In 3rd world, you must pay a cost to call an ambulance

>In 3rd world, you must pay a cost to call an ambulance.

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Is Canada 3rd world now? :(


You dont have to pay its free





its free here

on the contrary in usa or uk or france you ahve to pay ambulance, its 5k per call plus tip

>Latin American networks typically do not allow emergency calls without a SIM
wtf it's true


It's $500k per call in the US. Plus tip and tax

no it's free


I've heard especiually old folks here sometimes call the ambulance just because their buttholes itch so i think it's kind of making sense to pay for them

Emergency calls are free in Australia but the ambulance trip itself will set you back a few hundred bucks, more than likely. It's a fucking rort.

No I don't.

667,74 euro + 3,81 euro per km

insurance covers it ofc.

they're about $300


Here it's $45 for an ambulance but if the ER doctor confirms there was nothing wrong with you it's like $300.

Same with fire services, if you keep getting false alarms it costs a few hundred because you're using up valuable medical resources on nothing.

Sending out an ambulance or fire truck actually costs like a thousand dollars or more to the government since it's numerous personnel.

I passed out drunk on the sidewalk once and got a scratch and they drove me to the hospital to get it inspected and keep me for sobering up over the night including lunch the next day, and of over 700 bucks total costs I paid exactly 10.

my ambulance ride was ~$1,100, I claimed it all on health insurance though


If you aren't in any serious medical need and only take a short trip.
This is probably a little out of date and I doubt things would have gotten cheaper, but it does have a bunch of info on different states:

>Have free ambulance rides
>Fat lazy British fucks proceed to abuse the NHS and call an ambulance to drive them to the clinic over a fucking strained ankle or upset tummy


That's the biggest issue with universal healthcare. Pajeet goes to the hospital for the slightest tummy ache and the hospital runs numerous tests "to be safe", costing numerous times more to the taxpayer than if he just went to an urgent care clinic.

It's actually ridiculous when you look at how much healthcare services cost

If they have it, why not use it?
It's not their fault the government allows them to take advantage of it. They are those people elected to allocate budgets and such forth.
Viva la démocratie。

>or uk
You do not pay when you call an ambulance dickhead, it is covered by the NHS.

here is free

Because the system is suppose to be fair and kind to people, but because of abuse it can't be.

So you get caught in the middle between fucking over normal people and combating blatant fraud or misuse.

>Because the system is suppose to be fair and kind to people
Since when?
>but because of abuse it can't be.
That's humanity.
>So you get caught in the middle between fucking over normal people and combating blatant fraud or misuse.
So elect those who will change the system and as a people, hold them responsible.

That's the modern world. Blame those actually responsible, not the citizens who are taking advantage of what the elected government provides for them.

I had to use an ambulance once. Later a bill of 11.5e came.

shit logic

It's free in Queensland.