G'morning b

g'morning b,
I hope you slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

Cause of these dubs

Nvm I guess I'm killing myself

Because alcohol makes me numb

try again.

what you drinking ?

because life sucks, but not enough to kill yourself

What's her name??

i agree with that.

I want to know that myself ,I had a good few videos of her before but forget her name

>I want to know that myself ,I had a good few videos of her before but forget her name
do you remember now?w

Carrie something I think

I just got a job after being unemployed for the past 2.5 months. No way I'm an heroing.

I dont have a reason not to

Jacking off to amazing porn and Sup Forums
plus i did everything i could today to make my life better

>I'm married to a beautiful woman who's my best friend
>we have an active and satisfying sex life
>I have three wonderful kids I adore
>I live in a comfortable home, drive a nice car and own both
>I have a well paying job I find fulfilling
>I work with nice people who respect me
>I have a fairly affluent lifestyle but live well within my means
>I'm on pace to retire in my 50s
>I'm in good overall health

Sun shining on me today


The same apathy that prevents me from bettering my situation. Welcome to limbo.

Carrie Cummings I found her

that's great user.

the same fear that stops me doing anything meaningful with my life also stops me ending my life

what fear is that?

It was an ok sleep.
Gonna attempt to get rich one day. I also got a project going on that keeps me going.
Hope you're doing well faggot, I mean OP.

I'm too busy

I don't have enough money to kill myself atm..

When I die I'm going to go out violently in a blazing glory, and I don't feel like making today that day. Maybe tomorrow?

>Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)14:28:23 No.703751702
Got stoned, went for walk.
Feel a little tired now, it's 15:54

I didn't sleep well. I won't kill myself today because although life is generally pretty dire, occasionally I have moments with people that make it all disappear, at least briefly. I will live for those moments as best I can. At the moment I'm doing all the drugs I can get my hands on and pissing away my savings because I can't seem to get off the ground. Seems I'm powered every day by love for one person, and that love makes me want to improve and better myself, because she believes in me, so all hope is not lost I guess. Anyhow I'm rambling on Sup Forums and this post will be gone in 10 minutes when this thread dies. At the moment I'm obsessed with love. Feel like a teenager again most days. Everything I am means nothing without the ability to share it with people. I love everything and everyone recently, finding it difficult to ever get angry, I just appreciate this fucking crazy universe I exist in by accident. 5 men in my family have committed suicide. I'm reluctant to add to that number. But sometimes you indulge those thoughts. But the idea that I will hurt that person I care about, even if she's upset for just a day, a week, or a month - that's more unbearable than any pain I could feel. So I'll hang in there, at least until there's no longer anything that powerful to keep me around.

If you're reading this then I love you dude, no homo but everything matters on some scale. The fact that your consciousness exists and you have the ability to think and question and deliberate, to enjoy and despair and rejoice and contemplate, that's the sickest shit there is.

Stay cool Sup Forums.

the fear of making the wrong decision?

You are me user. I love you.

keep on keeping on my dude xo

the fear of uncertainty.

Doritos. You can't eat doritos when you're dead.

Because today is reset day

Because I might be fucking this today

Yo who's that dude he's aesthetic af

If my refund came through, I'm going to go buy a PS4 and some games. If not, I'll just do some grocery shopping.

my family would suffer, my gf would suffer, i love life in general..i hate my life specifically and can't change the situation atm.

kill your self today. or AIDs for the rest of your life.

Because a huge patch for Rainbow Six Siege dropped today.

Good morning OP. Haven't caught your thread in a while. Won't kill myself today because I have shit to do this weekend.

sauce on dis?