What is this white spot on the inside if my cheek? I had it for a week and it hurts like hell whenever I talk or eat

what is this white spot on the inside if my cheek? I had it for a week and it hurts like hell whenever I talk or eat

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looks like an ulcer. I get those a lot. Folic acid helps prevent them

canker sore. clean with warm salt water regularly and it will go away in a couple days

It's supposed to heal on its own.
You need to keep your mouth clean, rinse all the time and try not to let your teeth mess with it.

Either an ulcer, canker sore, or caused by you biting your cheeks.

Stressed people, or people who take adderall (and meth heads, by extension), normally have a white line on their cheeks interiors from this happening.

Garlge salt water to keep it clean if you want, besides that itll heal on its own.

jesus christ

Just a canker sore, no big deal. What's concerning is your dental hygiene

Floss and brush twice a fucking day my son.

it's your inevitable, stalking demise. Just give it time

Its called a semen infection. Sometimes semen becomes radioactive on its own and if it touches an open sore, it can infect it. Prostitutes get them quite often. Should go away about 3 weeks after the last time semen touched it. Also, what the fuck is wrong with your teeth?? Do you even brush your teeth?

Does it hurts when u type ?

Probably an infected sore. Likely due to poor dental hygiene.

Speaking of which, what the fuck is up with your teeth? You look like you have some nasty cavities.

No one else is going to comment on how his teeth look more fucked up than an 18th century's British mans teeth?

OP, have you been eating dirt or is that just your mothers feces that stuck in on your teeth?

Warm salt water will heal it up faster.
Just a canker sore. Used to get one every year.

Read my shit you fucking illiterate nigger


yeah thats just a canker sore bud

Calm down, fag, we're on the same team.

Stop sucking dicks and it will go away in a couple days.

Those are ulcers. They appear a lot after dehydration or dry-mouth.

U ate too much sour or spicy food OP or u took some kind of wierd medicine

I get those painful fucking things when I'm stressed. Just got over one on a tonsil, new semester did it. Stress of the first day is gone, and now so is canker sore.

Brush your fucking teeth jesus christ


Canker sore. Nothing can make it feel any better go away but time. Just keep having Mexican food, Marinara sauce, and coffee and that should kill it in no time.

you can post gifs you fucking retard holy shit

not when they're larger than 4mb, you fucking retard holy shit

What is it? Gods way of telling you to shut the fuck up.

1 holy shit brush your teeth before this, this is disgusting

2. probably from your gross ass teeth biting the side of your cheeks

Its a pre-cancerous legion. Get to an oncologist ASAP. I'm not kidding/fucking with you. This is fucking serious as serious can be.
Source: I've been through it.

I have this stuff 8 times a month. Sorry pal, but you will die from it.

holy fuck this cant be real how can you ask that question zoom in and have a look at those 2 fucking back teeth im surprise you still have cheeks

that's cancer
dig a hole in the ground, get into it and wait for the inevitable

Currently have one. Op if you want quick results, just pour salt over affected area. It'll burn like crazy but it works

It's a salivary stone

you need a cleaning

It's harmless, dude, put tea tree oil on it, so the pain disappear immediately and it hels quickly

canker sore you goddamn dummy. hot salt water, gargle, or, just pour a little salt on it for a minute, then rinse out, don't swallow the salt

whats that black shit on his teeth

looks like stained fillings

i'd worry more about that black and white shit (calculus) on your teeth so you dont get the same shit i did

holy shit...im 35 and i feel like i have really bad teeth cause i have lots of fillings and some damage from grinding

this nigga probably like 17 and look like his fuckin mouth bout to fall out. makes me feel a lot better thanks

fuck dude. oral hygiene. do it

that's far away from "falling off"...