>America elects "cool" nigger President
>Fast forward 8 years
>They elect the oldest, meanest, richest, whitest man in all of America to be President

How did it happen?

people are not electing him president anymore than they are electing Hillary he just has more money than she does.that's it they should just decide presidents based on how white and rich they are from now on

oh he DEF doesnt have moar money than hillary. that cunt has corrupt fed money, trump has a mouth that says "I have money." In all actuality, nigger has maybe 100 mil

white power uprising apparently

Idk and im not American. But I want to see this world burn so.. Vote for trump!


President Drumpf will bring in a new era of white nationalism to America

We learned from our mistakes.

He's still losing right now

>President Drumpf will bring in a new era of white nationalism to America

i'm starting to think he already has

riiight...look i know this is Sup Forums and all but let's be realistic here Hillary is spending all her money on this campaign she payed to have Bernie Sanders squashed and then payed him a substantial amount of money to endorse her so he could retire comfortably. Trump on the other hand is an elistist second or third generation rich shmuck . he is spending the least amount of his money on the campaign as he can even tricking his campaing participants by promising payment then backing out and telling them it was all volunteer work. who do you think has more money some one who hoards it or some one who constantly spends it like its fucking water?

>hillary clinton is richer than trump
when will these memes end? If shill could even compete with trump income wise

>They elect the oldest, meanest, richest, whitest man in all of America to be President
he's not going to win.
he doesn't want to win.
he just wants the campaign money.

Nigger was never, ever cool. Started as a jackass and ends as a bigger jackass

also, running for pres is good advertising for his brand.

Are you quoting John Oliver? You're pathetic

Are you quoting John Oliver? Pathetic

I'm afraid your never going to have your Fourth Reich, Drumpfkin

>How did it happen?
>America elects "cool" nigger president
user answered their own question


Hail mein fuhrer

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Stop with the Drumpf shit. It's cringeworthy and has no merit in an argument

lul that corrupt Fed money. Trump supporters make zero fucking sense. You call her shillary as if she's making stacks of cash off big business by being in their pockets, and then you say she's a bad businesswoman because of how great Trump is at making stacks of cash off big business deals where he sells his name to slap on shitty boxed steak and casinos.

The part I'm confused on why this fucking matters in the first place. Pilled out, p-waved sheep squabbling over their corporate mouth piece overlord.

"My nwo puppet master could beat up your nwo puppet master!"

Bunch of fucking downsy sub humans

You realize the Nazis were far left in the political spectrum right...

in what fucking world? Fascist nationalism is exclusively a right wing political model

we stopped being cucks

Because we realized how stupid the first decision was and went as far in the opposite direction as we could


We finally hammered home the point that niggers don't work.

nazi germany is opposed to "international free market capitalism" pleb. because they are nationalists. it's sort of in the name. this does not mean they are not a ring wing ideology

It's kind of the same thing people just like cool things Nd to fit in

>not understanding this quote THAT badly

>what is national socialism

A left wing variant of nationalism. If you actually fucking read what I said, it clearly says "fascist nationalism". I never said a left wing version doesn't exist

all the kids raised on call of duty and mountain dew grew up

do you know what party hitler was a part of?

what, do you mean the nazi party? the socialist workers party? big fucking deal. china has called themselves the people's republic since mao. names mean exactly dick.

nazi germany was at best centrist in the economic doctrine. the social aspects of the party are obviously very far right and if I have to explain why to you, then we shouldn't even be having this conversation

>the social aspects of the party are obviously very far right
like free healthcare and education, right?

if u think the nazis were socialists then youre as retarded as the nazis

Thesis-> antithesis



>if u think the nazis were socialists then youre as retarded as the nazis

Nobody in power is a socialist.
Socialism is what they sell to the ignorant masses to gain power.

no no no, I'm talking about social issues. "traditionalism" (don't actually know if that's a word tbh), imposed social inequality, etc etc

sorry, was meant for

Except that they killed their socialistic wing in the Ernst Röhm putsch and corporated with the leaders of the economy. East prussian landholders were one of their main supporters. The NSDAP even corporated with other right wing parties like the DNVP (Harzburger Front). Not to mention the constant street fights against the communist party and the killing of members of the socialistic party
Show me in which aspect the third reich was socialist

Free healthcare existed since Otto von Bismarck and free education since Frederick the II. in prussia/germany