All neighbouring countries (this includes sea-borders now...

All neighbouring countries (this includes sea-borders now, hiding on a shitty island won't help here) have suddenly decided they're sick of your country's shit and engage a full scale invasion with no restrictions whatsoever as the international community has decided they don't give a shit what happens. How long does your country survive and how badly does it get fucked?

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>Canada gets fucked either way
well I guess such is life as a leaf.


We would annex Sweden and Norway, and use them as shocktroops against Russkies while we laught at Estonians.

After we beat the shit out of everybody, someone will have to clean up the awful mess, it'll be worse than the mess the womens marchers left just laying in the streets

After Russia and America both invade Canada and kill eachother off we will take Greenland and St. Pierre-et-Miquelon.

I'm pretty sure we could take Canada and Mexico. Both literally and figuratively.

No shit, but you also have Russia (and if you want to get anal, Cuba and Bahamas) attacking you as well.
And I guess if those insular meme islands you have count, Japan and Netherlands (along with all the Literal who island nations of the Pacific/Caribbean).

Their entire army doctrine is based around defending themselves for prolonged periods, not invading other countries. They'd be sitting at the torne river and waiting for us to attack. Sweden would try to take Åland as soon as war was declared and since Sweden enjoy a vastly superior navy that would be somewhat feasible, albeit short lasting.

Also very defense oriented and every land based avenue of attack is narrow as fuck. They'd lock our access to the Atlantic for sure though. Perhaps stage a small scale invasion of Gothenburg and raids along the western coast.

Again, defense oriented and with a pretty small army to boot. Might be able to sustain a minor invasion of the southernmost regions, but primarily they'd be locking down the sea and air in the area.

Back out once they realize they have to invade another European country.

>lithania, latvia and estonia
Might reinforce Finland but don't pose any serious threat.

well fuck. They'd probably invade Gotland as soon as they could. The forces there and reinforcement would last maybe a week. They'd then start to bomb the rest of Sweden day and night.

All in all we might last 2 weeks. Norway take back their historical regions and surrounding regions in the north west. Finland would take the rest of the north. Denmark would take back skåne, blekninge and halland. Russia would take Gotland.

Invaders will be are fucked, annexed, and humiliated of course.
Probably would try to ask their lands back again like Japan. Hehehe heh.

Except the far east that would get pounded by the US, Japan and China (north korea lol).

>Except the far east that would get pounded by the US, Japan and China
Sounds lewd

Nuclear wastelands can't do shit, Sweden. That is what will be happen if shit hits the fan.

What a beautiful post apocalyptic world without human race. Yay!

Destruction is far easier than creation sadly.

Never invade in Russia, never.

Even if we could, what would we possibly stand to gain? It would bankrupt us trying to bring it up to our standards.

>Don't hit me Russia please
Yeah you are right.

It's not a feat to be proud of being able to destroy humanity. Perhaps a necessary evil but that's about it.

>Uuuggghhh NATO can't invade in Russia because of nukes
C'mon lad, live in peace or die.

I don't know what NATO invading Russia got to do with what I said tbqh.

I take a shower,go eat my breakfast,workout,go kill some spaniards,return for lunch and proceed with my life

you mean go out with the intention of killing spainards only to realize they've fallen asleep in their barracks back in spain?

>After we beat the shit out of everybody

except for vietnam

Last time we won.

It's actually quite impressive what the Vietnamese military leadership managed to do. They knew about the waning support for the war back in the US and deliberately focused on incurring loses and wounding soldiers to abuse that. They built elaborate underground tunnels that were used to get around undetected, store supplies and serve as living quarters because they knew it would be very difficult for the US to us their technology against it.

>if every country is invaded at the same time
Pretty well, Chile is impossible to invade since we have natural frontiers in every direction, so supply lines would be easy target and very hard to protect, not to mention every bordering country has shit equipment and only beat us in sheer number of heads, argi , peru and bolivia would have to defend from the big fat green blob that's brazil.

Stale mate
France would batter our cites and our army but they wouldn't be able to invade us

>albeit short lasting
Indeed, considering that the whole Åland isles is within range of our land based artillery.

Waiting for french post

Surely Finland could mobilise its forces to at least occupie northern Sweden?

If you don't know what you're shooting at artillery is largely useless. If it wasn't only Finland we could probably keep Åland for a prolonged period of time.

Especially considering we have high definition over-the-horizon artillery spotting systems (ARTHUR). Our mobile auto-loading artillery (Archer) system fires GPS guided artillery shells (M982 Excalibur) that can hook up with that system, so your artillery men would be having a very bad day.

Probably. But northern Sweden is a pretty shitty battleground.

Don't need to know when you have enough shit to just level everything.


That's first of all not true and secondly not how war works. You don't bomb your own civilian population if you want to keep what you're fighting over. Again, we have the technology to counter artillery and a larger air force. There isn't actually much you could do if we were to take the island.


>There isn't actually much you could do if we were to take the island.
Destroy the island obviously. Sweden(or Russia for that regard) would never get it even if we had to resort into irradiating it with dirty bombs.

We wouldn't want to take it since we're good friend with Finland and way to remain that way. As regards to Russia, Sweden has pledged itself to aid Finland should they ever try.

>and way to remain
and WANT to remain

What exactly is a pledge to defend somebody
Something fishy about that

It's more about not wanting Russia to have it really.

Russia has never owned Sweden have they
Why would they go after you now

They literally took half of our country. Up until 1917 Åland was owned by Russia.

>takes finland from you
>'your' country

Finland didn't exist when we took the land in the 13th century, there were just some random Finno-urgic tribes. Finland was only really used for the area immediately surrounding Åbo. It had been part of Sweden for over 600 years when the Russians took it.