Nigger hate thread

Nigger hate thread

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You're welcome to fly the Stars "n' Bars
nigger, all the way>



I dont like freedom im kneeling

The Patriot is an excellent movie.


>Growing in my pussy

I fucking hate this bitch.



im black and i don't dance like guys are fucking racist. bunch of white boys with computers. probably never met a black person in your life. blacks are actually the more productive race, and have been oppressed by whites for centuries. there was democracy and peace in Africa before English, French, and Belgian conquerors came to divide our land. you have fucked us and now you sit back and laugh at us. thats just cruel.





prove you are black and I'll listen
>A very wise man.


Democracy. Laughable. Peace? Of a sort. But thousands of years of isolation and NO major cultural, architectural or philosophical advancement. Sorry, bro. Africa may possibly be the Cradle of Civilization, but the natives are still -globally speaking- infants.

Better title: General Nigger thread.






if dubs we start pajeet hate thread

