I feel sick

I feel sick
I feel like everyone is "disgusting" (don't know how to describe this feeling maybe cringy)
I don't know why but everybody acts so stupid
almost everything they say is stupid and rude
why is everybody like this ?
well that's not what I want to know
what I want to know is another thing
do I have a problem? do I need to go to the
I wanted to kill myself because the feeling everybody gave me but now I don't want to do that anymore
anyways I'm still feeling empty nobody knows about that
I am a normal guy i've got friends etc
the only "weird" thing of my life is that
I've been abused for 5 years since I was 4 or so
my mother has beaten me a lotta times
But I think tjhat happened to everyone
anyways I also think that my parents are disgusting
and I don't want to live with them anymore
I don't want to hate nobody but why do I feel
like this I really dont know what to do
help me /b

Is there any kind of internet pyschologist I'm very ashamed to explain this shit to anybody unless it stays anonymous

how old are you? that could give a lot of info

I'm 17

I'm 17 y

alright, then email me, i think i can give you some ideas and help you out
[email protected]

I am sorry
I don't want people to know my real email therefore I can't email you .

no worries make some disposable spam account. helping you with your life issues in a Sup Forums thread will be hard.


>I've been abused for 5 years since I was 4 or so
my mother has beaten me a lotta times

Shit man, I used to eat from the floor when my mom threw it at me for being a bad kid. That's is no reason to be like that.
And you are 17, stop being a fag about it. You have problems, deal with them. Move away, do shit, learn about life.

Get control over yourself. Thoughts, energy, emotions. Then if you want you can make yourself feel the opposite or nothing.

How come? that sounds good

Hey dude/girl/f/whatever you are.... It's not unusual. One weird side effect of society is people have to learn how to polish thier shit and interact. People are not as superficial as they may seem, it's just the process of learning the manners that people use when comunicating with each other. Y'know like not mentioning someone has spinach in their teeth.

Getting used to it takes a while. Now you know that, it's easier just to give it a go. There's a chance you just want to say fuck that and do whatever. That only works if your shit is so cool you get famous and redefine cool. For most people that doesn't happen. I recommend learning social skills. hahahah it's not difficult. People are simple. You'll be fine.

truth be told, you are sick. there is still time to fight for a better life. forgive others user. i believe in you.

wow this sounds better yh I guess I'll keep being myself and try learning those social skills I've never thought society could be like this
I'd like to redefine "cool" but yh shit's hard

Don't we all. if you need to try, you're probably not the person who's gonna redefine it. Besides.. all those fuckers die at 24.

Be yourself, but recognize as we move out of our parents' basement and have to get a fucking job and pay the fucking bills.. a little bit of adjusting to other people is necessary. it's not hard, it's not a copout. it's just the way human beings are. we socialize. you'll be fine, honestliy. I was so fucking freaked out between like 17 and 21. I wish someone had told me this I might have listened by around 19.. Learn to interact.. learn some NLP if you can. It will give you confidence and you will never be run over.
Good luck .

You may be projecting deeply rooted feelings that you have about yourself on others. Also likely socially isolated so you take harmless things others do out of context and over analyze them. Am I on to something here op?

If you start to think everyone else in the world is the problem then you're the problem not the rest of the world.

No, you're just trying to be a cunt. And you're failing because you didn't even listen.

Oh, my child. Logic 101. Why would you seek advice from those you find disgusting???

Don't do it, there's so much to live for

I'm also a human , like them . I don't think that i'm a special snowflake this is actually really helpful hearing different opinions

Obviously smarter than you because I'm not on Sup Forums crying like a pussy about some dumb bullshit you can't change anything about. Also whatever happened to underage b&?

So true. I'm glad you're empowered by your smartness over me.
underage b&d but thread is dead in 2 mins. whatever, cuntface.

30y here, had the same problem with both very abusive parents, beat me until I could defend myself and always had to fight for whatever bullshit was going on.
Went to the psych and she told me that is normal to project the abusive behaviour of your parents on people you meet, and doing so you activate a sort of alert mechanism that makes you think that they'll try to hurt you.
You just have to keep in mind that they won't and start working on your social skills

Hey I turned down sex this morning because I was tired. Have fun jacking off until you hang yourself.

Exactly the reply I sought.

Since you can find the value in other humans to the point of seeking their advice to potentially incorporate into your very own life, you have ruled out the notion that they're disgusting. You have healed yourself.

Side note, that bit about snowflakes being unique is a myth. Same for fingerprints. Someone generalized and didn't someone actually going out and checking enough snowflakes / fingerprints to prove them wrong.

check 7cups, seek help from normal people, not Sup Forums