Why do niggers behave like wild animals and cant addapt to modern society?

Why do niggers behave like wild animals and cant addapt to modern society?


The same reason chimps act the way they do, they aren't human.


A larger portion than you'd think actually do. You just never hear about them cause, you know, you never notice them.


How dare you insult my dogs, they don't steal and murder like niggers do !!

"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There
is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and
know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the
intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally
with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life
to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but
I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and
they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as
their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will
destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who
would come to Africa, remember that you must continually retain this
status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would
help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as
your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you." -Albert Schweitzer

>behave like

they were already primitive when they were in africa. then we bought a shitload of them from rival village chiefs and probably ended up with criminals since it's not like they were going to sell us their best. then we erased their culture and bred them for strength and mindlessness like beasts of burden and suddenly changed our minds about slavery. then we said "here you go niggers your free! good luck!" and set them loose in a foreign land with no idea what to do surrounded by people that don't really understand or accept them. the end.

Why can't you spell or use grammar correctly?

1. Breeding. Hundreds of years of enslavement bred strength and endurance, but no intelligence.

2. Lack of social ability. Blacks don't seem capable of adapting to a modern civilization. Their entire culture is anti-social.

3. Extreme inferiority complex/Lack of confidence. They feel the need to draw negative attention to themselves all of the time.

They are like children, mentally retarded children.

White people are ignorant when convenient. Before the black man civilized you, you were nomads and savages. After stealing their culture and religion, then destroying their history and identity, you dare come on your high horse like you ever did something to help humanity.

shiiii weebs gots ta wit wemons

bad bait is bad

Fuck off nigger

You know that niggers around the fucking world act like animals, right? They don't just exist in America you dense fuck.

Keep telling yourself that... You know it isn't true, of course. Your ancestors have always been nothing more than savages, and the only civilization that blacks have ever experienced has been forced upon them by the white man.

Because they're fuckin' moolies.

This the niggers in the uk acting the same way they do over in the us during the riots surprised me for some reason i don't know why.

>you dense fuck.

They had slavery in Africa long before the Americas were found and civilized. I'm only theorizing causality, not excuses.

Simple. .. ever one know that them coons are 3 steps behind the evolution chain

It's because the media, worldwide, would like to claim that the US is the only nation with race issues. They say that blacks are oppressed here when in reality blacks are just naturally troublesome. Much like native americans, they don't integrate well, meaning no matter where they are, they will end up being niggers. You will never hear a britlander agree because on a global scale, blacks misbehaving is blamed on racism towards them.

Nigger trying to pretend to be a redneck.

Nice try...

Pretty often I run into a niggeress that just takes their sweet ass time about being in everyone's way. I'm not sure it isn't some retarded form of getting back at the man.

We wuz kangz

Best thing for the world is when the blacks of the world have offspring the should be given a pillow case filled with rocks and enough rope to hang them self

Niggers don't just reside in Africa you dipshit. Every skin tone in the history of mankind has gone through some extended periods of slavery, why isn't every one a nigger? Because the slavery isn't the factor.

We all are nothing but animals and if you look more closely you'll see it in so many parts of our behavior.

>you dipshit

They all originated in Africa and were imported to the West.

So you don't think that breeding has anything to do with it?