Is Ellie Kendrick Attractive

Even in a wolf pelt, I personally believe Meera (Ellie) is the hottest person on Game of Thrones

looks like a guy to be onest

yes but not conventionally. for guys that like her certain look she is really hot

There's just something about her I'm really attracted to. Would marry.

Yes she is user

She looks boyish and like someone I would share my whole life with ;-;

She's one of them girls you aren't sure others finds attractive so you keep quiet, but in your eyes she's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen

There's truth to this. Maybe it's that messy, curly hair.

she looks like an SJW

You find her attractive because she's no Stacey Thundercunt. She doesn't seem like the type of girl who take billions of selfies with billions of hashtags attached to them. She seems that it would be easy to approach her and ask her to join you for coffee. She's the kind of girl you think you have a chance with because she isn't some blue eyed blonde hair slut. That's why you think he is beautiful.

She looks like a very handsome boy.

Are you fellas into catamites or what?

If you're into Jewish blokes, maybe.


Very much so I think mainly because she seems like someone I [a 7/10 at best] could feasibly get with maybe

She is pretty but I can never not see simon amstell when I look at her

then you realize you're a loser Sup Forums queer who will never converse with her because she's higher on the social ladder than you, being a TV star and all, and she'll probably end up fucking some non-famous thunderchad

delete this....

It's Friday, I'm in love

Extremely attractive.

I would love to wife her. she's my GoT girl


>wife her

looks like paul dano

Is that the official Shakespeare company production? If she got to be Juliet there what the fuck is she doing on Game of Memes with hacks like Kelly C.?


Fair enough actually. I wonder if stage actors look down on people for that though? Like in the end of All About Eve, 'but so few come back!' Is it going to be a static career jump for her? Is she doomed to small parts in bloated and soulless but high-grossing pieces of shit forever?


Does she have hairy arms? Pits? Anything?

She's cute in an Anne Frank kind of way. Personally I find plain women more attractive than those that try too hard, it turns me on more. Many will disagree but that just means more plain janes for me.

Sort of a "girl next door" thing, I guess. The type of girl you probably hanged out with as a kid, climbed trees, got into trouble, played baseball...

Then somewhere in your teens you start realizing, wait a minute, she's a girl. And she smells nice. And she's growing tits. And suddenly your pants are too small.

Normally hate overused "I don't agree with you but am to dumb to come up with a real argument so I'll say go back to plebit" but you used it correctly here that does sound like leddit speak

> she seems like someone I [a 7/10 at best] could feasibly get with maybe

user, I doubt she dates faggots

I don't know, sounds like 2ch when they try and type in english

>never noticed her lazy eye until now

goddamnit, fucking dropped

Wait. That's not Paul Dano in a wig?

I feel similar and I can tell you why. It's because she isn't flashy. She doesn't look like some model or celebrity. She's more like the girl next door or a girl you'd see at the library or in school.

She's pretty in an old school way. I look at someone like Taylor Swift and I think, "I want to fuck that". I look at someone like her and I think, "I want to marry that".

you do realise that almost everyone has a slight lazy eye, right?