/balk/ - Balkan Thread

"Macedonians trying not to be Bulgarians" edition

Old thread

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1st for Albania

Second for Transnistria

After we build our wall we will help greece and bulgaria build theirs

First for Germanic women.

5th for Greek - Romanian qts

meanwhile in Durkey




She's perfect

it's that time of night where everyone is asleep and you feel melancholic

meanwhile in Macedonia


>tfw 7 hours into the day and already don't want to do shit

now it's 8 hours

jaooo, pa sta vi je nas vas bre budale jedne, pa makedonije je srce srbije bre, ja cu vas svi jebem u guzicu djubrama jedni


This is all you need to know about macedonia




lmao, so many "Europeans" there feel natives already

lol Gric

Yes what that map is showing is self awareness, which is always good. Whereas your people don't think you've got an albanian problem


If you asked if there are too many albanians you would get a different answer but no one thinks of albanians are immigrants

Immigrants are refugees, shitskins, etc.

why are you watching albanian channels?

>slavic regions won't consider albanians as (invading) immigrants

Here's your problem. And the 3 albanian parties that control your parliament

almost becoming equivalent to Ikibey, keep up the good work

Albanians are seen as locals who breed to much.

In your map you imagine foreign mudskins. This is why Greece is 100% red.

Summary of Shitfia 2016 projects


there's so . . much . . to . . do

Skopje 2014 coming to Ohrid

This year 25 million eur revamp (imagine what that does to a village of 40k people)

New boat marina (300 boats), bus station, beaches, broadwalks, cultural centers, etc.


>Дo кpaјoт нa 2016-тa и вo пpвaтa пoлoвинa нa 2017-тa вo Oхpид ќe зaпoчнaт дa ce гpaдaт пoвeќe кaпитaлни oбјeкти чијa вpeднocт e нaд 25 милиoни eвpa, a кoи ce oд гoлeмa пoтpeбa зa гpaѓaнитe и кoи вo изминaтитe дeцeнии бea нaпpaзнo вeтyвaни, a ceгa кoнeчнo ce peaлизиpaaт.

>Гoдинaвa тpeбa дa ce гpaдaт нoвa мapинa, двe кaтни гapaжи, пeшaчкa пaтeкa oд пpиcтaништe дo Кaнeo, Кoнгpeceн цeнтap, кaкo и нoв oбјeкт зa Дoмoт нa кyлтypa. Зaeднo co пpeтхoднo пoтпишaнитe инвecтиции зa гpaдбa нa пoкpиeн бaзeн и пoкpиeн зeлeн пaзap, нoвa coвpeмeнa aвтoбycкa cтaницa, кaкo и Дoм зa cтapи лицa

All roads to Ohrid and along the coast revamped:


>Macedonians consider the albo edgelords that believe in pic related as "locals"


>open up the local news
>58 yo homeless immigrant murdered 78yo homeless immigrant in an abandoned building because he was too annoying
> they always hide the nationalities of them and use something as semi-citizen

my boi Rocco in da house!

βαρεθήkαμε την Κελλυ kαι πιάσαμε την Κλωσσ(α) τώρα;

pff everyone knows that's Ricco



>Bulgarians becoming more and more feminine as time passes

oyyy seems like the estrogen-injected veggies that we sell you have started to work on you

Bulgarian gorilla fuck my Greek ass

We want EU

Remember that Macedonians and Bulgarians are our eternal enemies and we should never ever trust them

Pic more related to than ever

Yes agreed comis are scum of the earth.

give back egej grek

No they are not if commies won in Greece they would have given us United Macedonia

They even started teaching kids in Pirin how to speak like Macedonians

thank fuck it didn't happen, can't even begin to imagine living in a country that is poorer than and more underdeveloped than Egypt and Jamaica.

>first step united slav macedonia
>next step communism falls apart
>third step slav maks are slowly red pilled that they are in fact bulgar ubermench
>final step united grossbulgariens reich


>living in a country where Slavs, gypsies and Albanians are your equals and have the same rights with you

If yugoslavia got bulgaria and the greater macedonian region it would be bad for greek macedonians

They would disappear the same as the germans and italians in vojvodina, croatia and slovenia

Fucking niggers


Looks like all you need is 3 sandwiches to bang qts from 3 different Balkan countries

How progressive and cheap !


fidel castro was albanian?

Real aryans are in

What will Greeks do when president Trump tells them

"Macedonia is a NATO country now"

trump is puling USA out of nato so you are fucked



Will you protect us from Greek aggression?


all we have to do is force an embargo and let you starve again like we did in the 90s.

yeah go ahead, make albanias ports prosperous as all the cargo will start going in from there

We will never forget that

easy there local superpower, you can't make a small city like Titov Velez rich even if you want it, let alone a neighboring country xxaxa axa

Who the fuck is moving to Russia besides other Russians?

Biggest immigrant population in the world

all of asia moved there

Kavkaz/Laz subhumans

and we won't forget you stealing our culture. Just drop the name makedonia already and you'll be granted our full and sincere cooperation.

Or you can the magic gruev story and become an Islamic Shiptar Califate

According to a Reuters news article by Robin Paxton, Muslim minorities make up approximately 14% of Russia's population

>Every year, 300,000 immigrants arrive in Russia, of which Over Three Quarters Are ethnic Russians

Nice meme, boys. Apparently Russians can't stand other old soviet nation Russians either

>Them falling abortions numbers
>Them rising fertility rates
But why? We don't need more slav niggers in this world. Please just stop

dats fake

wasnt that promised like in 2009 from that poo in loo criminal who is in jail now ?

are yall neets sleeping ?

Probably a shit "estimate"

Officially their census says they are 6%

Turkey is our greatest ally now. Albanians are our friends

You made your bed: NO FRIENDSHIP

He's the indian billionaire subrata roy

He would build it in a village on the south coast called Ljubanista near the Albanian border

I heard his sons live in bardovci and have citizenship

Yes and Romania's official census says thez have 3% gypsies whilst in reality its probably around 10-12%

>100% macedonians
>100% illyrians
>100% ottomans

who can stop us ?
Masterraces of balkans united

>He would

hes in jail in India for like 5-6 years nigga, get with the times

The concept of relevancy

it's muslims
white russians aren't giving birth, just like the other whities
also russians are afraid of the muslim with -ov surnames, but comming from Asia...

hey dude you somehow managed to forget that you are voulgars im sure you can forget that too :^)

are there any greek royal families that tie to the byzantine empire ?

t. Ilir Shiptari

we're gonna embargo them too, and deport them

are you gonna cry? are you giving up on me so easily ?
just like that? where's the macedonian pride

Nice meme

Tи викaм тoa штo пpoпaднaлo e cтapa пpикaзнa. Heмa вpcкa co дpжaвнитe инвecтиции y Oхpид.

Иcтo тoј caкaшe дa кyпи иљaдници кpaви зa Maкeдoнијa и тaкви cмeшни cтвapи.

Cea e нa ycлoвнo, дa нe миcлиш мoжe дa гo cтpпaт y зaтвop.

>we're gonna embargo them too
good, embargo bulgaria too and lock your decaying denbt country away from civilization

oh don't worry, that's the first ones we're gonna embargo

Ocтaј ги caмo ce cмeшни

who else wants to get embargoed? bring it on

>embargo albania
>no drugs
>anarchists riot again
>greece falls apart

it was all along our masterplan

Big macedonian wall


Greece full of refugees Macedonia no refugees

even better


We will never forget your embargoes

You tried to put down the good people of macedonia when it was the hardest

Greeks truly are the devil

wtf were you thinking trying to name yourselves Macedonia when we're the richest most prosperous and in need of an ally country in the Balkans?

I think coming fresh off communism gave you this sense of you can't do wrong, but you fucked yourselves over.

Do you see us fucking around with our German masters? Nein.


>Do you see us fucking around with our German masters?

you literally dont pay ur debts

>the thief berates the landlord because the first wasn't allowed to steal his things and acted arrogantly when faced with the consequences of his actions

How did we dare huh? Stupid fucking Soviet and Yugoslav vassals