Hey Charles. Sorry about the whole killing millions and millions of innocents over some petty revenge. We're cool...

>Hey Charles. Sorry about the whole killing millions and millions of innocents over some petty revenge. We're cool, right?

But he saved everyone in the end.

>It's fine, old friend.
>On another note, isn't it funny how my head looks just like your cock now?

only half destroying the earth = saving everyone?

(OP) #
Did you guys not understand that scene what so ever they were starring each other down although as friends
>M: Does it ever wake you in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day, they'll come for you? And your children?
>X: I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to my school looking for trouble.

Like so do I need to spell it out or can you kids put it together yourselves?

Apocolypse was gonna end the world regardless of him, he would have just used some other method. By protecting Jean and Xavier from Apocolypse and helping in killing him, he saved the world.

How are those two supposed to turn into Stewart and Mckellan in 13 years?

Are you saying you think Magneto was saying that one day he'll come to kill Xavier and the kids? Why would he do that? Do you know anything about Magneto. He loves mutants, he only wants to kill humans.

There are so many fucking X-men movies I cannot keep track of this shit anymore I'm losing my mind.

I didn't watch this movie, but how does the horsemen thing work?

Did apocalypse brainwash the 4 and made them powerful? Did they just join apocalypse on their own? What kind of power did they get when joining?

Yeah but sometimes Charles gets in the way

Angel got metal wings that could shoot projectiles. Magneto got the power to control metal all around the world at once. I don't know about the other 2, wasn't really explained.

This asshole literally flattened Cairo, destroyed cities across the world, probably killed more people than the Holocaust, and still has the balls to bitch and whine that mutants are being oppressed by the normies.

What the fuck are they supposed to do, let his mutant ass wander around occasionally murdering millions of people?

If normal people would stop oppressing mutants, then his wife and daughter would never have been killed. And he wouldn't have tried to end the world.

Religion of peace

The death of his family was an accident, and they only wanted to "oppress" him because he killed dozens of people before arriving in Poland including the actual President of the United States. If this guy wanted, he could assassinate every Soviet leader within minutes using guided bullets, the authorities would have to be retards not to bring him in.

Hopefully he stays at being anti hero, god i'm so tired seeing him as a villain.

I thought that was weird too, they didn't even take five seconds to think about the millions of people who died.

Shipping is fucked too, which is going to cripple the global economy for years, most major bridges have been destroyed if what happened to New York is typical, many modern landmarks have been destroyed, the economic damage to the world is incalculable and has likely set humanity back decades

But he rebuilt the mansion so all is forgiven

The death of his family happened because the cops involved them by taking his daughter hostage in the first place.

But his whole character is how he has become the very thing that caused his childhood trauma and tragedy.

Him going from good intent, to anti-hero, to villain is his journey

then what good is days of future past if magnet stays a villain?

>Letting the guy who can control metal, hates humans, and tried to kill the leader of a major world power and major Polish political and economical partner run amok in your country
>Taking this guy on without some sort of bargaining chip

I would say it's probably beyond decades. Even then we were so dependent on trade. Outright disaster would ensue. Suddenly America can't import the oil it needs. Now all gas becomes so scarce you can't even drive around. Now you can't transport food, people will starve or have to mass emigrate.

And the world's nuclear arsenals have been destroyed, upsetting the geopolitical order and probably inciting some very nasty wars in the Middle East, Europe and East Asia.

I mean, the film is set at the height of the Cold War, would the Soviets really pass up an opportunity to invade western Europe and neutralise one of their greatest military threats while the US had no nukes to respond with?

pretty sure the world's going to plunge into a global depression, probably worse than the actual depression, and tons of infrastructure is crippled

war's expensive

Plus America has the X-Men and apparently no one else. Those are the new nukes. Also it says they're already rebuilding nukes in the movie iirc, or at least there's nothing stopping them. The US would be able to nuke Russia in due time if it waged war in Europe

So is X-Men 1-3 still canon or what the fuck

>hey remember the time I tried to kill the president? Good times ha

the movies still exist in the mind of 2015 Wolverine, whose return completely wipes out the mind of the Logan we see in Apocalypse




the wheelchair controller looks like it's on his dick

Your memory fucking sucks, dumbass.


So which did jean grey see Logan's memories ? Of how they loved each other ? Does that make the first 3 Xmen canon?


but he didn't. did you even pay attention to DoFP?


Proof that 2 great actors can save a totally unmemorable movie.

maybe a dozen scared shitless local cops, armed with a bow, sticks, and bats shouldn't be the ones trying to bring in a dude can kill all of them with a thumb tack.

Actually it's proof how one awful oversight in plot can't be completely disregarded just because MUH message.

you're a sad nerd


Why did he go bald from Apocalpyse when he went bald in the original timeline?

He didn't kill the president

Are there any films/series with a more fucked up timeline than X-men?

Not just the timeline but all the characters ages, their (lack) of aging, it's a huge fucking mess.


Whose to say apocolypse didn't show up in the original timeline?

Do you guys think he got casting-couch'd by based Singer?

Everyone would've been talking about it.

He amplifies their power and doesn't outright brainwash them but makes them think that helping him is the right thing to do.

He pretty much makes Storm think she can be a hero for mutant kind, like Mystique who she idolises.

why singer looks like gay in all pics he is in

What does DOFP have to do with him not being a villain?

He tried to assassinate the president in that film. He only left because Mystique and Charles were there to stop him.


why does he looks so bloated all of the time?

Are you retarded?

because he is

You're joking, right?

>victim of the holocaust
>causes three holocausts

What was Rami implying by this?

>The death of his family was an accident

Oh okay, nevermind. We're cool, officers!

ok yeah, we all like to make fun of this scene, but be honest - when it happened for the first time, it was fucking glorious

Still really impressed with how they filmed this scene.

Quicksilvers scenes are fun. Although what the fuck are they going to do next now that he is a member of the team?
He is way too fucking powerful.

His leg being broken will have made him slower

Magneto did nothing wrong


>This asshole literally flattened Cairo
I applaud him for that.

fucking idiot


What's the worst X-men movie?

This is why you can't trust mutie scum, even the ones who claim to want to live as humanity's equals are best friends with the terrorists who get off killing non-powered humans.

They should all be exterminated!

Definitely Origins.
The Last Stand is just mediocre.

All it shows is Magneto is to Hitler as Professor X is to Malcom X.

He's just slightly less radical wanting mutant isolation but still believing in their superiority.

Hey, they were the ones to ask him to come back. Magneto would probably brood some more and kill more people otherwise.

That said.

Why didn't apocalypse show up in the original timeline?

All I ever wanted in an Xmen movie was Kelsey Grammer to play Beast. So, I can't hate Last Stand too much.

I gotta agree that Origins was a total shit clusterfuck

You actually make a very valid point.

>There are so many fucking X-men movies I cannot keep track of this shit anymore I'm losing my mind.
Only the last three matter now, starting with First Class.

>This asshole literally flattened Cairo


Can't remember shit from it except Barakapool

Imagine how fucked up it would be if you were a mutant with shitty powers. You'd get discriminated against by normal people and all the other mutants would laugh at you for being shit.

>killing millions and millions of innocents
when did that happen? i remember only killing that half dozen policemen

I imagine because if there hadn't been a huge mutant spectacle, Moira wouldn't have been there in Cairo investigating mutant cults to leave the cave opening uncovered, thus letting in the sunlight that powered the mechanism.

Never trust Jews or give them any form of power.

Medieval society knew what was up. Now it's too late and they have the goy population by the balls.

Did you see the movie? Did you miss the part where he pulled apart buildings and bridges and shit?

>TFW we're about to get 8 more years of more jew puppet presidents

Because Moira McTaggart was a doctor and not a CIA in the original timeline.

Being Jubilee is suffering.

Well her powers are actually kind of cool. At least they are flashy.
Imagine being a mutant with transparent eyelids or something like that.

>that kid with the power to change the channel on a tv with his mind

Leech. Poor Leech.

>no rapid healing
Shitty quicksilver

You're probably never going to see Cypher in a movie

No retard Moira in Cairo doing retard shit

That happens in the comics everytime, there's a dude that looks like a chicken and that's it, no other power. Another travels to future 1 second every second, etc. Mutants with shitty and useless powers are nothing new

Cypher us too fucking OP, no joking

How I would do is have one of the bad guy's minion's be a speedster. So he's doing his usual thing of running around everyone so fast they're stationary and messing with the villains when suddenly one of them becomes animated and kicks the shit out of him. And his big kick-ass moment is running as fast as he can to defeat them in the climax.

And no mutant based cults at that time at all if they weren't public knowledge before Magneto sperged out in public in DOFP.



Still kind of stupid. Any time that speedster isn't there Quicksilver will just solve all their problems for them.