Everyone who says it's b its just pretending to be retarded, r-right?

Everyone who says it's b its just pretending to be retarded, r-right?
no one is that stupid

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>nb4 retards say you cant have a moving portal

Depends on the velocity of the first portal, slow -> A, Fast -> B

would it even plop out? it would just fall back into the portal

no it doesn't
it could be going at the speed of light and would be the same outcome

no retard the portal would be sealed off when it touches the platform, then the gravity will pull the cube down (A.)

put a bubble wand across the surface of the blue portal. If you admit that the air being forced through the orange portal must make it make a bubble, then it must be B. The rate the cube comes through the portal at matters.

think of it as the cube falling down and the portal is standing still. so yea, it would be b




















Fuck you man, I'm high as a kite over here and you've got me thinking how does air even interact with portals.

would an a wrong irrelevant post makes you think about anything?
weed makes people dumb

>being this autistic

A, the platform isn't affected by any force, so it should be like dropping a ring around a cube.

Neither, you cant change the direction of an objects momentum like that

>>would an a wrong irrelevant post
>>weed makes people dumb

You high nigga?

Portals are not excursion funnels. They don't gently push matter through them and then drop them off at the other side without modifying its state.

It B. Relative motion, conservation of momentum.

Cubes is solid, aint even made of no air. That there cube is gonna just flop out.

the cube has no inertia, so a.

>It's the portal moving, not the cube
>The cube has no speed, it would remain visible in the blue portal, but never move

Relative to the first portal, the cube is moving.


No, you're wrong, if you place a cube on a table and take a bubble wand, drag the bubblewand through the air onto the cube on the table. Will the cube be affected, no, but the air will still enter the bubble. It's a, because the platforms force isn't affected, just as the cube on the table isn't affected by the bubblewand

Unless there is acceleration (force), then you could just as easily say the cube is moving toward the portal. It's relative velocity.

This guy gets it.

And the cube, relative to it's stationary surface, has not moved.
Our reference point should be stationary, the platform the cube is resting on is.

The rate the matter enters the portal correlates with the rate it exits the portal. If you shot a bullet through the portal it would exit at the same speed. if you jumped through the portal you would continue your jump at whatever speed you entered.
if X is the speed that the yellow portal is moving than X is the speed the block crosses the threshold of the blue portal .


We agree there is no force. Relative to the portal, the cube has a velocity. In the second picture, it's in the frame of reference as the portal(s), so the cube still has a velocity. B.

Just look at the first image in the frame of reference of the portal, not the cube.

You're fucking retarded

There is no platform in the second image so that isn't a reference. The stationary reference is the portal. Look at it as the cube moving towards the portal OR the portal moving away from the cube in B.

The refrence should be the same in the first and second image.

thank you for that thought provoking and articulate response.


If you think about it from the cubes point of view, then you'll have the space outside of the blue portal approaching you at a high speed.

It keeps approaching you even when you're going through the portal.

When the orange portal hits the ground, and the cube is all the way through, the cube will no longer be affected by the space it was in before and therefore keep it's speed relative to the blue portal's space.

there is no way for the cube to know if the orange portal has stopped moving or not after it has gone through

imagine a hula hoop is two portals on each other. what goes into it gets instantly teleported to the other side. if you hold the hula hoop over yourself and drop it so it falls around you at whatever speed it would normally fall at, youll be fine. your body wont be put out at the speed of however fast the hoop was falling. youre going in stationary, youre coming out stationary.

and relative to the cube the portal is moving
what's your point retard?

two pistons both preform the same scenario, one moving at an one cube width per minute, the other moving at 100 cube widths per second..
For the 100 cube widths per second situation, thats means a cube of air the size of the cube at the blue end of the portal has to be moved out of the way of the cube for it to move through. But if this is the case, then what is exerting the force on the air? The only thing that comes in contact with it is the cube. So if the cube moves that air, it must have some net force from coming through. Therefore, B is correct, given a quick enough piston.

can't move portals

This is the same as dropping a hula hoop around the cube. You can think of the yellow (entry) portal as the bottom plane of the hula loop and the blue (exit) portal as the top plane. Just as the cube wouldn't shoot upward as the hula hoop falls around it, nor does it with the portal system.

kinda like how when you slam a cardboard box over a baseball, the ball goes flying through the top of the box, cause the air trapped in the box is approaching at high speed and keeps approaching even when the ball is inside.

My point is don't change your reference between the first and second image.

That's the whole trick to this image, it try's to fool you by changing what's "moving".

Look at it from the portal reference being still in each or the cube reference being still in each.

A should be the correct answer. The cube is just still, no speed, no movement. Even if the platform smashes the cube with such speed, the cube will just come out the other side with the same amount, and it will plop. B would make more sense if the cube had movement, but A seems to be correct

Dubs hivemind confirms truth

except in that situation, both sides of the hula hoop are moving at the same speed. The metaphor is lacking.

Look at it if the portal were still in the first image.

Try to keep your frame of still reference the same in image one and two.

it does have movement, relative to the portal


>lrn 2 vector newfag

except its not, the portal isn't a hula hoop, its an inter dimensional threshold between two spaces, like a doorway not an inert ring. the hula hoop has no interaction with the cube, whereas the portal dematerializes and then re materializes the cube. the momentum that the portals may have opposing the interaction would then transfer to the cube.

Why would I or anyone view it from the point of reference you retard wants to instead of what the image shows?
You fags can't be this retarded

It is not showing any movement. And how does the velocity of the platform travel to the cube to make such an outcome?

That's because in the case of a hula hoop, the entry an exit portals are both moving down at the same rate, whereas with the portals they are not.

What are you trying to prove?

Do you understand the concept of relativity m8?

Because that how physics works retard.

I'm sitting in a car facing you sitting in your car. We are getting closer and closer. If there is no accerlation whose to say who is really moving towards who.

I am sitting on planet earth moving 1000mph as this planet spins relative to the sun.

The sun is rotating thousands of mph around the black hole in the center of our galaxy.

It's all relative motion.

Now keeping that in mind, try to keep the still reference the same between the two images.

Sure, why not?

>sup \d\


Actually he's not. From the prespective of an observer at the exiting portal the cube would be moving not the portal it came out of. Therefore the cube would be in motion from the exit reference point.

The answer is B.
As the portal comes down onto the block, the matter entering the portal is being accelerated in the new space. The block would actually start to move upwards relative to the platform before the block fully enters the portal. The platform wouldn't be pushing the block through, part of the block that has through the portal would PULL the rest of the block through.

There is no platform in the second image because it's (presumably) somewhere else in the room, thus necessitating the portals. The other reason you don't see it there is because option C (the one I've stated previous) is not there.

>if I sit in a car moving at 50 miles per hour, I'm still and I have no movement
Shoe on head retarded. Picture the portals as a conveyer belt for matter. If the portals are stationary with respect to one another, it would be just like a flat surface. The matter moves itself across the conveyer belt with its own force. When you move one of the portals, you're adding some speed to that conveyer belt. Matter is being moved to another location by something other than its own inertia. It must be imparting some force.

Trips. I'm correct, faggots.

If you want a better explained answer for a more simple mind, does a pretty good job of putting it into words.

this just depends on the assumptions made about the physics of a portal. it could go either way depending on these assumptions, as the existence of a portal is completely hypothetical and is not governed by any tangible physical laws.

this would make the most sense to me:

IF the portal becomes sealed after the cube passes through (IE the portal works one way), then A, because the cube does not carry any linear momentum.

IF the portal is not sealed (IE the portal is two way), than NEITHER case would be viable and the cube would simply oscillate between existence in both dimensions (sides of the portal) and continually fall through and back again.

I have yet to see a compelling argument for case B... unless you argue some elasticity in the collision between the platform and the portal... but it couldn't fly out with the momentum that the picture seems to imply that it would have

Fuck off

I'm pretty much with you, aside from the oscillation part. Since it was sitting on a platform in the first part, assuming your second theory is true, would it not just sit on the platform existing in space in both places?


Inertia/friction could hold the block on the slope if the block was heavy enough and the platform it is on is rough enough. 'retard' plus is the portal 2D? There be a lip on the edge if it isn't

Ah, yes thank you a lot. Many of these retards don't know what movement is when it comes to portals.

The only momentum it gains is when it shows up into a different angle, making it tilt/roll into a stop.
The momentum is in the cube, not the portal.
So it would have none, as it is not moving.
Anyone trying to claim B for any reason what so ever is an unintelligent money that should stop pretending to understand physics and maybe train their IQ a bit.

Not a physics fag. But if we are assuming that gravity is acting upon the cube no matter where it is, then neither A nor B are correct. The cube would still be on the pedestal when the orange portal slammed down. And it would still be on the pedestal as it emerged from the blue portal. If it's original position and new position were both pulled by the same gravity (duh). The cube would just kinda rest on the pedestal whilst poking out of the blue portal

Anyone who argues is a retarded cunt.

you cannot shoot a portal on a moving surface, it will disappear, none of you have actually played portal

I'll put this in easy to understand terms.

Say you have a ball and a hoop (since I know you're a niggerball fan). If you throw the ball, the ball flies through the hoop, because the ball is in motion. If you hold the ball and move the hoop over the ball really, really fast the ball doesn't actually move.

TL;DR: The answer is 'A,' you ignorant nigger.



the games themselves break this rule.

A, you're moving the portal, not the box

Cant some dev Sup Forumsro do a mockup of this experiment in source for shits and gigs? Possible?

doesn't this just come down to one question? as far as I can tell, it is: is the velocity of objects passing through portals relative to the portal, or relative to a shared frame of reference for the object and the entry portal?

Imagine watching the cube from the blue side of the portal. Now imagine it in slow motion, passing one quarter of the way down the length of the block. The block is now emerging from the blue portal, but relative to the ramp it is moving. It has momentum. The bottom half of the block is pushing up on the top half of the block, forcing it further out of the portal. The faster the portal moves, the more force is being applied. Things don't just *poof* appear on the other side of the portal, they are forced through. Obvious B

Just because it's viewed from a different perspective doesn't mean shit. Why would the frame of reference from the portal be anymore important than the frame of reference from the cube? You're being retarded 2/10 b8 for making me reply

I cannot believe all the A retards in here.

Frame of reference. There is no acceleration, only velocity.

B is the only answer that is possible.


The cube will fly bcz of the air that the first portal carries

You dumbass the picture shows that the portal is moving. Relativity is just prospective. If I dropped a hula hop over a cube the cube wouldn't go flying, yet relative to the hula hoop the cube is moving towards it

All I'm saying is if you want to look at it from the frame of reference on the cube..

Then it's B and the portal is moving away from the cube.

Just like the hoopla hoop shit that some retard keeps messing up. It keeps moving.

Close. At least you understand that because the blue end is stagnant, things that pass through the yellow end force outward the matter that is directly on the blue end.
Thing is, this also applies to the block itself. the bottom of the block is forcing the top outward from the portal at the same speed of the yellow portal. Answer is B

>If you want to
That's where you fucked up, why would I want to see it from that perspective when so obviously it's the portal moving towards the cube? Why are you looking for a point of reference when one if provided already?

That is where the picture is trying to fool you.

The first image is the block is the reference. The second image has the portal as the reference.

Try to view either image with the same point of reference as the other. Either both cube or both portal.

When you look at it like that it's clear that the portal is moving towards the cube and then moving away from the cube in B
The cube is moving toward the portal and continues to move away from it in B

>understand physics and maybe train their IQ a bit.
video game physics, can you prove your theory will work? No, portals don't exist ya twat

Imagine looking through the blue portal.
What would you see ass this happened?
You would see the cube rushing towards you very quickly and then according to A it would suddenly stop for no reason as it passed through the portal.

You dense mother fucker. Why would the picture try to fool me? It already gets enough replies as it is. You're trying to look in it too deeply. Firstly it's not like we are the cube or portal, so the point of reference would be from someone viewing it happening. And dumbass look at the cartoon lines of air from behind the orange portal. Can you not see that it's going down?

god damnit I've tried articulating this twice and you did it way better.
Discussion over. B

it could be like that.... actually, now that I think about it, I kind of agree with you. in a way. i'll explain:

there's no reason to believe that it would be more likely to exist on either side of the portal... so this uncertainty could be exploited to argue that it exists in "both but neither..." a superimposed state of existence in both spaces.... just like Schrodinger's cat


sorry... i didn't mean to come off as snobby. these are just the words im used to using. im a math and physics student. please dont shoot me

A. the portals exhibit conservation of momentum. since the cube is stationary, it has no momentum. Think of it this way- dropping the portal straight down instantly would be the same thing as instantly changing the direction of the gravity affecting the cube. That means it would instantly enter a state of free fall in the direction of gravitational pull at the surface on which the portal emerges. That means, it will enter free fall on the inclined surface with gravity pulling it straight down.

A is the answer. Fucking physics.


I convinced you, admit it.
I promise I am not fucking with you. I majored in physics.

That makes complete sense. Just because you're looking from another point, that doesn't change physics. I could ask you to imagine looking from the orange portals view and it would seem unlikly for whatever you went through to just go flying when you didn't even touch it.

>That makes completely no*

So fucking wrong.
Take you Phys 1 bullshit back to your TA.

It's your frame of reference. The image tries to fool you by switching it between the image with the orange portal and the images with the blue.

The Law of conservation of momentum does not apply to theoretical situations where space warps around objects. When the space around an object becomes smaller, then the object is technically moving through space without having a force excerted upon it. This applies to a wormhole with a moving entrance and a stationary exit