Your move

Your move.

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I choose you!




I won!!

Foolish user


Is this how the game works?

ur move


g8 to f6

Here you go user.

I will be the brains, you be the artist.



Omg I'm sorry. I missplaced the horse.

Here, let me continue thread

It's cool.
d7 to d5

Here you go user.

>call that a fianchetto

Thread is amazing. I'm liking this chess club.

I need someone to play white please!

d3 surely

Can't. I'll lose. But instead here's an extra doge powerup.

goal isn't to win I think, or some faggot would just play engine moves

no. d3 is horrible. loses a pawn, loses castling rights, and loses initiative because black will threaten nxf2+ (forking king and rook) after capturing on e4.

so, d3 --> nxe4 then... dxe4, and white is a piece up.

Too late! D2 has moved!

You guys made me want to play a real game of chess so now I'm playing one anonymously online.
I'm black.


dude... fucking think.

1. d3 dxe4 2. dxe4 Qxd1+ 3. Kxd1 Nxe4... threatening fork on next move

Yeah but there is no way to save pawn on e4. Bg2 is not doing much, NC3 plays into d4. How about f4?

white is already in shit position. bg5 is only good option i see

Never change Sup Forums

i just suggested Bg5. now knight can't take. if dxe4 then Bxf6 first, then recapture dxe4 next move.

oh fuck but it's black's move. god damnit you fucked it up

yeah you suggested it after d3 was played. I'm talking about what you would play instead of d3.

post link to game

I don't understand all of this...

Can anyone give a simple solution? For example "e4 to d5". I don't familiar with "d3 dxe4 2. dxe4 Qxd1+ 3. Kxd1 Nxe4"

Yeah so N=knight, B=bishop, R=rook, Q= queen K=king. x means capture e.g. Nxe7, and + is check. When there is no letter it means it is a pawn move. If two pieces of the same kind can move to the same square, then we specify which one, as in exd4, or Ned4+

mkay thanks, but still a simple solution is a lot better for me.

so is anybody playing?

call in that one navy seal user who's always talkin shit.

Fine, I'll just play the game myself :^)

