/cum/ Canada, Us, and Mexico

Annex Canada edition

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*falls down the stairs*

I want Canada to be part of the US, but not be allowed to vote in presidential election.

Business idea: Annex Canada but don't allow them to vote in federal elections

this is a no bullying zone

I reckon its time for you lads to give Latvia an overseas territory in NA

Business idea: return to a strict interpretation of the Constitution

That's not how it works buddy

me and the GF

Great job

>tfw hard mode feels like mormal mode now
I'm moving on up guys

You can have Cuba once we liberate it

You should help your brother Norway, he has emotional trauma.

Is mormal an extra kind of Mormon normal?

I meant normal

cant be the somali cock

You guys have a significant community in Lincoln, Nebraska.

It's where my grandparents settled when they came to the US.

If its too much trouble to get one in NA. Im fine with getting our former colony Tobago back, I mean it still has people with Latvian surnames there.

Business Idea: Annex Canada and sell it for parts

Your flag looks like a window

We'll just declare them a territory.

>U.S. soil
>U.S. citizens
>Can't vote in Federal elections

reminder that God is the only thing separating us from animalistic impulses

Watching Predator over lunch break lads

TPP dead
Keystone saved
NAFTA to be renegotiated

Man, this is some winning.

get to the microwave

27th for classic boosie


I don't believe the Washington religious level. There's a church on every corner there.

Can't, it takes 15 minute to walk to my friend's dorm and I only have an hour

thank kami i'm not a god damn WEEB

>not running

Canadians must be so embarrassed of their prime minister. What an asshat.

>when I could sit here and watch old Arnie movies

stop making fun of my disease you cis scum



I don't believe in god, but if I ever have kids I'm definitely gonna take them to church. Religious practices are generally good for learning self-discipline.

umm, I know u r but what am I sweetie

Also learning the value of community. I'm in the same boat bud. My kids will be Christian or at least have a Christian foundation like me.

It doesn't work if you don't enforce it at home

How are the Appalachia states not blood red? You can actually smell the cough syrup in the air around here.

Hey mexibros, I just got accepted into a study abroad program in Querétaro City. Is it a nice place?

Look at the legend


Church is a boring slog that takes time away from them playing with friends or enjoying the weekend, on a day where they would be relaxing and preparing for the next school week. If you don't make it a choice they will likely grow up to resent it and feel like it's an arbitrary punishment if you're forcing them to go even when they have good grades and are well mannered.

Watching Bongwater rn lads, what should I make as a snack?

Typical no discipline answer.

If you do take them to a church, take them to a performance of Messiah or a cantata. Even as a kid I enjoyed those.

I was bamboozled again.

Discipline=good. Arbitrary discipline through an institution that preaches ideals which 99% of its own followers do not exemplify in the slight=resentment and fedora tipper by the time they're 15.


i get turned on when i hear the voice of a black male whispering the word ''juicy''.


vocaroo thread?

i'm hungry

Welfare was a mistake.

*autistic screeching*


winter storm is starting to hit. let's see if we actually end up with the ~10 inches that were predicted

christ that scared me. why the fuck would they use the darkest color to show low illicit drug use jesus fucking christ. also nice, we're lowest drug use. have another religious map

I despised church as a kid and never understood what the fuck was going on. I didnt come to respect it until my late teens when I studied in college, it's a waste as a kid

>North Dakota

>tips cascadia


Oh, I plan to be way more strict and disciplined at home with my kids than my parents were with me. I mean, I won't go insanely overboard, but for all the things my parents did right which was most things, they definitely coddled me way too much.

Killing with kindness is something that so many people in the postmodern era have trouble wrapping their minds around.


Might be different for Catholic mass, which is more ritualistic and has a sense of mystical depth. Protestant service is like self-improvement lectures where they talk about not worrying about your finances and being a moral person. Even as a kid I felt like this had no relevance to me and looked down on the people who went there for moral support.



ur mums gonna end up with 10 inches either way m8




people are pretty ass hurt about him, huh?

ah yes
the so called /cum/ thread


Only the people that matter



Indeed my friend, Indeed
>catcha: avenida avenue

took a picture of my butt this morning
just woke up at 3

Did someone mention general Vapeman?

y tho

I can only wonder how leftists handled him killing TPP.

im up all night programming

Why would you take a picture tho

Gimme some VAPEMAN

It was probably pretty awkward for them. I imagine they don't talk about it.

During the election I glanced at the Bernie reddit a few times and some voters said since Bernie was failing they'd switch to Trump because "at least he's against the TTP unlike Hillary". That place was full of amusing posts.

What the fuck
google something


not seeing any problems

if you go to worldnews or politics and click any thread about the tpp it's full of people saying how terrible it is because now china will swoop in and take over the world. not even shitting you.

Thank you

They must be going insane since Bernie said he's willing to work with Trump to bring jobs back.

Trump could massively increase taxes on the 1%, pass universal healthcare, and legalize weed and the left would still find a way to complain about him.

They have gone off the deep end with Trump. He literally can't do a single thing that would appease them.



You didn't answer the call, /cum/


>pumpkin pie
wasnt gonan eat that shit anyway

Excellent. It will only further divide the left.

Why do I keep seeing these Bogdanoff's? Who are they?