Rate my gedmatch results

rate my gedmatch results

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>one of us


gedmatch thread?

feel free to post some of your results too, for comparison

>t. 100% mongoloid

I am. btw whats this? is this a real result. then the meme wasnt wrong

pretty close

That looks pretty fucking nonsensical.

those are probably just random samples

Dodecad V3 is a 4 year old calculator, when some components were mere speculation. The best ones right now IMO are puntDNAL K12 Modern, Gedrosia Eurasia K10 CHG and Eurogenes K13.

tfw you're hunter gatherer af


Oh I think I get it now, it calculates the distance of your scores with those of the averages from those groups. It doesn't equal actual genetic similarity.

Gedrosia Eurasia K10

btw, give them a try too

I'm lacking that middle eastern element you have

they got me perfectly, kek.

That one is more of an Eastern Mediterranean component, probably Farmer remains.

bretty good

I will never have a girlfriend starterpack.

which is pretty much middle eastern?

t. Hans Cuckenberg


Middle east got fucked hard by Iranians and niggers though after the farmers left.

>East Med + West Asian 23%

Not really, it depends on what is considered Middle East and even then it's complicated to lump it all into one denomination.

Syrian results:
My results
# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 28.98
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 27.88
3 SW_Asian 24.96
4 WHG 11.49
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 3.37
6 W_African 2.42

# Population Percent
1 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 32.71
2 SW_Asian 20.14
3 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 19.93
4 WHG 19.77
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 4.77
6 SE_Asian 1.67
7 Ancestral_South_Indian 0.73
8 Siberian_E_Asian 0.29

# Population Percent
1 WHG 27.61
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 23.51
3 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 17.41
4 SW_Asian 15.42
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 10.23
6 Siberian_E_Asian 3.42
7 SE_Asian 2.4

1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 50.34
2 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 11.67
3 Ancestral_South_Indian 10.50
4 SW_Asian 7.79
5 SE_Asian 6.29
6 WHG 5.36
7 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 5.01
8 Siberian_E_Asian 3.05

1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 44.56
2 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 11.37
3 WHG 10.56
4 Ancestral_South_Indian 8.93
5 SW_Asian 7.50
6 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 6.75
7 SE_Asian 5.33
8 Siberian_E_Asian 4.67

1 WHG 40.78
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 19.98
3 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 16.16
4 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 13.79
5 SW_Asian 8.49

1 WHG 45.01
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 18.65
3 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 16.48
4 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 13.18
5 SW_Asian 6.37
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 0.31

1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 38.31
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 27.01
3 SW_Asian 25.49
4 WHG 5.88
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 2.67


prior to the Bronze Age invasions from the steppe central Europe was almost 100% East Med + West Asian. These are the carriers of light skin mutation in Europe :)

What the fuck does this mean.

hahaha fucking gook


It means you're a cracker.

Can you explain tho for real. I'm retarded

Europeans don't descend from a single population but multiple genetically divergent groups.

But yours looks like typical NW European sets t. Doctor

don't these graphs show indo-european admixture?

This data how do you get it?
You do an analysis in 23andme and then with that data you put them in different configurations or how?

I also want to do it, but I dont know where to start.

what's chg?

Georgian basically.

shit, I'm 18.9% cgh