If your sister or mother was the only person alive in the world...

If your sister or mother was the only person alive in the world, would you cum in their pussy over and over until you had a baby to populate the human race or live your lives and die off? Also if you only had daughters. Would you fuck your daughters' pussies as well for more babies if your sister or mother died off unexpectedly?

If I fuck mom/sister there will be fucked up deformed kids so I'd rather let my species go extinct than seeing it become worse than animals

>my sister is adopted and genetically VERY different from me
>mfw this could work

> finding the human race worthy enough of saving

Why wait till the end of the world?

I'd breed my sister gladly

yeah, without 10000 individuals at least you are equally fucked, as there isn't enough diversity to allow the species to survive in the long run

After about 4 generations of inbreeding, fertility drops to almost nil and the physical/mental deformities would be crippling.

I'm not sure if the human race would survive at all even if we pumped out about 15 kids.


Is fucking family members or turning yourself into a female the only threads that can exist?


Ok what about our ancestors? They basically fucked their sisters and brothers. Is that why the human race is so fucked up today? rofl.... wat

oh my god.... i can see what happened here... Just had a huge epiphany. Thanks for your comment LOL... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahaha

The chances of getting a deformed kid hare higher, but you could still kill it and try again. You can also get healthy kids

If you don't you are a failure, and you are, by definition mentally retarded.
The reproduction is one of your basic instincts, and if you don't want to have kids (regardless with whom) you are mentally ill



Dude you could repopulate the population of america

Yes this is Sup Forums aka degenerate fag world


Life is a pain in the ass, I don't want to have kids because no one asked to be here, I am not going to force this garbage on someone, it is like getting a dog for someone as a pet, not everyone wants that kind of maintenance.

Maybe for you. Speak for yourself buddy. Sup Forums is 99% freedom with the 1% of of getting arrested if you say really stupid shit because faggots governments and faggot people, but yea you get the point. Fag world for you. Troll world for me.

I mean as a gift*, duh it is a pet.

with extreme measures and lots of kids with no steady couples the human race could viably come back from as few as 30 individuals without major genetic problems.

basically if everyone keeps fucking everyone enough diversity builds up that it works