What do gamers listen to?

What do gamers listen to?

prog rock and anime soundtracks

hans zimmer soundtracks and death grips

Hardcore gamers listen to dubstep

I'm a casual gamer and I listen to a bit of everything

currently listening to sun ra in queue for my dota game

>dota game

why do you hate yourself?

I usually listen to a little bit of everything, expect for country and rap, haha.
Nice, who ya maining?

go on twitch and see what theyre playing in the background

gamer here. mostly Sup Forumscore. been into black metal and dark ambient a lot lately. The Gerogerigegege has been my favourite band as of late.

the heroes im best at are storm and AM but my favourite is probably morph since its my most played i think
i dont i think its pretty fun

in my experience
>vocaloids/ nightcore
>entry level metal
>a bit of emo

wtf i love gamers now

I played both League and DOTA for years and idk man, thinking about what you actually do in those games and the likelihood of getting shitters on your team made me lose the ability to actually enjoy it unless I was playing with a full group of friends

Crono Cross OsT
Silent Hill OST

I do best in competitive play when I listen to GY!BE and Swans

>video game soundtracks
>milo yiamonopoly spoken word
>progressive metal
>tyler the creator
>"feminists btfo" youtube compilations playing in the background

>Silent Hill OST

mf doom instrumentals
that's my entire playlist for dota

>>milo yiamonopoly spoken word

I kekked
I don't get why people worship someone who is so blatantly pandering for cash

>mf doom instrumentals
5 second loop for 4 minutes

top kek at the img
