Lets get a civ thread going

Lets get a civ thread going.

1 Decides.

a land shark appears

Mountains are actually volcano, erupts killing everyone and all food sources

The townsmen build 2 farms to west of the red city


Sexy time and double population


The red dots are people, not city.

an hero everyone, make new spawn

sink island

burn the people

build helicopter

send a person to hunt

this thread sucks, 404 it

Build a farm

1 is impossible. The populace goes into a state of unrest and attack each other. Only 1 durvives. Mating is no impossible.

Ok mate. The person seems to be the only living being on the island

a goatse sinkhole appears offshore

Genetic testing goes horribly wrong and creates man eating zombie and every one dies. Somehow makes creates attraction

dig a hole


1 man left digs a hole


bury last one alive in hole game over

Dig a hole

and there you have it


Everyone die, but turn into man eating zombies as well.
Pop +1.
Food will only come from live creatures.

Zombies reproduced? Fuck that. Govt fire bombs the zombie scourge

Zombie people begin farming native animals.

Forgot to mention 4 decides.

You summon a Balrog.

pop +1 herds zombies into enclosure and farms them for zombie teet milk

Zombies create mass quantiy of nuclear weapons and plot to take overy the world

Zombies spread around and gather ressources, such as food, plants, wood etc.

Normie winrar.

You find 3 sheep. -1 food every turn.
Also +5 res.

3 decides.

Dwarf army emerge from the hills and fortify the mountains against the zombies

A lone survivor of the zombie apocalypse washes up on the green island to the north east.


Banana-men settle on the uppermost small island

Search for branches and start a fire

Start a weed farm
Kill the sheep to please the gods

Explore landscape tirelessly because zombies don't need sleep

Equip population with spears