LSD is one of the most potent and healing (not only treating) psycho-pharmaceutical known to mankind. For decades...

LSD is one of the most potent and healing (not only treating) psycho-pharmaceutical known to mankind. For decades, roughly from 1950-1970 until its banning by US-government, it was used and researched by psychiatrists and medical doctors with very positive outcomes. It was used to heal depression, anxiety (for example of the terminal ill) and to beat addictions. The original alcoholics anonymous healing plan involved taking LSD!

Beside medicinal use, LSD enriched the lives of many people both artistically and spiritually, see the Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World).

Others were scientifically inspired. The PCR method in biology (Worth the Nobel Price) was explicitly invented with the use of LSD! Steve Jobs said the LSD-experience was one of the most important experiences of his life.

Never did anybody die directly from an LSD overdose.

There is no scientific basis for a strict ban of LSD and I am happy that an increasing amount of people use legal LSD-analogs like 1P-LSD ( and that it is increasingly discussed in media
(Bill maher: )
and science (PNAS: )

Other urls found in this thread:

Heres some rare material from the great era of LSD. A doctor gives LSD to a regular housewive for research purposes. Her reaction is very interesting:

Does anybody has had some bad effects or even a horrortrip on LSD or mushrooms? I would like to hear storys because I mostly hear positive experiences

Its basically psychosis, so yeah, ive gone through bad psychosis. Its easy to get out of if youre not a scrub though. You just gotta let go and let it happen. See where it brings you.

I took shrooms in the netherlands in a ceremonial setting lead by some kind of shaman (he had learned from shamans in south america) in a big tipi and together with about 20 other people.

I had experience with LSD, but the shrooms were very different. LSD is clear on your mind, more abstract and less emotional. The spirit of the mushrooms on the other hand dragged me down to the floor were I lied in a strange delirium between dream and psychedelic vision. I had visions of old mayan pyramids mixed with my own memories. On LSD the visions are crystal clear and high in detail. The earthy visions of the mushroom-spirit were more confusing and very exhausting to my mind and body.

It was kind of a difficult experience but I am still happy that I had the opportunity to link myself with this spirit.

remind me user why it was banned

What did you take and did the trip never end or did you get lasting fears from the experience itself?

political and economical reasons, not scientific ones.

In the 60s the hippies formed a strong counterculture, branching of in ecological, spiritual, human rights and piece movements. In short, they were disrupting the vietnam war and big industries. Thats why it was banned, together with THC and cheap and usefull substances.

In essence, every substance was banned that didnt have billion-dollar industries behind they´re back.

>Took mushrooms and LSD once
>Helped me understand my 'mental conditions'
>Showed me the truth of the world
>Always suggest it to people I'm close to

Only one 'negative' thing to come of taking those substances; every surface I look at either moves or breathes.

Since when do you have these lasting effects? A period of high use or a single high-dose event?

I ask because after some months of rather high use (evey 2 weeks) I see visions when going to sleep (no the actual dreams, but before sleeping). They feel very natural and I dont mind, just think its interesting.

I went through actual psychosis. I didnt take anything except an acute lack of sleep. Oh, i also did shrooms a couple times. Thats how i figured out they were pretty much the same thing.

The effects of the trip depend entirely on you. If youre a fag who cant accept himself, both bad and good, youll probably have a bad trip whenever you start to think about the parts you dont like about yourself. This will lead to lasting fears.

>did the trip never end
Are you seriously asking this? Are you twelve?

Does anyone have experience with DMT?

just because you were manic doesn't mean that you're not a fag. in fact, you're probably manic now this delusion that you are not.

I sold acid for a while because a guy I knew had a connection to a really shady mexican dude who somehow had access to huge amounts of it. Bought like 4 sheets of it at bulk rates and made some money selling it at 15 bucks a tab. I didn't have the balls to try it myself for the longest time, but a few months ago I took a tab. It gave me depersonalization disorder and now I want to die. It was tested and everything. Thanks LSD!

One big dosage, both times.

Now I can't help but see synchronization everywhere as well as auditory and visual 'hallucinations'.

I really, really like this picture.

I have visions when going to sleep, the same way, but I've never fucked up my brain with LSD. It is a very natural thing and there's probably a medical term for it. Probably Hypnagogic Somethingorothers.

Things that happen naturally to humans aren't caused by some rad drug you took, morons.

What are the symptoms of depersonalization? May it be that you had a strong, ego dissolving experience and you have to figure out what you are in context of this universe to construct a new, more advanced ego?

Were all fags. Youre preaching to the choir.

In life there are fags, and people who dont know that theyre fags, whether its denial or obliviousness.

Also, if youre referring to how i used the word fag in my previous post, Im actually not. I accept myself.

Psychedelics greatly enhance your senses, your perception and the interconnectedness of your brain functions (source: ).

This experience can alter how the brain works on the long run. This is what many users try to achieve. To enhance brain function and perception.

Done natural and synthetic hallucinogens. You fuckin don't need them. I can see and experience much, much more without and have more control. Drugs are the lazy trippin

Pretty much agree with this totally.

I took LSD for the first time at the tailend of a very long lasting depression. I had between 3-4 hits and it was more than enough. There were very uncomfortable times, but you have to remember that it's all in your mind. LSD showed me exactly how the way I operate and how it contributed to my personal unhappiness. It is very hard to explain how this is done. I'll try my best.

You know how when you normally think thoughts to yourself, the way you analyze them and act (or not) based on them is unique to you? Everyone has their own thought process and they know how it feels to go through it.

Well on LSD, your "regular" thought process is heavily modified. Here's the catch: the thoughts that float through your mind while tripping hard will not follow your "normal" thought process and therefore will (should) teach you things about yourself. You will have realizations about yourself that you might not be able to see otherwise. In order to get the most out of LSD, you must at peace with whatever the drug chooses to show you. It may be euphoric, it may be sobering, it may feel scary or really uncomfortable at times. At the end though, you can expect a very strong feeling of peace like nothing you've ever felt before.

It is also very common to feel a very strong sense of compassion for other living beings while tripping, and a very strong perspective that you ARE others and others ARE you. Everyone and everything exists in the same medium and is therefore connected, brought together because everything is made of energy in a certain form.

I hope you enjoy your trip for whatever it is.

Yeah? You can just recreate the experience of LSD at will with your mind? Why don't I believe you?

Because you're retarded.

what you were saying would have a lot more validity if you had some sort of qualifications in biology or chemistry or some other physical science, however it's probably safe to assume you're just a skeevy dead head that gets butthurt when people call him a loser for tripping all the time.

A retard with an engineering degree. Lol fuck off.

You guys should recognize that people are different. There are many ways to spiritual and healing experiences. Meditation, Prayer, Yoga, Singing but also Ayahuasca, LSD, mushrooms and other substances. People should search and find they´re own spiritual practice. -keep in mind that peoples preference might change in different stages of their lifes. This includes you.

Your argument as presented is egocentrical and short-sighted.

It takes practice, discipline, courage and curiosity.

Nah hes right. If you meditate enough, you can do it for free. Its why i never went back to psychs. Its a combination of deep trance and diffusive thought thats powerful enough to trick your senses. As i mentioned before, its basically psychosis. Theyre the same thing.

Hippies take drugs to get there.
Monks meditate to get there.
The mentally ill have brains that are dysfunctionally designed to do it to the point where they cant control it at all.


ahaha I just got my master of science in biochemistry and will do a phd in the metabolic engineering of a lysergic acid producing fungus^^

Also: Dont trust me just by my words. I can show you alot of external sources and scientific papers that I build my argument on. Just ask questions or look for yourself, as is your preference.

No it's not. I happen to agree the vehicle is up to the individual. I state only it's not necessary. However, I've tried it all.

Ah, information. Thank you.

Appeals to ethos are done by only the most ignorant. Facts are facts. Check it yourself and use a logic filter to weed out the bullshit.

No problem. I, too, questioned the fuck out of this shit at one point. I was actually full fedora at one point.

A lot of it is garbage. Whats not is fucking astounding. Diamonds in a pile of shit, basically.

exactly. Done drugs but prefer changing my brain chemistry through meditation. Have a brother that is schizophrenic and in his lucid moments we compare notes.

How was your trip do you remember anything about it.

>>stroking your cat on acid

It's called HPPD, when you get it, it mostly wears off if you don't do psychedelics for a couple of weeks or months, depends. In a few rare cases, it never really goes away though

Fuck. you must be one of my coworkers. You can't even design a karakuri rack properly, you dick.

Actually, I just came here to troll.

Once this guy did LSD and DMT at same time.

So he got to experience what a dying schizophrenic off his/her meds gets to experience?

i do DMT all the time. its neat. its like acid i guess, just doesn't last long.

now I'm into 5-AEO-DMT, DMT analogue that is stronger and lasts longer. pretty cool stuff. you can get it online, shipped to USA cheap. I got a few grams right next to me :)

I like DMT more than acid because its not a fucking day or two investment and has less of a chance to mind fuck you.

also the AEO-DMTs can be hella trippy

>Randomly started browsing the internet for funny videos whilst tripping
>Stumble upon OneyNG for the first time
>Leo and Satan series
>episode where that guy cuts off the bus driver's face and wears it
>guy looks at me intently through the screen like he's about to jump through
>I get scared for a second then me and my friend start to enjoy it
>video begins to be hilarious as intended
>start worshiping satan as we find more fucked up videos
>realize I've been watching that 5 minute video for 4 hours
>I finally remember I have a dick and go piss

How long does DMT last?
And why not do shrooms instead then, that's only a 4-7 hour trip, depends, and you can lemon tek it to make it stronger and shorter

im I do acid and DMT together all the time, throw in some nox and you really take off.
last month i stacked 15 hits of acid and smoked AEO-DMT all day while doing nox.
wasn't even the hardest I've tripped but needless to say I experienced indescribable shit.

also im borderline schitz. speed makes me full on hear-voices nuts

Not this guy but my strongest experience with DMT was very memorable to me.

I took one good hit out of a glass pipe (dunno the dose, maybe 20-30mg) and kept it in my lungs forever (k, maybe 30s).
The world quickly looked like shattered, colored glass and was moving faster and faster. I lost touch to my body and didnt know if I breath or not. This was the come-up and lasted 1 min.
Then I peaked into a vision (no difference if eyes were open or closed, I just saw it). I got to look into a wide space filled with mathematically perfect flat planes. These planes were moving and building higher-dimensional shapes. First squares, then cubes and then different cubes folded into each other to build 4-DIMENSIONAL CUBES. I couldnt believe my eyes, but thats what I experienced. This space had more than 3 room-dimensions and so had the geometric buildings.

I came down with very strong synthasthesia, where every touch to the floor felt like liquid colors on my skin (hard to describe).

Intense 10 minutes I might say.

I just tripped this friday on 250ug with my friend, it was his first time on 150ug.
I was tripping balls, so was he, but he was a little more functional, so he kinda controlled the music, also because I wanted to let him hear whatever he wanted for his first trip.
We were hearing music from youtube, and through the whole night we kept asking eachother "is it a picture or a video" because we couldn't tell the difference hahaha, he kept texting his gf so she could give us an answer

At one point, he got his phone out and went on snapchat, on facecam and gave me the phone, I started laughing because there was a funny filter on, and I kept telling him to remove the filter, then he bursts out laughing and telling me there was no filter on, and we both laughed hysterically for 10 min, god damn that was great

We also watched Rick & Morty, fucking love that show, can rewatch it everytime I trip

DMT lasts like 15-30 minutes if you only smoke a bit. keep smoking it lasts longer.
DMT is also super easy to control dosage, unlike shrooms or LSD which can vary incredibly with even the same dose.
DMT has a better comedown than acid too. its a lot faster. I also think you can control your headspace more with DMT. acid sometimes takes you out of the fucking world and your just along for the ride. DMT can too but it never lasts very long.

So. Are the akashic records real?

Hmm, does it have cross tolerence as LSD and shrooms has?

Because usually I like the long trips, however I rarely trip on LSD, because I can't get the time for it, but shrooms are perfect for the weekends, however it would be great to just have a short trip in the weekdays if I wanted to

lol can't say but I have seen things I can only describe as god, I've seen the oneness of reality, the fabric I guess you might describe it as.
you really got to stack doses to see shit like that. 10 or more for me.

You also have to smoke DMT out of crack pipe
But its also literally the most natural and quickly metabolized drug because its already inside of you

>15 hits of acid

Very precise...

Oh, also, I have tripped around 7 times now, varying from 100ug-250ug and shrooms/truffles a couple of times as well. Colors don't really get any bright, like I heard they would, things just get very alive and such, but colors doesn't change much, other than they get pretty interesting, they don't go all neon bright or anything

On the 250ug, I did experience colors changing though, but haven't experienced the bright contrastness

I don't seem to get DMT tolerance much at all. as for acid I never do it for days in a row so I'm not sure.

Yes DMT also binds to the 5-HT2A receptors (some kind of master-switch to alter whole-brain functions) as do Psylocin and LSD. DMT doesnt build up tolerance, but it is effected by LSD or shroom cross-tolerance. I know this by records, didnt experience it myself.

I had the experience that DMT has a very high tolerance for about 30min, where I somehow couldnt trip again. Can anyone confirm this?

I don't care about the specifics of your tripping balls you faggit
You'll just keep doing it until you don't know how many you've done and you'll see more and more crazy shit
Into the rabbit hole we go, Nigger!

I smoke it on top of California poppy (used to smoke it on top of weed but i don't smoke weed now)
California poppy is kind of like tobacco but more lame. I only use it as something to hold DMT or when I'm strung out on amphetamines because it kind of helps you relax.


I can kinda explain
Its because your body takes 30 minutes to fully metabolize all the DMT you put in your body
Once its done metabolizing all that shit the tolerance dies down fast because its a normal ass god damn molecule for your body to have

mfw I met up with a bunch of anons and dropped cid

A meth pipe not a crack pipe

>I had the experience that DMT has a very high tolerance for about 30min, where I somehow couldnt trip again. Can anyone confirm this?
not for me. I can keep smoking DMT and trip harder and harder, and it lasts longer and longer when I keep going.
I smoked like 250mg in 10 minutes and my trip lasted for 5 hours after stopping. if you smoke like 10-15mg your trip lasts like 20 minutes.

Why would you want to do that? I hate mixing drugs together mostly the first few times because I feel like it ruins the pure experience

>One and a half thumbprints

Yeah, that'll happen.

This is horribly innacurate and is confirmed for being a faggot

do what? california poppy isn't a drug. its used in tea and shit. if you smoke it it kinda chills you out but just barely.

lol, if you say so. I have no reason to make shit up.

I meant the weed in times past user

that was crack you were smoking


Dude you could literally just be some really weird faggot who likes to bullshit other people on Sup Forums, how are we supposed to know

I saw the fabric of reality once for a short period of time. Laughed my ass off at my own foolishness. Just to check, did it make it seem like everything was both meaningful and meaningless at the same time, thus giving you both a sense of peace and freedom?

Don't you think he would like die? Or at least freak the fuck out

oh, lots of people smoke DMT on weed. they don't really mix anyway.
you want a bad combo do speed and DMT. lots and lots of speed. terrifying.

crack doesn't make you trip

No one knows anything, no ones posts matter, were all gonna die.

Go with it and keep posting.

Get over it faggot, we live in 2016, where it is a schedule 1 drug, where we know it has no medicinal benefits and can actually HARM people. Sounds like you need to do some research

yeah then dont listen to me, just giving my 2c here. i dont care if you believe me.

did it make it seem like everything was both meaningful and meaningless at the same time, thus giving you both a sense of peace and freedom?
no i was basically in awe for the duration, pure amazement, disbelieving that my mind was capable of rendering such experience.

fuck I want to know that feel

fucking government holding back my progression as an enlightened being

Wasn't LSD initially developed by the military as a means of incapacitating opposition through use as an aerosol, but scrapped due to the chemical being far too fragile?

LSD was invented by a drug loving chemist, it was used in fucked experiments by the government though. project MKUltra, super fucked up.

Nope it was made by albert hoffman a dutch chemist

Tripping balls with the government.. can't imagine a worse experience

Interesting. We must go deeper. The rabbit hole must have a bottom.

Hope it won't cure my


>>muh government is looking out for me. Only big pharma drugs have health benefits.

Plz, dont be so american.

yeah just for kicks ill tell you about one of my hardest trips, on probably less than 300ug of LSD (remember I have done over 1500ug at once and not triped as hard - this is what I mean by acid and shrooms being highly variable even on the same dose - depends on environment/mindset)

was with my best friends, have been living together since I was kicked out of the house at age 18 for having joint papers under my matress, lol. needless to say we were confortable around eachother. was probably 21 years old. one of my buddies was already an acomplished DJ at the time and spend the day mixing, we recorded a 12 hour mix that I still have today. its pretty good.
anyway we are tripping, smoking cigs and weed, chilling, I start seeing things light up in scrolling colors...
I start feeling my cigarette, like feeling what its like to be the cig.
I start feeling what its like to be the conversational mood in the room
I start feeling what its like to be the immediate relationship between my and my pals - super surreal
I lose the ability to decipher language, my pals understand and I'm just happily watching people chat, not understanding a fucking thing
my senses begin to swap, I can see the music, I can feel what I am looking at, I hear what I touch, everything incredibly vividly.
at this point I can't actually see the room around me, maybe I can hear people talk but I can't understand them or recognize speech as speech. I can hear what I'm touching (maybe?)

insanity. after I came down I spent about 8 hours laying in a room while everyone else slept hearing the silence as an incredibly loud crashing scream. like a car accident that never ends, was pretty fucking lame.

not the last time I experience sense swapping or new senses but the only time it was so obvious and extreme.

Youre making me pretty hype. I have some san pedro out back I plan on using a bit of soon. I have some areas of concern within myself and i plan on using it to work through those.

I had a bad trip once where I felt the world closing in around me. Sort of faded to black. I had a sense that if I didn't fight it I would "wake up" from this reality and have to start again. Every now and then, like when I'm bored at work I'll have another bout of that "feeling". I'll have a mild panic attack for a split second. I try to rationalise it but I could be onto something.
I have a strong feeling that we have something to learn from each life cycle. We are everything. Everything is every one. It's a form of terror that feels so pure it almost feels right. I think if I let it fade to black, I would almost instantly wake up in a new body. Fade to black and see world as a newborn with no memories. I don't feel I'm done with this life cycle and I do love my family. I'll stay in this one as long as I can.

I watched my best friend go into a full blown seizure while we were all peaking in the middle of the woods at 3am. So as you could guess that was a less fun trip

Hahahaah, I just wanted to hear if anyone else see very bright enhanced colors, because I feel like I'm missing out! But damn I wanna try a 300-400ug trip next time!

>san pedro
I'm guessing that's LSD?
im my experience who your with makes the trip, if you want to seek your demons acid is a good tool but don't do it with your silly friend, do it with the friend you can have deep conversations with. and don't do it alone.
and dont forget you control your mind, start having a bad trip you can always bring yourself out of it with thought control - though you may be too gone to remember that.

the more comfortable you are in your setting and with the people around you the better your trip will be. if your mind has to spend all of its time making sure its acting socially acceptable your trip will suck. my best trips have been with my GF because I can be myself completely around here and no one else.

Thx for sharing.

If you wanna trip real hard on low doses try doing Yoga on the come-up (focus on your breathing, your senses and just listen to surroundings without judging them.). After that, meditate. Sit in a chill position and close your eyes. Feel your interiors, listen to surrounding, again, without judging or interpreting them. You will see intense CEV´s but again, dont focus on them, just let them happen. You manage to peel of what makes you human (emotions, interpretations, etc.) step by step. Then your body loses meaning and enter the spirit realm with a cleaer spirit and perfect memory (since the dose wasnt high). I achieved a full out-of-body experience with time-travel to see myself from the perspective of a different person on 150µg with this technique.

just prepare to loose your ability to understand speech. it can be awkward when you suddenly realize you and your pal have been chatting for 20 minutes about two entirely different things and are from that point on unable to get back on the same page. after a wile things just start to sound insane and youll just stop talking lol.
this always happens when you do more than 300-400ug in my experience, at least for a few hours.

Usually acid makes everything funny. Just looking at my friends or hearing music can set of my laughing lol always have very tired facial muscles by the end of it too

yeah I have been meditating for years and it comes second nature now, it really makes a huge difference in tripping. I can even reach euphoria and see some crazy stuff sober if i meditate for a long time.


I wanna meet up with some and drop, I live in Denmark

I also witnessed such thing. The surrounding people were experienced trippers and spiritual persons and used spells (no joke) to heal him in 5 minutes.

For this they stopped making music and 2 of them started making healing hissing-sounds and gestures above his body. One girl started humming a calming song. Then she used the smoke of a cigarette to "clean" the air around him with prayers.

He went from lying on the floor, crying and shaking back to normal in 5 minutes.

Most crazy shit ive seen concerning psychedelics.

>start worshiping satan as we find more videos