How do you guys deal with having no friends?

How do you guys deal with having no friends?

I got used to it. Now I don t want any. All they do is lie and steal and backstab.

Sup Forums

why dont you have any friends user?

Think of it as having less problems

This unfortunately ;(

I think maybe one day I will have a bunch of friends

I feel happy to see other people with friends, in some small way I feel included by observing them.

I have great dreams where I do have friends and think about that when I wake up, maybe that was a window into a reality where it's going well for me

I try to stay positive, I don't want to get bitter about it.

just go to a local youth house like I did
I've learned quite a few people there and now we regularly hang out for drinks, parties or just some Pokemon GO

I used to, but I think I made jokes they didn't like, that I acted too weird, wasn't in their rich snobby subculture, didn't like drinking that much, didn't mind talking too ''the weird kid'' or a bit of all of those things. Now it's not like I get bullied or something, I just don't have any real friends...

why dont you have any friends?

you work, go to school? what do you do?
why dont get a membership for a sport or something an try and meet new people? not all people are dicks.

---> :)

weed and internet fam. That's the secret

I go to school yes, don't do any sports (anymore). I'm in my last year, then I'll got to college. Maybe there I'll meet more people like me. Here's to hoping anyways :]

I am really fucking shy and bad at staying social. I do not fit in with the culture here (drinking and clubbing)
I was bullied in school for my fatness and height (both have since resolved) and just developed an inability to develop deep friendships. I can get on with people just fine

I have yet to meet people here who are into the same things as me.

The same way I deal with everything else: badly.

Same, except the shy and fat/height part. Maybe you're supposed to just try the clubbing etc. in order to get it and make friends. Sitting at home won't get me friends anytime soon. I get on with people okay too, so maybe I can just ask people to take me with em if that's not a weird thing to do

I have a shit ton of friends though

How did you make em

everyone loses friends at some point, say you graduate high school and all your friends scatter around the country to study, it's normal but people make a big deal out of it and say they will never have friends again...

If you stay at home all week and don't do shit, no wonder you have no friends, I'm at the stage right now where I had to leave town because no $$ and left all friends behind, lived like this for a solid 6 months now.

It's possible to find friends wherever you go, if you go to college, there's plenty of new people to meet, it's easy you just got to get past the "hi, whats your name?" and your good. Same when you go to work you get to meet your co-workers.

You only have no friends if you do nothing about it, if you don't want friends then don't talk to people, it's easy but for fucks sake don't cry about it and say you'll never have any friends

yeah that's the part that gets me, staying in contact and being invited out/ making plans with people is a foreign concept to me

True, when I go to college I'll try to meet nice people. I'm a lot better at it now than I was as a 12 y/o dumb kid that laughed at rape jokes and shitty memes, so I think it'll go pretty well.

Same, same. I got 2 "friends" that ask me to drink at times but thats pretty much it.

Learn to be happy on your own.

Any tips?

some people seem to think they forgot how to make friends again since probably the last time they did it was a decade ago when they were still kids. But it's easy really, pro tip: make sure to talk to as many people on day one as possible, everyone is awkward and nervous and has no friends, even if you're not a confident person, pretend you are and go in for the kill. Everyones gonna want to be your friend because they'll see how approachable and easy going you are. If you wait a month to meet friends, chances are, the friend groups are already going to be formed and you'll be that person everyone's gonna look at and be "what's wrong with this guy?". I personally find it a confidence booster when everyone else is nervous too besides me, we tend to think we're the only ones that are scared but it affects anyone, that thought alone makes me confident and it makes me realize how silly it is to be nervous since everyone else is too and none are wiser.

Being in a new place, with new people can also mean a new and improved you. If you're bothered by your mistakes of the past, they pretty much don't exist now, you can 'pretend' to be cooler than you are and people will believe it. Over time it'll become second skin pretty much so make the best out of it.

>File: ohgodwhy.jpg

This is your problem OP, using these on Sup Forums. Faggot.

The ;( wasn't mine, but yeah sorry I'll avoid that stuff

Join an unpopular game community. Everyone know each other
Eg: Gun's of icarus

not the guy you were asking but I've some tips myself.

Make a list of all the things that you like and make a routine out of it.

For example, I like reading books, playing games, playing guitar and watching shows, thats a good few hours of my day, now dedicate each of those interests to a specific time of your day while still leaving room for whatever you 'have to do' like work, college/school and all that jazz. You do that then you get home and you're busy doing your thing, and by the time your routine is over, the day will come to an end and you just repeat. Sooner or later it'll become a habit and you won't feel bad for not socializing and all that stuff.
If that's not enough, start smoking weed, it makes everything better and pretty much doesn't get boring, and since you'll be on your own all the time it doesn't matter what people say like "weed is for losers" "you junkie" and all that shit, why would it matter if it makes you feel good and you're the only one it's affecting?

Thanks dude, very well worded and what I needed to hear. I'll certainly try really hard.

But is life fun that way? Because I do want to experience stuff, go to places, not just sit here you know? Is it ok to live life that way?

Cool man, you're welcome. I'll stop with all those advices but I just need to say one more thing so all I've said earlier works.

Be nice to people, but don't be afraid to say "no" when you feel like it, college is a time where peer pressure is real. In school you might be made fun of because your haircut isn't as fancy as the other people's, that's not a serious issue, but in college peer pressure has a more advanced form, like pressure to start smoking cigs/weed, drinking more than you can handle, going out every week or so. Don't feel like you're obligated to do those things, sure it'll make you cool, but you'll feel exhausted inside and to other people the image of a cool guy whos up to anything will be a norm. If you decide to say 'no' by then, it'll be considered an unusual behavior on your behalf, so make sure to establish yourself as things come at you.

I used to be saying 'yes' to everything because I had barely anything going on in my life so might as well, but after awhile i needed to learn how to say 'no' and it was hard since everyone was used to me saying the opposite. Don't make that mistake and don't blindly agree to everything. Being able to think for yourself will steer you into the right crowd, saying 'yes' to everything will lead you to crowds that will take advantage of you sooner or later, like asking for money, noone else will give it to them but since you say yes to everything you'll become the "go to" person for them to ask. Don't be anyone's bitch, don't hang out with 'cool kids' because you most likely will feel out of place and at parties you will be the guy approached by girls that will ask you for your friend's names rather than yours. If you want them to ask for your name, establish yourself as a thinking and concious person, it's gonna make you seem real confident, and confidence + humor = 10/10 even if you aren't great looking.

I've dealt with everything alone and got so used to it that nowadays I push away all the friends that come my way. I get sick of them and stop responding. I've come to love being alone and I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but yeah you get used to it

it's ok to live life however you want to, standards are only made on TV to make stupid people think they need to follow a certain path.

If you wanna go places then go, but if you feel like today you'll stay home all day and binge watch a show you're into then go for it. There's no recipe to a good life, what I might enjoy, you might not.

I lived most of my life on my own, got used to it, enjoyed it, but then I felt a void, like I needed to meet people. There are many opportunities to do that and at some stage you'll have to, you can't live off of your parents forever so sooner or later you need to get a job, that means new people to work with, that means you can establish new friendships and that means you can go out with people, have parties, talk to them when you feel like it, have a get together, maybe if you spend enough time with a female co-worker you can make her like you, then you get in there and you ask her out. Possibilities are endless, just because you're alone today doesn't mean it'll be that way forever, dwelling on it won't help either as you'll throw yourself into and endless pit where all you'll be talking to yourself about is how miserable and alone you are. Quit it and just do it, if you want friends then go and make them, nobody will hold your hand and tell you what to do, that's what being a kid is like, being an adult means being in control rather than being controlled.

Life is what you make it, if you want to live alone and be happy then go for it, if you want to experience things then theres a part of you that doesnt want to be alone so why BE alone?

browse maymays


Pretty much this.
Living peacefully on our own is not a problem, the problem occurres when we become uncapable to relate to other people even if we want to.

Benzos, weed, beer and porn.