Is there really anything wrong with having White Guilt?

Is there really anything wrong with having White Guilt?

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Yes because there isn't anything to be guilty about you fucking moron.

But what if you're actually guilty?


also, checked

You can't be guilty simply of being white.

yes, dude. you're being coerced into feeling guilty for something that you personally had nothing to do with. fuck that.

Fellow dP fan?

Only faggots take time to think about such beneath you gatbage tier troll shit.

Personally. Black people can go fuck themselves with this shit.

Fellow neb fan?

no, but there's nothing right about it either. I'm sure you've done enough that's worth feeling bad about on your own.

How is being white some kind of a moral/legal bad thing? If you want to judge white people based on the major actions of the whole race, fine. But don't get have double standards when other races receive the same treatment.

Yes you can.


It's just like any other ideology. Holding the belief (or at least appropriately signaling that you do) is a societal belonging token.

Like any "virtue" real or imagined, a person is compelled to exude it to gain memberships into societies that benefit them.

Having white guilt is believing you are "good" for holding it, and that you will be personally rewarded for this "goodness" more than it will cost you.

If you need to feel guilty about something, I sure you can think of something you actually did to feel bad about..

I don't feel any guilt about slavery - pic explains why.

Can whites be racist against whites?

White guilt doesn't exist. It's a straw man argument used by pansy ass right wing trailer trash to deflect criticism about their own bad behavior.

Cuck be cucking

idk what that is, but sure

We are victims of our own altruism.
This led to our civilization being host to worms and parasites by our own unwillingness to protect ourselves for the sake of greed or tolerance. That may come largely from laziness and apathy too, but as Aristotle said, these are some of the virtues of dying empires. Our blood is not an original sin, but the enemies we allowed in the gates to rule us would love us to think it is to weaken and control us.
Now lets turn our attention to all the horrible things "other groups" have done throughout history.. oh wait, that wouldnt be politically correct- only white hatered and cross examination allowed.

They hate us. Cause they anus.

I'm glad you guys are here. Some of my slaves' rhetoric was starting to get to me. I think I'll start hitting them harder.

yeah, it's called racism

i feel really guilty about cucking all the niggers i work with

>Ben = neB

goes great with original sin and trying to keep your penis from raping bitches with a cock cage

I don't feel any guilt about slavery - pic explains why.

Yes I have white guilt atm
For not enslaving 95% of the world
and not rising up to genocide globally

Ben is by far the best peasant. By far the most attractive, only rivaled by Scotty Cena

The only thing that I feel guilty about is not slapping a bitch that puts tomatoes in a fruit salad.

>By far the most attractive
Scotty is hotter


we really fucked up, if we had just exterminated all the darkies shit would be hunky dory

instead we have literal animals running around

I wonder if the micropenis is present in both brothers

Crazy shit right? Just makes you wish you could see what the future holds. Oh wait, Europe, derp.

Is there some specifically silly reason you feel compelled to ask?

It's fucked up. Why am I getting blasted with "hurr youre a white male feel guilty" when I had nothing to do with slavery in the US (I am russian). And even if I was anglo why should I be guilty for what 10% of my great grandfather did back in the day?

jew trying to turn you into cucked jews

can speak from personal experience: nope:)

Biracial faggot here. The way I see it it being guilty of your race is even stupider than being proud of it. Focus on yourself as an individual and work to make your life better as well as improve the lives of those close to you (especially your family). Niggers only want whites to be guilty because they've been tricked into believing they aren't equal yet and that this is the only way to become equal. The ironic thing is that this mentality is the most harmful one that keeps them down.

must agree. tired of this shit and the white metaphorical cucks that agree with it.

Only if you didn't racially oppress anyone

this. Pic related my black friends

>general degrading image of southern and Appalachian whites in America from other regional whites


Checked and correct

fuck white people


go get some peanut butter and make yourself a nice meal.


yes if you're white and don't want every nonwhite on the planet dead you should feel guilty

>Fellow dP fan?

Yeah, I'm totally into double Penetration.

Maybe if you suffer from a mental deficiency

Fuck yeh

i think "white guilt" is something that rich people argue about

Why should you feel guilty for the crimes of others?


Feeling guilty due to the color of your skin is racist. Another person believing you should have guilt based on your skin color is again racist.
If you have some sort of guilt, you most likely have a mental deficiency or abnormality

yes you're a faggot self hating piece of shit

White guilt is only wrong because there is no black guilt, hispanic guilt, asian guilt or any other guilt. Why do white people have to hog all the guilt?

you can't inherit guilt
only responsibility

getting to have all the guilt is part of our privilege right?

>Feeling guilty due to the color of your skin is racist. Another person believing you should have guilt based on your skin color is again racist.
This is another example of conservatives flipping the script on the truth and thereby demonizing seekers of justice.

No, feeling guilty for being privileged, for whatever reason, even for the color of your skin, is not racist. Believing another person should feel guilt over unearned privilege is not racist or in any way morally reprehensible.

>White guilt is only wrong because there is no black guilt, hispanic guilt, asian guilt or any other guilt. Why do white people have to hog all the guilt?
Are you fucking serious? Whites are supposed to feel guilty for the privileges they enjoy at the expense of those minorities. Kill yourself.

Fuck all of you, Paul is clearly the most attractive peasant. That fat tub of shit is the best.

Dont take the bait boys!

I feel zero white guilt. I've never owned any slaves, nor did any of my great great great grandparents. I work my ass off for what I have. That's not white privilege, that's white responsibility.

Not having 'white guilt' does not equate to not caring about the struggles of POC, I did not make Rosa Parks sit on the back of that bus but I absolutely understand racial inequality still exists.

It's not one or the other.


White guilt is mostly something that is expected of whites inside white culture. It was not a black woman that insisted we eat all of our vegetables because there's were children starving in Africa, it was our own moms. I've never had friends of any color want or expect me to feel guilty about stuff I didn't do. Just be a decent human being.

Fucking honkeys stealing all the guilt. Poor black man can't feel guilty about shit because the god damn white man is taking all of it!

>I've never had friends of any color want or expect me to feel guilty about stuff I didn't do. Just be a decent human being.
The guilt should be more of a collective guilt than a personal one. And it should lead to more equitable distribution of wealth among the races/ethnic groups; that is its telos.

>Poor black man can't feel guilty about shit because the god damn white man is taking all of it!

Y'all niggas should be guilty of almost everything you do lol. Stealin' shit, shootin' niggas up, fuck...

>flipping the script
Racism doesn't stop being racism just because you pick a different target to dehumanize.

I don't want racial equality because of guilt. I want racial equality out of self interest. If I'm dying, and the best possible doctor is a black woman, I want her to have gotten the same access to education and employment as anyone else.

White guild paul

Sure, but as I explained, white guilt isn't at all a form of racism. And anyway, racism coming from subordinate groups against a dominant one isn't morally reprehensible; no disaffection resultant from being born into a subaltern status or class is.

I drink this and I'm able to afford it

"racism coming from subordinate groups against a dominant one isn't morally reprehensible; no disaffection resultant from being born into a subaltern status or class is."


"I have no expectations of those born into a lower status or class".

Let's digest that for a minute. How broken that way of thinking is...What message does that send to those that you have no expectations of because they are victims? Talk about racism! MAN, you've got it totally backwards.

Yes there is something wrong and I'm not even white. Why feel guilty for horrible shit your ansestors did? No doubt in my mind someone in any persons bloodline has committed atrocity. Should there be guilt because of that? As long as you arent harming anyone in present day. Instead of focusing on taking credit for what your ansestors did, why not focus on making the country better? Feeling guilty, especially guilt over stuff you did not do, just stagnates progress.

>seekers of justice

Kill yourself kid.

>its white people's fault we cant run a country, save up capital, graduate school.
>I'm allowed to hate and destroy things because I'm too underbred to help myself

"If you don't feel ashamed of your countries history, you don't know your countries history."

The past was a fucked up place. Due to white peoples efforts the world is a better place now. If anything we should be goddamn proud of what we have done.

lol jews

it's racist though

I am a German and I appreciate the point you made.

Thing is, careful extermination of many people would be better off for hte world, but morality of the masses isn't something that can be overcome. Killing our current criminal element who are violent and serving life sentences or are so long that they will die (50+ years for a 30 year old) without a chance for parole would free up jail systems. Those who have repeat records on these things would also greatly reduce our issues as being caught once is bad, being caught twice can kill for gangs. This also eliminates many gang leaders who are currently in holding cells and able to still lead on the outside (There are several I know of, but 'eh). Next we would have to go after religious extremists. Let them be Martyrs for their misled cause,but when all of the martyrs end up dead it serves more as a cautionary tale instead of an inspirational one.

But that is just me. Most Religions promote many violent acts in many ways. And many races do have a naturally larger criminal population due to the society they are in. But to kill them all is pointless, it will just appear somewhere in the world at some point whether you like it or not. Killing the people who are the cancer would be a much wiser solution.


Guilt is for Catholics

Quite interesting. Someone found a way to filter an upload and place their own image. I had put up a "Consider the Following" Homer picture.

Jezabel vessir is my favorite black porn star, probably my favorite period. Oh, shes a mom too.

Only guilt we should feel is wasting our birthright on compassion for savages.

Nothing better than punching a nigga in the face

Nothing inherently wrong with anything.
You decide for yourself.

what would you be guilty about? you had no involvement in slavery or segregation, or any major acts of hatred for other races (I hope) THere is no reason for white guilt

Yes. Why on Earth would you feel guilty towards people who have never been slighted, and you have never done the slight-ing? If you are being told that you should feel guilty for the actions of someone you never knew, then you need to feel guilty for being a traitor to your own kind. And those telling you this, if they are black, are being racist and you shouldn't listen to racists. In no other country in the world, does the black man have the opportunities and freedoms like they have here in America. And you will NEVER hear them talk about the ongoing slavery in Africa and the Middle East-BLACK PRIVILEGE. Black persons of color in other countries, they've "gotten over it". At the start of the civil war, there were over 300 BLACK slave owners. In America, We bought our slaves from African (black) slave owners. We got the losers of the tribal wars. You think the movie ROOTS was real? FAR from it. Ain't no way in hell a white man going to outrun and corner some "warrior" in his own back yard.