When did Sup Forums first start drinking?

When did Sup Forums first start drinking?

13-14 was getting drunk, had my first taste

I don't. Tried it when I was around 16-17 didnt like it. Tried alcohol scarcely after that, never gained a fondness.

Quit forever when a restaurant found out I was 21 and pushed and pushed about getting a drink for my birthday, got chocolate martini, bill showed up and they charged me $10 for it.

I thought it was free because you were pushing so hard fuck yourselves.

My earliest memories were about when I was 7 or 8. But the first time I got WASTED was 16 on my birthday.

And now thread die with a whimper and not a bang as I appropriately pour a cold one over thy ashes.

when i turned 21

Autism must suck

15 years old


17 was when I actually got drunk for the first time, didn't do much of it after that. Turned 21 this year, still don't drink a ton but once every few months I get pretty shitfaced

what is pushing sales

Shitfaced first time new year's 2004.
Discovered Sup Forums and ED that very summer.
Needless to say, my life is absolute shit today.
At least there's booze

14 shit was flavortown
i drink every night now

17. Got absolutely destroyed with some friends before going odd to college

usually around 5AM

First beer with 10, drinking every weekend since 12, 25 now

Technically the first time I drank was when I was 3. Dad was tucking in my brother and sister and I was apparently a little fucken daredevil who would find his way out of anything. First time I started drinking somewhat regularly was 18. Don't drink that often though.


First drink 7, first shot 12, first half gallon of absolute vodka, 13...... It took me 45 mins to litterally walk 15 ft. I love brew, Weed more, but some good beer is always great. Cheers fuckers.

good god, this is drinking to you?

Why is there a southpark cartoon of Robin Williams dressed as bat man?


14 or so. Had my first drinks at maybe 9 or 10. My friends mom used to buy us 99 bananas. I thought she was the coolest person in the world. Now that Im an adult, I realize what an irresponsible shit she was. Luckily, I got out. Many of the friends from that time are still drunks and addicted to drugs or dead.

First time I got drunk was 15, but I had no idea what to expect so I don't if I was even drunk

For sure knew I was drunk once when I was 16 (finished my first 6 pack like a big boy)

24 now, used to get shitty at every party in college and nowadays cannot have less than 3 beers once I start

First time I got drunk was when I was 8 or so. I first started drinking "like an adult" when I was 16 or so.

First time drinking was when I was 17. I went over to hang out with two buddies who had been watching tv and one whose house we were at offered me his drink (vodka and cranberry juice) as he was going to bed. At the time, I really didn't know anything about alcohol, other than what Harold the Giraffe (elementary school thing) had taught me, which were obviously horror stories.

I didn't drink much, but I'd say I had a very good buzz going on. Spent like 15 min trying to capture his cat, my other friend got the cat for me, and I fell asleep cuddled up with the cat in a blanket.

I'd say it was a pretty good introduction to alcohol.

at the age of 14 i had a cople of beers for the first time,
but i don't really like alcohol due to the fact i live with an alcoholic,
but i don't mind a beer now and then.

Family made me do it.

I've never been drunk. I've been a best man. In my culture, the family of the bride usually tries to get the groom and the best man drunk. Basically, you sit around a table with a bunch of old men whom you've never met, and everyone introduces themselves, and then everybody drinks. Usually the guy at the head of the table will drink a toast to everyone and then pass it down. You have to turn to the person next to you and address them by name. There's stupid rules like if you drink with the wrong hand or if you say their name incorrectly, or if you don't say a certain phrase, you get fined with another drink. Then once it gets to the end of the table, the guy at the end will toast back to the first guys, and so on and so on. So by the time it's done, you've basically taken a drink for every single person sitting at the table, twice or more if you mess up. And it's a big table, usually three or four tables pushed together. So I've been a best man twice. I've drunk alcohol until I've thrown up. But the whole time, I've never been drunk. Yeah, my vision blurred, but I had full control over my motor skills and didn't say or do anything I didn't want to or wouldn't recall later. So I dunno.