I have an incurable disease called hemochromatosis...

I have an incurable disease called hemochromatosis. I've refused treatment for it and it will kill me in the next few years.

What would you do if you had less than ten years to live? Ask me anything.

So you're slowly turning into an Iron Golem?

Yup. Tiny pieces of iron are wrecking my internal organs, with the most immediate damage to my brain and liver.

So it's basically gout on Insane difficulty?

why did you refuse treatment?

I'll get cirrhosis of the liver rapidly, and I can get dementia like symptoms as well. My preference is to be euthanized before the symptoms get really bad.

Don't be a lazy fucker, test your blood to make sure it is safe and then just donate it if ok.

Then you dont have to worry about iron build-up and you can help those who need blood.

I did treatments for awhile, but it's been over ten years since I've been. I often have anxiety and depressive episodes where I fixate on suicidal thoughts. In a way, it's a jackpot, because now I can die sooner without necessarily having to kill myself. I am really into the helium exit bag idea though.

Firstly, go make peace with any family members or old friends. Then anything goes..,

I'm a faggot, I'm not allowed to donate blood. I want to die sooner rather than later anyways.

my grandma had it for 30 years and I'll probably get it too. Just go get bled and stop being a bitch

I'm not close with my family. My friends don't know. I don't know how to tell them and probably won't.

The symptoms are milder for women as they bleed regularly. If you're a guy, you should definitely have your levels checked.

If you choose to go out in a "blaze of glory", make sure you take some monkeys with you. Hip hop bar, or some other gathering of the shittiest, ghetto, gang-bangenest, and not some Black church or other gathering of respectable Black folk.

I've been checked a few times in the last 5-10 years or so and they have always been on the upper end of normal, but consistent

All of my best friends are people of color, including blacks. It's hard for me to make friends with white guys because of the bond most of them form with each other over the hatred of black people.

this but wear a black lives matter shirt and say that they weren't black enough to live. Fuck up their cause

Well unless your blood has something that disqualifies from donation all you are is being selfish.

Besides if you do feel that strongly about dying go get help, failing that at least make it quick so if anyone does care about your sorry ass they won't have to suffer from prolonged grief.

I hope you live a normal lifespan. I'm scared, but also oddly comforted by the idea of having a shorter lifespan. It's given me motivation to pursue a lot of passions I ordinarily wouldn't have.

I'm a gay fag, so I'm not allowed to give blood. I plan to kill myself when symptoms start to get bad.

Thats ok you want have to worry about it really until you stop having periods.

If you are still worried just get your blood checked to be safe and if it is ok get into the habit of donating blood. That will help a little to bring them down.

Well shucks! Die slow I guess.

Nah. I'll go with an exit bag or a giant amount of heroin or something when it gets bad.

>I'm a gay fag...

So you are straight?

I've had a guy suck my dick in the last 12 months, and therefore I'm not allowed to donate blood.

Or perhaps a homosexual cigarette?

Yeah, I don't really want you to die slow, even if you're Black. I figure when I go I want to take the exit bag method. Barring access to that, I would bite a bullet or something else quick and painless.

And most White people don't have Blacks, we're just exhausted with them. Tired of holding their hand and always having to provide for them because of "fo hunnit years o' slavery n' sheeeit". Everyone ought to know that Blacks wouldn't ever have amounted to shit, anyway, but we're so enamored with the idea of quality and there's a ceaseless parade of excuses emanating from academia so we can't see what's right before our eyes.

If we were able to acknowledge our differences then we would be able to come up with some public policy that would eliminate so much of our frustration and anger. No, Blacks wouldn't be doctors and engineers and scientists and advanced mathematicians, and they wouldn't travel the universe in stargates and shit like that, but at least they wouldn't feel as if they were cheated out of this amazing existence because they would be able to realize their full potential and they could learn to be content with it.

Lol retard. How would anyone know that? Just go donate blood and if asked about it "yep i am totally straight"

You're right, I could lie and live a longer lifespan, and I'm choosing not to because I want to die.

See, that kind of worldview is why I can count the number of white guys I'm friends with on one hand. They're obsessed with this kind of thinking and I just shrug. Not my experience at all.

Lol then dont make shit up. Also the only reason youre depressed is because you spent your entire life not caring about anything.

Tl;dr end it faggot

What sort of thinking? Reality? The fact is Blacks are naturally less intelligent. Yes, there are Whites that are less intelligent than some Blacks, and there are Blacks that are highly intelligent. But when you take the average of them all, Blacks are just less intelligent, and this effect is what causes the discernible difference in the level of order in their neighborhoods.

No matter how butthurt it makes you, simply being mad about it isn't going to change this fact, no matter how much you want it to. And Whites wouldn't even feel compelled to bring this shit up to your face if most of society wasn't sticking their head in the sand about it all. If we could acknowledge this then we could move on and talk about something else. But Blacks feel like blaming their failures on some shadowy, nameless, faceless figure like "systemic racism", and they claim the evidence for this is that old ladies clutch their purses when they get on the elevator with them, or taxi cabs pass them up, or the police have to shoot them at greater rates.

Dealing with your race is just tiresome.


Do what you want, you got quads

>dealing with your race

And I apologize, but you never said you were Black.

I would probably do the fuckin treatment

>dying of iron overdose
brilliant idea OP

Hemochromatosis is perfectly treatable. Several members of my family have it. What are you being such a fucking idiot for? Refusing treatment?

Fuck off.

I'm suicidal, so refusing treatment is a passive way to kill myself faster without having to do anything outrageous.

>Hasn't killed self yet

You don't have balls, as your time draws near you'll chickenshit out and freak out while accepting treatment

Your not suicidal your just an attention seeking fag evidenced by your prior mentioning of your disease as


>You don't have balls

Well the hemochromatosis DOES lead to testicular failure.

It is incurable and I've attempted suicide before. I'm considering getting an exit bag sooner than I need one. We'll see. Sometimes I can stay focused on work and writing and other times I just want to die immediately. It sucks.

I can't really talk about this with friends because I feel like they'd react really negatively and treat me differently. So in a way, sure, I am looking for some kind of attention and discussion with strangers about this because I'm not really sure what else I should do.