ITT: We judge

ITT: We judge

jajaja u play in the latin american server? what a faggot

I just hit 150,000 teemo points, Took this screen cap months ago

U too only spanish laught whit "j" stupid ass fag

go on...

i cant get off to guys blowing me without helping out/forcing myself, its just so awkward and wtf..
but im horny and when I write they hop onto their bikes and come

wat do??

I wish he didn't suck so much right now.


i have no friends

league of fgts

holy shit, you dont deserve friends. fucking shaco

I wouldn't be friends with anyone who mained Shaco tbh

Support mains always get placed support...

i used to main shaco in league like 7 years ago, before they ruined him

Not gonna bother with pic but mine's Veigar --> Trundle --> Cho'Gath

i enjoy others misery
>inb4 edgy

You disgust me...


i own all of his skins too hehe xd

How did I do?

hehe motha fucking xd


>AP Shaco

Over 100k on Galio. Galio > Soroka > Morgana. Looking for a 5 man team.

Nobody here has yet mastered their champion compared to me.

Are you the shaco illuminati?

Trolling with your R must be pretty fun...

i play ap shaco top, support, and ad jungle. there is a hybrid one shot build i went but it was too disgusting for public eyes.

There is only one true god, the bard god.


Only few master the illuminati technique, but i am one of them.


Yes, I didn't mean anything wrong, I actually like Shaco and played it a little in season 5. Also, I enjoy Shaclone and PinkWard's YT.

fucking shaco, all my hate,
every time I'm like,
>ok today is the day I learn to jungle good
>counter jungled
>counter jungled, so hard.

>start my blue buff
>kill enemy jg at her red and take it
>gank mid lane, get a kill
>take 2 seconds to go to blue buff, kill enemy jg and take her buff again

this is why i have 400k on this champion

this is why I loved pre nerf kindred.
I welcomed shacos invade with open arms as I kill him for the buff everytime. every single time. It was godly.
and if it was a shaco that knew better than to invade a kindred, Id invade his ass, while outsclaing him too!

Now I have to play shit like elise to counter a shaco.


i counter jungle every game unless its:

everyone else has been pretty free. never really play against kindred. everyone kinda stopped playing her.

Mas 7 on jinx and morg
3rd most played mas 5 on sona with one token

singed too good man

its because youre basically a second ADC and every jungler does your job better, except maybe lategame teamfighting but it rarely gets to that point. Id call her a hypercarry jungler essentially. She also requires a decent teamcomp to succeed.

I still play her just for fun tho

Also really hate the RNG of the fucking marks. Marking champions is a fun mechanic, random camp marks isnt, sometimes you get unlucky and end up having no stacks by minute 20 and that essentiallymeans you got no damage because she has the lowest base AD out of all champions...

Gotta say though a good shaco is a great asset to their team of pressure alone.

nice poppers


Rate me.

You're probably 5;8'', 3 inch dick, watch too much trick2g, dad took your virginity.


Judge this fuckers


correct nig

I don't play much but here you go


actually just took screencap from anniebot xd

If this was actually anniebot I'd tell him what a massive fucking faggot he is and to go cuck around somewhere else. . but it's not.

>Don't play much
>Minimum 78 wins if bad total scores but getting S every time and winning 78 straight games
(As typical score is 1k per game if you get an S)
>Most likely you have 200~ish games on cass alone

ITT: Virgins

You're right on all accounts except it was my uncle

All I play is Cass. I queue top and mid and play Cass regardless of the match up or team comp. I guess I do play a bit though. I don't play a lot compared to my faggot friends.

i dont play league, but i am aware people hate shaco,

am curious why


Yo anniebot. Stop holding down my nigga Imaqtpie. You're cucking him hard with your lack of ults.

He can go invisible and kill you early in your own jungle letting him snowball. He's useless late game though.



seems legit


>having the balls to play a shit tier champ like garen and even getting an S on him.
i applaud you for doing something i do not have the patience for. Garen was my absolute favorite champ and i was known by my friends for being an amazing Garen. at least back when i was in silver. i used to go Garen mid pre juggernaut and wreck assassins. he was great. now i dont like him at all. i have level 5 with him at least.

hope this is the right one

alright for some reason i cant screenshot but is having 7 on morde at 40k and 6 on urgot with 100k scrubbish?