Ask someone who grew up in a Mayan Village anything
(image not mine)

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Found anything neat in the ground around where you live? Also... are you guys still traditional? Or is more a casual 'this is just our history' kinda vibe

not a single clue

Did you ever try Ayahuasca?

I have found bones among other things. Casual but we still practiced a lot of rituals and some that required sacrifice but we didnt use people we used chickens or goats

Interesting. Who/What do you sacrifice to/for?

Why is that a big deal?

No thats further down south I was born in Yucatan, mexico and I was to young to do those kinds of ritual drugs

As thanks for food or a specific harvest like maiz

What do you do all day long in such a village?

some rituals were more towards the people like a coming of age ritual or a marriage

the men and some boys would go out for food maybe trade with nearby villages and the women would take care of little ones and make food and house work.

Sounds nice. Why did you leave?

Well that makes more sense.
Killing a goat for a good corn harvest is kinda, inferior thinking now. We have fertilizers.

your calendar is shite by the way

What are the Mayan people generally like? (kind, stubborn, strict, etc.)

I was "adopted". as were many children in the village, white people came through and started building churches and what not offering food and money if you went to church. Then they had missionaries come and teach english and then they started to take us to the states for our own good and benefit.

We in the western world do but in the jungle we dont. We would eat some of the goat but the rest we would bury to use as fertilizer

the people in my village were layed back for the most part but we had rules and if you fucked up and stepped out of line there would be hell to pay. like going out into the jungle after certain hours

Nah, you whities just dont know how to read it.

Alrighty. Gimme the rundown with Nibiru man.
Old serpent, returning Gods, do you guys have a date for that?

i dont have a clue what Nibiru is, sounds like an anime
One of the elders said that he has seen a snake speak to a man before but when he himself was a child

Oh cool. Did you recieve any of those punishments? Did anyone you knew die because of one?

>One of the elders said that he has seen a snake speak to a man before but when he himself was a child

No deaths but I remember one time I spilt something like gas from the church and they spanked me with a wooden board, that had the sap of a tree on it that make it burn like hell.

i dont remember the significance of him seeing the snake but supposedly the man it was speaking to had been dead for about a month or so

oh fuck thats intense

Fucked up. Would you say the move was better for you, or do you wish it never happened?

I wish it never happened, we had everything we needed and life was good. I was set to marry a girl from another village who was ranked higher than me so everything was chill but then I got taken away and life has been pretty shit.Its not that i dont like A.c. or electricty or internet porn but the way we lived was sooo much more oeacful than what it is now

That's pretty shit, dude. Sorry white people think they own everything. Here's hoping you end up rich and famous somehow.

What are your thoughts and feelings about ballgame?

Can you read Quipus?

I went back to my old village and saw everyone who stayed and it was honestly depressing. All the houses were shit looking and there was trash everywhere. A chunk of the village had been made into a tourist place and the tourists didnt give two shits and would leave trash around and piss on EVERYTHING they could. the only building not in shambles was the church which was massive now and even had a buffet. The same girl I was supposed to marry ended up marrying a missionary and moved to someplace in texas. My parents were old but really happy to see me and since my dad made bricks he got some fortune from the church because he supplied the bricks to them.

No we spoke maya and some spanish since some villages had Mexicans living in them (it really has no other name)

do you mean the one where you play with your hips?

Well...fuck. Welcome to society. Please enjoy what "the rest of the world" enjoys as modern society. Porn, electricity, an economy so fucked up and complex that the brightest minds on earth can't save it, and... Well, the list goes on. Here's hoping you can find peace, if you never hit the "fortune and fame" route

Of course! Not the boring kind without occasional human sacrifice

I probaly in the future will move back to mexico since I speak 3 languages fluently (English, Spanish, Yucatec Maya) I could get a good job in Cancun or someplace where the money is at

This is OP

I mean yeah its cool, I got to see a form of it at Xcaret! when they preform it for the crowds but we never played it. We would play soccer mostly

lol they told me about El dorado. It was basically like saying up your ass and to the left. Its a joke. I would ask my mom for trivial things like where my dad had gone for the day and she would spit back "he went to go look for el dorado"


Cool man. Interesting to hear about your life story, sorry the religious got to you and your people. I don't like that they basically brainwash through Pavlovian tactics to push their religion. It sounds like people may have benefited somewhat, but its just a really weird and lopsided cultural encounter. Some cultures with more technological advancements feel entitled, and maybe even obligated, to "save" the indigenous from their "outdated" lifestyles before they cant catch back up. Different when you look at it from the grand scheme of things I suppose, because that could be a real concern, and then its like, 'hey, why'd you leave us behind!'

any last questions before I go to sleep? Ill start another thread tomorrow btw

what are you thoughts on the popol vuh?

its kinda like the bible but since most of use were illiterate we would share the stories verbally like how man was made from maize and we took the stories with a grain of salt but it was fun to learn about our ancient culture and what people used to beleieve

How did the culture decline over a few thousand years from building magnificent stone buildings to now living in refrigerator boxes?

we spread out into the jungles and sperated also the constant barrages of white people trying to "better our lives" fucked us over pretty hard.

What's it like being a nigger?

Sure, blame white people, dirty fucking nigger. Your culture was fucked way before whites arrived. Quit blaming others for your own failings.

wrong continent. roll again.

>implying there aren't niggers on every continent.
roll again nigger

If you're not white, you're a nigger. Hate to be the one to break the news to you kiddo.

nah it wasnt. Most scientist say that a drought would have fucked us over but clearly it didnt because A: were are still here and B: Most of the water we use comes from underground rivers and wells

Mayan culture of old is believed to have fell into ruin and migration/dispersal after what is suspected overuse of soil without replenishment, thus creating an inability to produce crops to sustain such a large population for the area, in a nutshell.

also niggers didnt smoke my homeboy Harambe

Niggers from around the world: 1
Whites: 0

that could be true around places like chichen itza or tulum but nowhere else really

>inb4 angry white folks

any rebuttal from the whites? No okay niggers win.
GG everyone goodnight

That's just what I know the current researchers to have believed as of about three-four years ago. Theories could have changed for all I know