what's the point of continuing to live ?
why not end it all, it'll be much simpler.

Because titties, blowjobs, and pussy. Go get some.

because i cant commit suicide. im already dead inside

Doesn't that flower tattoo on her leg mean she's a prostitute?

Because life is a game nobody asked to play but since we're here and not existing is boring anyway we play along.
Suicide = rage quit

Because you might become something worse. And becoming nothing is too scary.

Well actually becoming nothing implies that you're unconscious.
And technically humans are already "nothing"

can't be bored if you're dead


good morning b
why haven't you KILLED yourself this morning?

I didn't say you would be bored. I said that non existing is boring. In the sense that it's less exciting to not exist.

Gimme some salsa then i'll give u a reason to live

I have thoughts and feelings. I have ideas and reasonings.
I don't want those to go away forever.

Because killing yourself doesn't qualify for paradise in most religions. Gotta hedge your bets here, bro.

First of all, Both South American and Norse religions offer paradise to those who fall in battle.

Next you gotta purify yourself for those Abrahamic religions. Luckily, Jews, Christians and Muslims all follow the same god, so you only really have to swear eternal fealty once. Don't worry about the battle religions, they are already polytheistic, so they won't be too annoyed if you add in another god to the mix. Just avoid bacon and beef after this point.

Don't need to worry about Hinduism though. Everything is pretty "whatever you want bro". You know why there are no holy wars in India? Because everyone's already a Hindi, they just don't know it yet. Even Atheists. Just no eating cow.

So at this point you're pretty set. Just need to go out and die in righteous combat. Now, you could either join the military somewhere and go battle terror in the Middle East or something, or go trek out into the mountains and fight a Grizzly bear.

Now, you might be thinking "Man, hiking kinda sucks, I didn't do enough cardio for this. There's a bunch of dangerous animals at the zoo, I'll go fight one of them!" Don't. Just don't. Those zookeepers will just go Harambe on those poor motherfuckers, and they'll stick you in an insane asylum. You ever try to die in an insane asylum? Ain't easy. Tough it out, just this once.

Good luck killing yourself, friend.

Meh...if you consider life as a game you gotta accept when the game ends. You don't play the same Game forever don't you?
Plus, if maybe there is a system of reincarnation of some sort it would jst be like Instant respawning since being unconscious disable the sense of time passing.

why do you post that every fucking day ?

I like logic too much. There is nothing in life to indicate that it is a game. I see no reward system, karma, or plot.
I'm not prone to wistful thinking, Reincarnation is statistically unlikely.

Life sucks thats true. Butt if you will change the something alitle bit. Instant change is the life. Help someone. Or just go to park and watch everyone.

“Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it's no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.”
― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Meabe it will change something in your life. In main life this guy change a lot. Its not anny religion or something so do not worry.

Sauce please

You don't know a goddamn thing about logic if you think "reincarnation is statistically unlikely".

You can't compile those statistics you religious fucking idiot. Logic, statistic, science aren't things you vaguely fucking pray to. You absolutely cannot determine the odds of anything like that because reincarnation would deal with the unverifiable, undisprovable (as of yet) concept of a "soul" and there isn't even an agreed-upon definition for that concept itself yet.

Not to mention you cannot deterministically calculate events outside of the physical observable universe as we know it without having more particles in your computer than exist in the universe itself. You dumb fuck.

Wow an actual attractive asian girl. Where did you find this?

What makes you say that?

Try this, user:

Have someone --- girlfriend, boyfriend, stranger you meet on Craigslist --- jerk you off with water-based lube, and continue to jerk you off for at least 60 seconds after you ejaculate.

Keep breathing through your orgasm.

Make sure you keep doing that once a week.

That you can continue to feel that even in old age is a pretty good reason to stay alive.

her name is Hiromi Mizushima

and she's done fucking nothing since

If there is no soul system and the mind is just the result of a brain in an infinite amount of time you could technically be "reincarnated" or "reborn" by the meeting if new atoms
I'm aware I could have used the wrong term for it but you get my point

Oh but I can test reincarnation. It's pretty easy.
The number of people who claim to remember a past life is very small. From this we can estimate an upper bound of proportion of people who might be reincarnated. It is very low, and thus not worth considering.
Reincarnation without memories is not reincarnating myself.

And stop projecting religiousness onto me. It makes you look angry and dumb.

We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever. Life is nothing but a grace period - for turning our genetic material into the next generation. The data of life is transferred from parent to child. That's how it works. But we have no heirs, no legacy. Cloned from our father, with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out. What is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch? Proof of our existence - a mark of some sort. When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; information is imparted as well. All I want is to be remembered. By other people, by history. The Patriots are trying to protect their power, their own interests, by controlling the digital flow of information. I want my memory, my existence to remain. Unlike an intron of history, I will be remembered as an exon. That will be my legacy, my mark on history. But the Patriots would deny us even that, I will triumph over the Patriots, and liberate us all.

There is a chance, but it is very low.
The universe appears to be headed toward a state where such a random event is not possible. And it will do so in a finite amount of time.

Mizushima Hiromi

try living for other people. like stay alive for the sake of helping out your parents with whatever. or just to see your siblings or friends succeed at whatever.


Even if the chance is Infinitely small, it would still feel like Instant respawning since an infinite amount of time would not be felt.
Again: dead = no perception of time

doesn't that fact that she's in a porn video make your point moot?

Hi! I'm with the Internet Feminist's Education Group, a nonprofit organization that seeks to educate young people on the Internet about various topics. It seems like you are contemplating suicide. Remember: suicide kills you! Please seek help. Thank you, and we're glad we could help today :)

>suicide kills

I agree with you. it does.

It might also just be a philosophical question.

>And remember: water is wet

Aww, baby's first nihilistic thought.