What's your favorite non-obscure movie that isn't critically acclaimed?

I could understand if this movie were polarizing in a "love it or hate it" way, but instead it seems you either "like it or hate it" -- no one else seems to adore this movie like I do. Like it's legitimately in my top 5.

Anyways, yeah. Movies that you love that have middling reviews.

Would be considerably better if it ditched the Halle Berry as reporter in the 70's segment.

Added nothing to a movie that was already 30 minutes too long.

What more films or stick to videogames and comics.

Frankly I'd rather drop the last two segments instead. The tones are a bit odd
>Slave Ship: Some whipping and one guy gets beaten to death with a chest
>Frobisher Composer: One guy gets shot at the climax, then at the end a guy commits suicide
>Ghastly Treatment of British Man: One guy gets thrown off a building, but otherwise people go out of their way to NOT hurt each other - avoiding running over staff, restraining rather than beating, etc.
>Nuclear Mystery: One man is assassinated by a professional assassin, and also a dog gets shot, later the assassin might have been killed but it's unclear
That set a pretty reasonable tone but then...
>Neo-Seoul: Full spy movie, shooting mooks like crazy, human meat factory, multiple executions, every named character except the investigator dies
>Far-future: Brutal slaughters, village burns down, Earth doomed, pretty much everyone dies except two protagonists
wew lad

>dropping the last segment


an honest attempt at an Intolerance remake, who failed at almost everything

If at least half your 8+ movies aren't 4- according to mainstream critics, you're a sheep and a pleb.

I loved it. Many wouldn't and I can understand that. It was different, and not a remake. We need more original ideas.

Had a of of good idead and a cool theme. But it really felt...disjointed?

Also Soonmi or whatever the fuck her name was the biggest Mary Sue ever.

>We need more original ideas
>based on a completely trash book

Read the book if you haven't yet. Much better than the movie. If the author was just a little better writer it would be a literary classic.

Worst makeup effects in the history of mankind.
Also "blackfaces" out the ass. I was never quite sure if it was meant to make me laugh or maybe the Wachowski "sisters" are that fucking deluded into thinking that make up transforms you into another race or gender.

Honestly only part of that movie I remember is Hugo Weaving yellowface.

The movie is a mess.

There are a few movies who have done this "concept" better.

The theme is reincarnation, but the framing device falls apart because the various scenes aren't tied together right.

You could argue editing or bad directing did it the most harm, but really it's the writing that does it in.

Ever character is boring and the effects are overembelished to the point of nonsense. It springs from the mind of someone with too much money and ego but not enough discipline or talent. This person also happens to have gender identity issues.


One of my all time favorite movies.


literally everyone i know loves emperors new groove.

Believe it or not, most stories are written down before filmed.
Whether specifically as a screenplay, or a book.


Personally I really liked Cloud Atlas but that's probably influenced by how good the book was so I can't pretend it's an objective judgement. The ambition alone is worth some praise, at least there was an attempt to create a complex narrative.

BvS is Capekino and no amount of low RT scores will make me say otherwise. Snyder saved DC.

The final scene when they're all in the holding cell is completely ridiculous and ruins the movie

I know it is "le edgy", but I find it fun to watch.

I agree the finale was not great, but I considered it a fine ending that made sense for the plot.

The sphere tapped into their minds and thus allowed great change to the universe based upon whatever they thought. So if they all joined forces and agreed to forget everything that happened, then the sphere could dissapear entirely.

Made sense to me.

Also, what else could they do?

If they let the sphere get out, the world would be destroyed in like 10 minutes.

The sphere gives an organism an ability to create things with it's mind. So the organism would need to have a very well controlled mind. i.e. highly advanced aliens.

I read the book after seeing the movie, the movie does a much better job of tying all the narratives together. The book feels like a collection of short stories linked together as an afterthought with a few lines here and there because short story collections don't sell.

and while halle berry's 70s reporter sequence was extremely weak, it's nothing compared to the full post-apocalypse segment that was in the book. Where halle berry has a voice changer and infiltrates the cannibal tribe to save za'kery.

I meant last two by time period

it is my favorite of the trannies
I agree with user of ditching the cop segment
It lacked a bit o lf cheesy to make it really emotional
it need some cheesy ass spielbergian scene

the two last ones are essential
Hanks character starts as a greedy cunt saying "The weak should fear the strong" by the end he is scared cat

You know THAT movie that you reaaaally want to lpve but it's quite not there
it is cloud atlas for me

The Big Lebowski

>Like it's legitimately in my top 5.
>Cloud shitless
the call of the pleb