Is this a normal hairline or am I going bald?

Is this a normal hairline or am I going bald?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. You're definitely balding.
2. Don't worry about it. Nobody else cares if you have hair or not.

normal, suuure.

tons of guys lose hair. it really isnt that big of a deal. if you want a serious health issue, theres always cancer.

how can you not tell that your balding?
the answear is yes, you are balding

>mfw 22 and have this hairline

yes op u are balding

i cant tell if im balding, i always had this V hairline so i dont know

not so bad bro

You already know the answer to that.


>TFW my dad is almost 60 with thick only slightly graying hair.
Gotta love having good genes.

hair genes dont come from your dad retard

Balding gene is matriarchal.


likewise, 23 with a full head of thick hair

Alton brown?

well in time it will disappear, no need to sugarcoat it

Pretty typical brah. Can't really brag until you're at least 32

some balding. I can start to see mine coming through, look at my dad and its what it will be in 30yrs time and his dad and what it will be 50 years time.


yea that true his going bald faster the a white girl getting fucked on spring break

You can see the hair is getting thiner by the straw. Take finansteride and you never need to worry about balding again.

Is this bait??? If not your a faggot. Look at your moms dad u cucklord

going bald. Also, love your pornos.
Slaphappy were my favs.

wanna try that post again you mentally crippled asswipe?

no male on either side is even remotely balding and they are late 40's, yeah im gonna be just fine

how dare you slander my mentally crippled ass

My god user.

Words of truth right there.


Definitely balding. Looks like my hairline, but my hair is still thick as hell, so just grew it out and cover the ”horns.” legitimately have two protruding points that resemble horns :(

At least he has a sense of humor. The humble idiots are those I can befriend.

Read a book once. A simple internet search query completely proves all of you wrong. Both parents gene pools have an effect on someone's hair.
Dont be an idiot, check your facts before you spout nonesence.

It's only an issue of you haven't got yourself a wife yet.

Is balding the next step in human evolution? Think about it, we, as a species, gradually lose hair. We went from full coated neaderthals to man with minimal amount of hair. It's only natural progress.

Good and bad logic. Marriage = hambeast wife in a matter of time.

And... purchased

been using it for 4months and it worked wonders. best shampoo hands down.

Balding, sorry

Time to shave the rest off and pretend you chose that look to hide your shame

don't worry bro! you're just turning super saiyan!

Normal but could be a lot less bald. Not necessarily "balding" as in getting worse though. Lots of people go like that in their 20s but it doesn't get worse.

shit is called a widows peak. had one since i was a kid, starting to recede more every week though. im about a year away from shaving my head daily. fuck that side hair or tump comb over real men know when to call it.

Yer goin' bald mate.

its called losing your fucking hair

Tip for OP, cut it all off..
Might be awkard at first, but bald is better than denying getting bald.


But then I need a hat.

You're going Trump. Don't worry about it.

Let me give you some helpful advice in this non forgiving cyber sanctuary that we are in.

Balding is fucking manly. The reason why you are balding is because your body is overdosing on DHT hormones which is fuckin awesome and only for male. If you havent started balding by age 20 then i suggest you go and fucking kill yourself because nobody wants a beta cuck faggot who has so low DHT hormones that he is practically a women.

balding4life, womenlovebaldmen, baldlifematters

looks like ur just losing it at the front, the back still looks pretty thick

At the most youll have bill maher hair

Going bald? That's bald fagot

Actually that means you have skin cancer.

wew lad

Ron, get off of Sup Forums. This isn't a place for you.


bruh you have the hairline of a 45 year old used tv salesman. of course youre going bald

Who is Ron?

I'm 33

Would shave my head if I could grow a decent fucking beard. 21 with a receding hairline, and really thin hair in the back.

Any advice bros? I've buzzed it down as short as possible, but it just looks weird in the front because of my receding hairline.

Like, when do I just say fuck it and grab the shaving cream and razor?

well it could be worse, had a friend that went bald at 18. enjoy your locks while it lasts

that's a pretty standard hairline for 30s. I mean did you really think you would keep all your hair your whole life?

it is your destiny

look to your moms side of the family dude, never your dads

fuckin this

Yep but better shave it all off for your own self satisfaction

No shit. My uncle is clinging on to strings, and I think it looks ridiculous. Tons of bald guys on my moms side of the family. But do I wait for the beard to kick in? I just don't want to go around looking like Lex fucking Luthor.

Bald gene can come from any member of either side, you're both idiots if you think otherwise.

Secondly, balding isnt doesn't equate to either good or bad genes. Just like when your wisdom teeth come in doesn't.

How about me? I'm 23 and always had a widow peak like my dad. He's 62 with all his hair.

Hey Sup Forums, am I going bald?

You probably wouldnt be balding if you washed your hair with cold water exclusively and no other shit. Wish everyone would do it. I have a point to prove

i dont think it has anything to do with genetics. both sides of my family dont have any bald relatives. My mom has thin hair so does my sister but they arnt balding or have receding hairlines. I guess its just thin hair really plus having a widows peak for me. I dont know if ill be bald or not, only time will tell.

I'm balding on one side like hbk

If you're ITT and you're balding, do yourself a favor and end your hairless, and pointless life

that's not how evolution works dumbass.

you would still get bald, it's in the genes.

its a normal baldness pattern, if that's what you're asking.

Not necessarily. Not in 100% of all cases. Experienced some serious hair loss when i used 'head&shoulders' shampoo. Id literally lose about 100 hair strands a day. Now its barely 20 when i count it closely.

Try it if you are balding. I want to help. I was bald myself 2 years ago and i know the pain all to well.

Imagine how beautiful it would be if it worked. Though you will have incredible greasy hair for the first 12-15 months (like myself)


yours looks alright. im 23 and has had had the same old mans hairline for like 4 years without it receding one millimeter

sure it is. we no longer need fur or thick hair to insulate ourselves, as our ape ancestors did, and their tree shrew ancestors before them. humanity evolved a more complex brain, and invented clothes and temperature controlled dwellings, eliminating the need for hair.

but then wouldnt women have thinner hair than men with all the shampoo they use? almost all women ive seen have thicker hair on the head than men do.

i used to lose a lot of hair using head&shoulders "2 in 1" shampoo that had conditioner in it as well. stopped when i switched to same brand but when the two came in seperste bottles lol

yes to both questions.

Ofc i wont deny the effects of testosterone and all them hormones (dht etc). Women who abuse shampoo and flat iron their hair (which is pretty sad - i hate fakes) will have shit hair by the time they hit their 40s.

Im just saying that the majority of balding men wouldnt have this problem if they would simply wash their hair with water exclusively. Nothing else. Just cold water every day. It will look beautiful this way.

Fuck shampoo! I hate those faggots who get billions selling products which harm the consumer drastically.

I'd recommend anyone with balls to give it a try - fuck what other people say about your greasy hair which will be the case for the first months since your scalp has to adjust itself to the natural state of sebum production after you abused it for years with sulfates and detergents.

Im the best example. My hair looked SHIT when i used shampoo regulary. Frizz with no ends, after every shower there were 50 hair strands at the bath, and combing was impossible without tearing my hair out.

Just give it a try at least.

If its working for you ive got just one request - tell this secret every balding person you know. So we all can have beautiful long hair. I would be so happy if i was completely right with my idea and approach of curing baldness with water only. No finasteride, no shampoo, no other bs.

so youre like 12
gtfo faggot