Mfw people believe in a God they can't prove exists, follow a book written by a bunch of power-hungry men...

Mfw people believe in a God they can't prove exists, follow a book written by a bunch of power-hungry men, and then spit their vitroil on others for not doing the same.

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Too bad you're a cat and you can't tell these dumb humans what's what.

Cats are just mad because Christian put an end to the furry loving Egyptian religions.

I don't blame them too hard. We cant prove gravity exists but we all know it does

Even though we can.

Proof that graxity exists is that you aren't floating off into space right now, jackoff

Hey im with you. But it still isn't proven. I've had a godfag show it to me and i couldn't refute it with anything other than common sense

Religion relies on faith, and the fact that they are dogmatic about their faith, the same way you are dogmatic that math is the truth because of how reliable it is

Extreme skepticism gets you nowhere, it's the same as saying "the truth is there is no truth"

>nice quads
But skepticism is useful in that if we don't ask "why" then we aren't compelled to learn more and find our own truths.

and what do you believe

Yes, but I am talking about EXTREME skepticism, but yes, without wonder of what is happening it is very hard, if not impossible, to find answers to the "truth"

That there is no god, obviously

I live in a severe depression, I am on a verge, I can barely go to work, everything in my life is fucked up. It torments me, I am suffering.
If our fucking christian god exists then fuck you god just fuck you for letting people be born with mental illnesses.

does having that opinion making you somehow superior to everyone who does believe it? like your absence of belief affects those who do in any way?

who cares?

You know what's really funny is that when I was in the nut house for a psychotic breakdown I received a book from my mom's friend that basically said that depression/mental illness is due to the lack of God in your life and that psychology is evil. I could only read so much because it was very bullshitty. As you can imagine, I was pretty irritated. It was about that time also that I realized religion was idiotic. It's idiotic to follow what people are telling you to believe and what's in some book rather than seek knowledge and expand your mind.

you just described sexism you cis gender faggot

Yea well god probably doesn't, he just does some good by trying to instill some "good" beliefs upon lots of people

if you read religious texts for yourself without the bias of others you will find religion can cure these issues.

No, I wouldn't say I find myself superior to others based on my lack of belief and I'm not an asshole to people who are religious.

so why the thread? assuming you're op

A lot of bad ones too

>tfw god doesn't DO anything, he's just a concept, free will is ours and every individual is entitled and responsible to think and act for themselves regardless of race, class, sex, etc

What do you believe

a singular truth, a single entity (the universe) experiencing itself subjectively, every human body has an ego, that ego is responsible for itself.

we're blank space that became a race that now has to pace and pace to look in the mirror to find its face


That's right, but the concept or idea of God and what he's supposedly teaching compels people to do terrible things to one another

But someday there will be no religion and the world will live in peace

god isn't teaching anything either. teaching is also an action. god just is. god is life. and love is the truth. walking with hate will only bring your karma down, but walking with love will show you what it truly means to be enlightened. to be free. to be alive and mortal. to experience what god's gift to us is - life. himself. ourselves. this moment and all of the moments ahead. (except there's only one moment - now.)

You need deism organized religion in itself is bullshit but can you really believe with every thing we see there isn't a higher being at work I like to think of god as nature and sentient beings as nature being aware of itself sort of like a mass rng or ai

nature is the higher being. we are inferior to the masses of atoms that we are also a small fragment of. individually we are but tiny organisms but as a whole we are everything. everything is god.

Well yea, religion seems to me to be a control point for making people share ideas and come together, which would probably only be good if there was one religion, or one like modern Christianity where they seem to focus on being nice and donating and not stealing

You are failing to see that religion has its benefits, and that the world might be worse without it

that's called corruption. teaching becomes a position of power, and typically as nature goes, power leads to control and abuse. that's the way of every organized religion because it's nature. but there is still truth in the texts and teachings of these religions, all of them. there is wisdom in all of them. people of the past spread it through hate, but without doing so the information wouldn't have stayed alive. so you can thank god that greed existed so we can all arrive to the singular truth, love, aka the singularity. welcome to the future.

>Crazy people are religious
>Crazy people need religion to tell them to not kill and steal
>No religion=all religious people run wild killing all of us

What you're talking about is the theory of religion in that it's a belief system through which positive ideal are spread and exercised.
The reality is that religion, more often than not, is a mechanism for assuming power over the minds of the masses and destroying whatever the power sees as threatening or wrong.

i laughed so hard

Damn it, your making it hard to control you. Wtf?

crazy people need religion to remind them they are sane. to ground them. to remind them that everything will be okay. even if the rest of life is suffering, it will be okay in the end. because this is all just a dream and all dreams come to and end.

we need a world now without religion because the current attachment to religion breeds hate, it builds walls and divides us. it keeps us apart and keeps us from loving. it causes wars and grants power. this is what we need to let go of. this is why we no longer need religion. we just need the truth.

Sure that's one way to look at it, or people might have such varying values and beliefs that no one gets along and we all suffer and don't progress

oh you...

Yes, I agree with you as I have thought of it to be that way, there are not only positives as someone higher up is controlling them, whether that be some god or leading prophet, but what I am saying is that religion can still be beneficial despite that

Bullshit. Just a collection of stories that make no sense whatsoever. Why would a god create humans to be naturally curious and then punish them for being that way? Jesus died to wipe away sins that I didn't even commit gtfoh


What like race and social class does?

>Mfw people believe in a science they can't prove reality exists, follow a book written by a bunch of power-hungry men, and then spit their vitroil on others for not doing the same.

I remember when I was 13 too...
now learn some quantum physics and see how bullshit your science crap is.

Or, you know, they could've been taught like any rational person why harming others is wrong. People aren't born crazy.
Except neither karma nor any god is real. You can refute the idea of god without being filled with hate. Working toward a more rational society is not bad.

mfw people dont believe in a god, wear fedora's, and spit thier vitrol on others for not doing the same.

Thank you for pointing this out, but are you both sure that religion is only bad? I feel as if I am missing something important here

there are several points of wisdom within all of the different religions. buddhism is an important point to learn to live and cope with understanding all of the information. meditation is important for humans right now to sail on this ocean of knowledge we reside within currently.

knowledge breeds power. wisdom breeds understanding. understanding knowledge breeds love and love is the truth.

god is nature. nature just happened. nobody knows why. nobody knows how. there is truth in ignorance. god punished us in the sense that billions of years we spent being selfish organisms, but now we have arrived at a new point. a point where humans have developed empathy. empathy evolves into love. god never did anything. nature just took its course and here we are. jesus was just a man who wanted to spread the truth of love and his life was taken for it. but because he did that we have western christianity, as awful as it may seem, again this let the truth spread.

karma is just cause and effect. that's basic biology. basic physics. karma can be found in anything. if i knock a cup over, the spilled water was the karmic reaction.

of course you can refute the idea of god without being filled with hate. and ideally you should question it. but refuting the idea of the christian or muslim god with no backing or understanding why is also ignorant. those gods are merely a conceptualization of nature, of the universe, of existence. of life itself. there is nothing there, but there is. what it is is right in front of you. it's what you've been living. working toward a more rational society, a society that helps others, that progresses instead of regresses or collapses. well that's the same ideology that founded the very religions you're refuting. empathy. love. those are the core concepts that matter, regardless of religion. it makes us human. being human makes us god. the fact we can analyze and understand our situation, that we can be self-aware.

no!!!! most certainly not. RELIGION is great. it's wonderful. the answers to everything are hidden in that jumbled mess. the point is that the PEOPLE that drive religion have screwed it all up. have caused wars. have preached hate. have utilized control and force. have DONE the exact opposite of what they preach. it is out of ignorance. but the ignorance, the greed, the hate, the control. that has kept the TRUTH alive. the truth is love. living in love. living in love brings truth happiness.

this post was for you i'm just retarded

Karma is not cause and effect biologically or physically speaking. It is spiritual pseudoscience and it is not proven to be true. We as humans are programmed to find connections between actions and events, even if there are none.

>mfw christfags just conveniently ignore this.

Ok, I see what you are saying and I agree with it, I might have been too focused on the positives of religion

Lel. How edgy can you get? The thing about science is that it's PROVABLE again and again with imperical evidence. It's as black and white as math is if you really care to learn about it.

spirituality is pseudoscience derived from living in the moment and experiencing reality in an unbiased, natural way. like the buddha. he went into the woods and meditated for years to arrive at certain truths. these truths sparked a religion with a following. karma explains why human nature follows the same patterns as the rest of nature. because we are a part of the same entity that we are living within.

they do. it's sad and embarrassing but it's just human nature. it's ignorance but also faith and hope. faith and hope keep people who don't understand on the right track. and of course, there's still ignorant people who choose to live in hate and ignore the very foundation of their beliefs. but that is blind following as opposed to true belief. there is both that exist. aka extremists and the rest of the believers.

the amount of positive and negative is about equal. the truth will lead to world peace and the hate is what got us here. so god bless!

Well there are loads things that don't exist in real world but people chose to believe in them. Justice for example. There isn't such a thing as justice and never hasn't been. But people believe in it and try making world better under influence of their vision of this 'justice thing'.

justice is the result of their efforts. because in trying to create a world with morals we have succeeded. we now understand the difference of right and wrong. justice will come. justice is salvation.

Not quite right. We cannot explain what exactly causes gravity. We know it relates to mass and bending spacetime, but we don't understand the process.

It's not unbiased if we walk around thinking that we're part of everything and vice versa. The whole thing about the quote "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" is that it applies solely to physics. To imply that it applies to social interactions or anything else is really biased.

So abstractions, things that are in the world that we can't sense, like math and justice and beauty. It's just that math is more reliable than the others

at least they don't bomb the unbelievers

We've created ideas that don't mesh though. Blaming "God" for the evil in the world, yet God is supposed to be too high up the food chain to even understand Man's needs and wants. It's really a question of, what kind of God, when things that are beyond evil exist here on a daily basis? And now we get to hear about them all. It's easy to have faith when you have little to lose. It's much harder when faced with real evil and wrong doing. If your at peace, how can you criticize those at war for not believing in peace? It's our nature to question things, if we are intelligent.

That's different.
Justice is a concept, like an or idea or construction of thought. Concepts exist merely because people believe they do because they exist in the minds of people. Therefore, justice does exist.
By this logic, the concept of God exists, but God as an actual being doesn't exist. He only exists in people's minds. Therefore, God, as a being, doesn't exist.

>and then spit their vitroil on others for not doing the same.
Basically what you are doing right now

if you toss out the belief that we are part of everything then you will again arrive at that truth. also science has proved that part anyways. we're all matter.

if i smile at someone and they smile back, i caused that specific reaction. if i tell them to fuck off, it will probably bring them down. if we're bound by the same physical rules aka physics why wouldn't every neuron firing in our brains and every word we speak be the very same?

you're almost right. the only thing you're missing is that the being of God is the universe we reside in. he's everything. he's you and me and the trees outside and the skies and the seas. he is the ultimate because without "him" we wouldn't be here. without us he wouldn't be a concept in our minds.

I'm not spitting vitriol man I'm just a cat making a face at an observation that had also been made

checkmate atheists

I'm talking about the Christian god or "God" as a being portrayed in books. God being everything is different and that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm agnostic but prove he doesn't exist?

you're referring to the God as being portrayed by Christians who like to refer to him as some dude in the sky. but in the bible God is really nothing more than a voice in people's heads. aka wisdom derived from experience

This is going way potato. There is a scientifical explanation for people smiling back at you when you smile at them and that's basic PSYCHOLOGY. You could call it karma if you want to, but there is no spirituality to the actions and reactions in the world that we can prove, or even find reasonable without being completely biased toward spiritualism. Karma will (just like anything and everything else) exist if you truly believe it, but that doesn't make it real.

right, psychology. the study of the mind. the mind is made from organic material as a result of natural evolution. what keeps our minds separate from operating within the laws of physics? nothing.

Don't get me wrong. It's a really nice way of thinking and I'm sure you've got good intentions. I'm just not into the idea that you have to have a reason to do everything.

you don't have to have a reason to do anything! simply there is a reason FOR everything.

Yes, exactly. The voice of "God" is simply those people's own subconscious. People think they're really hearing the dude in the sky in their head, when really there's no dude in the sky and they're hearing themselves.

Kek is the one true God

exactly! because we're all one being, knowledge is shared via language and stories, therefore those who arrive at new truths are struck with what's called ideas. ideas are what cause large shifts in society.

Sure, depending on what type of reason you're talking about. There is always a physical reason, not a spiritual one.

what's the difference?

I'm taking the bait. Spirituality is a man-made concept. Physics is there regardless of what we think or how we act.

but physics are why we're here. physics dictate us. physics created spirituality as a path to the truth- love and peace. love and peace will grant longevity because life strives for only two things- reproduction and survival. continuity. anything man-made is nature-made. concepts are nature-made. nature is god. everything was made by god. i could go on but do you get the gist?

This is so cringe. There is no spritual purpose or "truth", only if you believe there is. Therefore, it is not part of science or physics. Anything man-made is not nature-made, as some things nature can not create it at all, yet we can. I understand your point of everything being part of one entity, but that is bullshit. Sorry for being rude, but it is highly disturbing that you seem to ignore that your idea of spirituality and purpose is just that, an idea. The soil of the earth can't think on it's own.

nature created us. we created man-made stuff. what's the difference?

Something being nature-made is something like trees and jellyfish or whatnot. Computers, engines and industrialisation is man-made. See the difference?
Have a good night.

>like trees
>like jellyfish
>like.... man?

It's been proven by historians that Jesus was real and he did miracles. Real miracles like raising the dead. Not like David Blaine shit. Of course he is God.

Surprised no one bit this

this is what fundies actually believe

faith isnt the same thing as belief

youre an amateur


what does it mean

math does not prove reality

Your religion is SCIENTISM.

Your prophets and high priests are Newton, Einstien, Hawkings, among others.

Your holy books are Math and Physics.

Your god is Gravity

You have absolutely no evidence for your god's existence.

You can't measure it by any verifiable and authentic means.

You can't see it.

You can’t touch it.

The only sin is questioning your god.

If anyone criticizes your god or asks for evidence, you point them to your holy
books. If they still don't believe, you intimidate, scorn, castigate, insult.

If I told you fairies held me upside down on a spinning ball, you'd laugh
at me.

If I told you Alien energy could move 2 nonferrous objects together, the same

If I told you people could move into and out of the deadly van allen radiation belts and not be harmed and told you it was by magic....

If I told you baby Jesus created a speck of dust, I mean singularity, and created the whole universe from it, I have the feeling you
would not believe that either.

But you tell me gravity (latin gravitas meaning weight) does all this and so much more.

Let us pray.

put faith in good and true Roman Gods

>le fedora bois have arrived

had the potential to be a great post, ruined it by being an idiot. god dammit user