels like nothing really matters and everything will be okay. But the smallest thing goes wrong and suddenly I feel like shit again.

haha hey, friend! How did you know I was from there? You must be physchic or something haha LOL! Anyway if you want to skype my handle is VisibleBronies, I get the feeling we're going to be the best of pals!

this is me just so you know who you're talking to, can you handle my sexiness? lol JKS ;)