Change one word in a Lord of the Rings quote to 'nigger'

Change one word in a Lord of the Rings quote to 'nigger'

Fly you nigger


Hasta la vista, nigger.

A nigger is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to

There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this nigger

niggers boilem mashem stickem inna stew

Niggers shall not pass!

You bow to no nigger

Shit tier humor lads

I would have followed you, my brother... My captain... My nigger.

it's like i'm 15 again on Sup Forums

It's summer. Prepare for a lot of these threads.

there are still some niggers in this world mr frodo. and it's worth fighting for.

actual lol

I am no nigger

Looks like nigger is back on the menu, boys!

when did they say these lines? which movie was it

It's a riddle! What's the nigger word for friend?


It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill the nigger when he had the chance!

You wouldn't part an old man from his walking nigger?

You have no nigger here Gandalf greyhame

These threads are always around and have been for awhile, not just on this board either.

So I can only guess that's it your first time here and that you saw someone else going "lol it's summer!" and you were clever enough to parrot it again here to try and disguise your newfaggotry.

They have a Cave Nigger.

Nigger does not simply walk into mordor.

Three niggers for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One nigger to rule them all, One nigger to find them,
One nigger to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."

they're taking the niggers to isengard

The niggers are lit! Gondor calls for aid!

my nigger

The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark niggers.

It's still 15 year old Sup Forums-tier humour, and yeah, no ones is denying that Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums 2.0 and has been for quite some time

keep it safe, keep it nigger.

The age of men is over. The time of the niggers has come


ayy lmao

speak "nigger" and enter.

let's hunt some niggers

how did they get away with this? it is [YEAR] after all.

I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the niggers of this world alone.

>muh summerfags

I would have followed you my nigga

fuck you for not reading the thread, nigger

posting in an epic thread

mr frodo, we truly are lord of the niggers.

Do i have you guys permission to post this to reddit?

I see we have a few offended redditors in our midst

Enjoying your first summer on the chan?

it would hurt someone's feelings so no.

Everyone calls their least favorite board "Sup Forums 2.0".

Whom do you serve?

Hello OP

As opposed to the more sophisticated discussion during fall, winter, and spring

Roger that XD

>Implying Sup Forums isn't a designated shitposting board


This is now a Tom Bombadil thread

What can men do against such reckless niggers?

he was a nigger and a good friend.

niggers? it was niggers that stayed his hand.

But they were all of them deceived for another Nigger was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master Nigger, to control all others and into this Nigger, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. One Nigger to rule them all.

Nigger, I'm back


So there I was at the mercy of three monstrous trolls. And they were all arguing amongst themselves about how they were going to cook us. Whether it be turned on a spit or whether they should sit on us one by one and squash us into jelly. They spent so much time arguing the witherto's and whyfor's that the sun's first light cracked open over the top of the trees... Poof! And turned them all into niggers!

There can be only one Nigger. And he does not share power!


gandalf the grey? i'm gandalf the nigger.

Don't... tempt me Frodo! I dare not take It, not even to keep It safe. Understand Frodo, I'd want to use this Nigger from a desire to do good, but through me, It would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine."

Pippin: Is he going to die?
Aragorn: He is passing into the Shadow World. He'll soon become a nigger like them.

holy shit kek


"They were once men. Great kings of men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question. One by one, they fell into darkness and now they're slaves to His will. They are the Niggers. Neither living nor dead. At all times, they feel the presence of the Ring. Drawn to the power of the One, they will never stop hunting you."

You have my sword
-And my bow

My nigga Balin would give us a rrrrroyal welcome

hobbits? sounds like nigger mischief.

>Elrond: You're outnumbered, Aragorn. You need more niggers.
>Aragorn: There are none.
>Elrond: There are those who dwell in the mountain.
>Aragorn: Murderers. Traitors. You would call upon them to fight? They believe in nothing. They answer to no nigger.
>Elrond: They will answer to the king of niggers.
>Elrond: Anduril, Flame of the West, forged from the shards of niggers.
>Aragorn: Sauron will not have forgotten the sword of niggers. The blade that was broken shall return to Minas Tirith.
>Elrond: The man who can wield the power of this nigger can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the nigger. Become who you were born to be. Take the Dimholt Road.
>Elrond: I give hope to niggers.
>Aragorn: I keep niggers for myself.


Boromir: "This is no mine... It's a tomb!"

Legolas: "Niggers!"

Astalavista nigger

>Eowyn: Ride with me.
>Merry: My nigger!

"“Do not meddle in the affairs of niggers, for they are not subtle and quick to anger.”

ain't no niggers here. they're up in hobbiton.

"The niggers are LIT!"


I want reddit to leave

nice memes, my friend ;^)

For Nigger.

And then you see it...

What, Gandalf? See what?

White niggers

...idly do the niggers of lorien fall.


need to contribute to this epic thread :>)

Have a good cry about it before you fuck off yourself

Nigger you fools.

is this actually reddit or bait?


Niggers in the dark.

>Gandalf: Look at me. What did you see?
>Pippin: A nigger. There was a white nigger in a courtyard of stone. It was dead. The nigger was burning.

I cant tell if this entire thread is bait or actually reddit

>96 posts
>46 posters
Epic fail bros

I meant to go back...wander the paths of
Mirkwood, visit Laketown, see the Lonely
Mountain again...but Niggers, it seems, have
finally caught up with me.


His treachery runs deeper than you know.
By foul craft, Saruman has crossed Nigger
with Goblin Men...he is breeding an army
in the caverns of Isengard.
An army that can move in Sunlight and cover great distance at speed.
Saruman is coming for the Ring.

Your witchcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a nigger.

if everyone posted twice there's not a problem