Be playing for only 2 seasons

>Be playing for only 2 seasons
>Already Legit silver
>Thinking of quitting job to focus on league full time

Any advice Sup Forumsros?
Lolking-> /summoner/na/34534350

I know ur trolling but i dont doubt ur a silver shitter

How do you even get silver? you have to be purposely trolling to be silver

Not trolling 53-46 in jg is super solid
I see Nightblue3 saying all the time how hard it is to win in jg

Amumu in 2016 lul

He has the best cc in the game

OP is a master baiter


Hah Hah, very funny, a dick joke, but mumu really is a top tier champion

Maybe, but there are much better picks that win out every time

I quit my desk job to play dota full time, attended TI6 a few months ago, I have lots of advice for you but you'd have to ask me what you'd like to know.

nigihtblue is fucking trash
watch a different jg like Meteos

Only champ that comes close, he is my second main and i made some gauntlets that look just like his

is dota that viable if you live in a shithole with no good jobs AT ALL?

I played lol for 4 years tho

mumu is a fun pick for normal games that's about it.

Dota isn't a viable job at all. unless you plan on spending tens of thousands of hours practicing.

If you can get any good at rengar I promise everyone D5 and lower is freelo

No advice needed. You're practically pro, definitely quit your job and finish the climb.

True for most assassins really

At this point not worth working on him until his rework since the assassin rework is incoming.

Let me throw some real advice at you, keep playing as a hobby till you reach masters. Then think about pro, but don't be cause it is a shitty job with shitty hours and shitty pay

I always hear Phreak talk about the tank meta, i think assassins arent worth playing if even some in the game design team doesnt believe in them

You aren't wrong, but In my experience you can play rengar into any matchup witth the exception of a really good rek sai

dont be a retard, you could maybe quit if you were like master tier, but you have almost no fucking chance and you would basically be better off hanging yourself

honestly nobody should go pro unless they been playing for about 4 seasons just so you by heart know everything and can predict as much as possible and

Ye they'll probably phase out of meta eventually

The tier list is rek'sai then gragas then nidalee

Rek'sai is the most forgiving so if you can master any jungler its her

The only person in this thread that sounds like a pro

>listening to nightblue3


Get out of Silver.

I'm in Silver 1 currently, and have been half-grinding to Gold 5. Being Silver 4 last season due to not giving a fuck about ranked and being admittedly bad, I've had success in jungling.
In Silver you MUST play carry-heavy junglers with either a lot of damage or a lot of cc.

Examples of damage carry junglers: Graves, Evelynn, Nidalee, Elise, Shaco, Fizz (yes you can jungle Fizz, go AP and you will wreck, he has decent clear.), Hecarim, Jarven 4, Vi, Olaf.

Examples of cc-heavy carries: Zac (literally one-trick Zac you will win every teamfight), Vi, Volibear, Amumu, Malphite, Sejuani, (kinda make Nautilus a jungler, it works pretty decently), Maokai, Sion, Skarner, Rammus, Poppy.

it's nidalee then gragas unless the gragas is really good and isn't a fuckwad