Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

cut down or ya gonna die soon, nigger.

75 a day wtf I thought my 50 cigs a day was bad

How in the fuck can you be this stupid? If you smoke 10 cigz a day you are as dumb as a box of rocks. Unless your willing to yolo that shit and die at an early age, just dont bitch about it.

How's this stupid?


I just didn't smoke anymore cigarettes.


Fuck off i see this shit everyday if you actually did smoke 75 a day and wanted to quit stop being a fucking attention whore and posting thread thinking we care and fucking do something about it i smoke 3 pack a day but i dont go aroumd doing this shit

Just vape bro, i bought a 1200$ vape and I think its the best ever man.

holy fuck user stop this faggotry please. are you trying to make Sup Forums the most fucking boring place on the internet?

can a mod ban this asshole?

Beta detected

75 a day?
you might as well kill yourself.

>implying it's the same person posting it everyday

it's a pasta thread you idiot

Vape. No joke, I stopped craving cigs immediately

back in my day pasta was at least creative not a shitty general question you'd see on yahoo answers

wtf, don't you have to work or something? how the fuck do you find time to smoke that much?

I never smoked that much, "just" 10 a day. Then one day I switched to e-cigarettes. Cold turkey. Then I realized that I had no need to smoke so I quit vape as well. I still have it and use it from time to time,but no cigarettes so far.

not to be a dick but quitting smoking was the easiest thing i ever did. i simply stopped. cold turkey.

grow a pair and be stronger than your desires.


I work landscaping

It is. Very.

Not as bad as 75

Jesus fucking Christ, really? 2.5 to almost 4 packs a day? That's insane. Who even has time to do that? Do you just spend all day lighting the next cigarette with the butt of the previous one?

I work landscaping and can smoke on all job sites

Shit nigga - if I caught you flicking cigarette butts into my yard you're supposed to be making look pretty, I'd fire you on the spot.

I'm working on it. I got a vape so far I've only had 5 smokes in the last two days. I've been about half a pack to a pack a day smoker for ten years.

smoke this

Nobody cares where I work and I leave 15 butts on everyone's property

My guess is you're looking for suggestions on how to quit, and that these "SMOKING IS LIKE TOTALLY NOT COOL DUDE OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR [sic] STILL SMOKING IN 2016 DON'T YOU KNOW ITS [sic] TOTALLY NOT COOL AND YOUR [sic] A DICK 4 DOING IT!!!" messages aren't helpful. The worst thing about quitting smoking is that you immediately please smoke Nazis when you do it, and there are few kinds of people who are more despicable, but it's the price you pay for cleaning up your lungs, and it's less than the cost of cigarettes.

I smoked about a pack of Lucky Strikes for about eighteen years, but then my life got better and I decided to reverse my tentative suicide, even though there were still people on this planet who actually thought there were still other people on this planet who didn't know it was harmful, and that I was one of them, even though I was capable of speech and therefore could not have missed it.

Anyway, here's what worked for me. I would smoke during odd-numbered hours, and go without during even-numbered hours; this means that as soon as 2 o'clock hit, I would go straight through 2:59 without lighting up, but between 3:00 and 3:59, it was smoke 'em up time. Likewise, 4:00 to 4:59, butts out, 5:00, time to light one up (if I felt like it). This taught my body that it wasn't up to me when to satisfy my addiction, so I learned not to depend on it. Before long, I was loading myself with nicotine when I felt it was my duty to do so rather than to satisfy myself, and then one day I quit it like a job. It will be eleven years in November. Good luck.

But, if you are an asshole, or you intend to go into politics (or both), you should not quit smoking, because you probably deserve to die.


Assuming one cigarette takes 5 mins to casually smoke, 75 would take up a total of 6 hours and 15 mins of your day. Account for time it takes for you to prep for your activity (walking to smoking sections, going outside to light up) your probably over 7 hours a day.

6+ fucking hours out of a 24 hour day. If your count is real, don't focus on quitting, because that's unrealistic. Instead of the number of cigarettes you smoke focus on the volume of time you are dumping.

First, focus on the shame that 1/4th of your life (and closer to 1/3rd of your waking life) is dedicated to an addiction. Take that shit down a notch, and get your smoking down to 2 hours a day.

Spending 2 hours a day on something isn't an's a hobby now. Your welcome.

Sounds like an awesome company that really takes pride in their work.

I got a vape recently after smoking a pack a day for 3 years and i burned out 2 coils within a week kek