How many atheists does it take to change a light bulb? None...

How many atheists does it take to change a light bulb? None, because they don't believe it exists and prefer to stay in the darkness.

Other urls found in this thread:

How would they know it needed changing?

This now a Hentai Thread


Did someone read a church sign on the way to chicken nuggets this morning? Mommy and I are proud.


the light bulb is a lie!

Trap thread












Why did God create evil? Christians tell us that God is loving, yet God created evil to torment His human followers.





Anybody here?


He didn't do this.


Do you want to free the slaves in Hawaii?
Sign the petition, enforce the 13th Amendment!
>AP story on the slaves

How many Christians does it take to change a bulb? None, because they think that God will do another miracle, and do it for them.









Yeah boi

Your logic is rather funny. In fact, you blame people who do know believe in what is written in four books, that you consider as the definitive truth. At the same time, when 22 other books telling a different version of the same story are found, Christians consider that they are not valid. So the truth from 4 is more valid than the truth coming from 22 others...

Well, the God supersides any boundary, and the gender as well, whan we say, for example, divinity.

Not gonna lie, that joke was pretty solid. Good job bot.

Fuck off spammy cunt
