Whatever the palm of yourleft hand is touching has now turned into solid gold. How fucked are you?

Whatever the palm of yourleft hand is touching has now turned into solid gold. How fucked are you?

My dick.

Made a few bucks, probably just enough to buy that thing again.

my foot

Implying I have a left hand

Holy shit guys I was touching the air we are all going to suffocate now, on the bright side I am probably the richest person ever now and quite possibly the last.

I was leaning on the back of my left hand, so I guess I get nothing.

Even a gold head would have been cool.


You just turned my desk into solid gold. I think I just became filthy rich.

They will me gold cheek.

my forehead, fuck!

My pillow ,I'm rich?

A glass of water. Not fucked at all.

my cat
>mfw i can finally hand this one over to the asians

Laptop now solid gold. Thanks OP.

Well, my laptop is now solid gold.
>time for a nice new laptop, and enough left for hookers and blow to keep me happy for a couple of weeks.

I was holding a plugged extension cord. I guess I'm toast.

It was a chopstick....

tfw my chair is now my new golden throne

is my shitty kindle fire hd 3rd gen suddenly less shitty?

my computer chair

Air, I guess we all die

Muh 100 lb coffee table. And my laptop. Gon' be alright, son.

My belly, good thing I'm chubby, I'm stinking rich now. :D

iPhone4. Good fucking deal, thanks OP

The wall of my house. I am now Donald Trump.

Muh guitar, Fuck yeah

>Gold Keyboard.

Air, we are all fucked

i was fisting my aunt up the arsehole.........result!

I was getting to my car...
I'm guessing I'm not going to make it to work, but I think it's gonna be okay...

A razer deathstalker keyboard in solid gold.

a golden folding meter stick

Fuck yeah my weed pipe this is nice yesyes!

My pubes

your also dead

my nuts


Pros. I'm a fucking millionaire because I have like 30 kg of pure solid gold.
Cons. I lost my left leg.


How fucking fat are you?

My butt and assault are good then. (Just finished wiping)

i sure as hell turned into goldfinger

your leg alone is 30 kg? jesus you have a giant BMI, you fatty. and surely you're not an amerifat using the metric system.

I now have a solid gold 2009 jetta tdi. I'm fucking rich!!

Nothing time to find something cool to turn to gold.

>Not realizin that gold is heavier than meat

cup of tea, hopefully the tea doesn't turn to gold on its way down

My fucking desk


I now have one golden foot. Are you happy now?

My chest. I was really pressing it against my chest just as I read.


I am 1.82 cm tall and weight around 115kg. Maybe my leg is less. I have always seen them as humungous hams tho hahahaha.

my jaw

A huge field of grass?
>hell yes

Why would I be fucked? A solid gold cup would be awesome

my cell would've turned to solid gold, nice one

My left palm was touching my right forearm when I read this, so I've either been turned into:

a) Solid gold
b) Jaime Lannister

Did I just win the thread?

My left palm touches nothing but air. The whole atmosphere is now gold so everyone's fucked.

My right elbow


My... my dick.

My houses atmosphere

You do realize that would be waaaaaaaaaaay heavier then that right ?

except you'd be rich

Bad news is my dick just turned to gold.

Good news is women will love me now.

Bad news is can't use dick to fuck.

A mattress

you can bend and hammer it longer

Yeah but what's the point if I can't feel?

Well I guess I don't got a phone anymore.

what's the point in living ?

my face

Solid gold shorts.
Thanks OP.

left palm wrapped around right wrist. Fuck. kinda cool bracelet tho skin tight

Blanket. That would be little painful because it is on me. Would weight like hundreds of kilograms. If i do kot get crushed at the moment, i would be rich as hell

Leaning back on chair with hand against wall. My house is gold now?

You need to work out, you obese bastardo

I love Gold!

golden nipple ;)

Im not fucked at all, i got a huge golden chair estimated to be 400kg of gold, im set for life.

i was rubbing my eye vigorously, so now i guess i have a


Well, I guess my cat is fucked but the good news is I now have 25 lbs. of gold.

Yass! A solid gold iPhone!

> Hivemind-des?

My left boob is now fucking gold.

I'll be ok

> tripsget

my face

> tits
> gtfo

same, guess we are fucked

Solid gold couch.

Kek kek kek

The value of gold would drop to just about nothing. You'd have no riches

A giant rock. At least 200 tonnes heavy.

You, I like you.

OP said PALM, dumb ass, not your left wrist.

Summer has ended.
Please leave.

Not fucked. Down a phone but up a bar of gold. Thanks op

I went to grab it with my left hand to put it on and voila

My scrotum. This is awkward.


We are all fucked.