If you could end the world, how would you do it?

If you could end the world, how would you do it?

I would

Title Card end followed by the credits with historical bloopers going on in the background ending with a stinger of the Earth revolving backwards and all of history restarting.

Horrific diseases, I want you animals to suffer for what you've done to each other.

The player turning off the console without saving first.

Vote hillary in?

Zerg/tyranid invasion followed by last minute exterminatus

did you even read what OP posted?


Mad max

Everyone and everything everywhere fucking each other to death.


Exterminatus on Holy Terra?!


Sounds messy. And couldn't weird monks not participate and live?

I think he's a member of the World Eaters.

Then there is no threat. Kharn will surely kill half of them before they even get to the system, let alone what the Custodes would do to them if they land.

Plus, pretty sure The Emprah would stop most of that happining anyways.

>Super Fucking Omega Hitler the shit out it, so SFOH

All electronic stuff don't work anymore, all ppl hear screamings, but in different moments make someone go mad

All food disappear, nothing than other people or animals remains, water taste bad, during the night the number of screams increase

All cars stop working, no lights, only fire work, if you stay alone (10 mts without anyone) you dissapear, this works for animals too, your friends and parents will hear your voice calling for help

All animals become aggressive and all become carnivores, all weapons are gone, doors cant be locked, everytime you hear a scream you must run, or something will kill you

All insects that you could eat dissapear, you can only eat humans and animals, water is no longer aviable so you can only drink blood

All animals dissapear, screaming voice tell you where's the nearest human, except the ones pretty near to you

>When the last group of humans remains they will be used for colony another world, theyr brains will live forever and they will have to plan the next world end

>the year is 2461
>the earth has seen better days
>centuries of war with an alien species has destroyed all traces of humanity from the universe
>the fight is finally to earth
>what is left of humanities armies is massacred by the alien threat
>you have trapped yourself in a bunker with an odd bird insignia
>"i-i know what this place is"
>"i learned about it while studying turn of the melinia nations"
>you see a skeleton in the corner of the room, appeared to have died clutching a case of some sot
>'it's what they used to use to laugh nukes"
>you hear a loud banging at the door from the monsters out side
>you friend radios you
>"they've started taking hostages"
>they will use humans as slaves...or worse
>you look at the case again
>you prime all of the arsenal
>you are faced with the choice to let humans be slaves or kill off all traces of humanity
>"i-i guess some things are worse than death"
>a deafening noise and a large shaking come from outside
>you sit in the bunker, for the next forty years contemplating what you have done
>so many years wasted
>and you are the only one left
>you decide to end it
>taking with you, the last piece of humanity in existance

Revive Hitler

Underrated post.

Like the opening to Parasite Eve. Everyone should burn.

Would Hitler have caused the apocalypse?

make this user president --> world end

This joke work with everything you faggot homo

Yeah would use the power of the nine Aryan stones to cause the nine realms of light to collide into one super realm. The result once you stick the Holy Lance into the heart of Juriiiiifingjdhgdskfdklsjd is that Yogsothoth would gain entrance to our realm.

In theory anyway.

You're a fucking heretic

I would increase the expansion of the universe and make it go faster and faster and faster, forever. It would continue expanding until it was more powerful than gravity. Everything moving away from each other so fast that Gravity wouldn't be strong enough to hold galaxies together. Then it would go faster. Faster and faster until it started ripping stars apart. Stars and planets would just dissolve into their basic elements faster than they could be attracted back together. Faster until it would be expanding faster than the speed of light, at which point, no particle would ever be able to interact with any other particle because the space between them would be expanding faster than they could approach anything. Like two people running toward each other on conveyor belts going in opposite directions.

The universe would be nothing more than solitary supersymmetric particles, all alone

Fuck, I'm glad the nazis lost. That sounds rough as shit.

You should be son you should be.

Sounds pretty metal, my friend.

E. O.R

Good make a pretty good plot if someone with decent grammar took over

rogue planet collision

all women die before the artificial womb is complete

English is not my native language, i'm sorry

Make pi=4.0

new wold order

Make every atom of hydrocarbon-based life forms undergo spontaneous nuclear fusion.

>Week 7
Learn english

That's just the Big Rip, look it up

Giant floodings, Seacreatures rise, Cthulhu and Aqua Man form an unholy alliance (bc everyone mocks Aqua Man for talking to fish) and they devastate the World by creating tsunamis in the north sea and on the coasts of everywhere. Also they let the sealevel rise in general and poison every last bit of water. GG Mankind.

I'd gas everyone like my grandpa did in ww2

Set of multiple nukes in the north and south poles simultinuously.

yes but that takes a long time. user was talking about it happening so fast that we would be around to experience it

I'd let the pollution continue unabated while spreading confusion about global warming until we're so far over the red line it's a global climate reset, with all the associated geopolitical fallout.

You know. Continue to do nothing.

Oh user, blooper credit reels are so tacky. Save that for the special features DVD.