Have you people woke up yet? This is a chilling vidya from a fuckin' long time ago and shit...

Have you people woke up yet? This is a chilling vidya from a fuckin' long time ago and shit. This KGB defector explains precisely what's happening in America today.



Other urls found in this thread:


Bump out of interest.


This is interesting... what the guy said is so close to how things are today, and if I were shown this video even a few years ago i probably wouldn't have thought anything of it. And surely if I saw it before then I never could have been convinced it would happen for real. But it did happen, and is happening. I mean... what the fuck?

You know, they say that people who're paranoid feel will describe real life as if it's a movie, but I tell you what, I feel like real life IS playing out like a movie right now. I mean, this is more extreme, I think, than the James Bond movies he describes.

>Russia's not having many babies
>Russian economy is shit.
>China's going to take Siberia in 2025
>last space mission that would have vindicated the Russian space program -probe that would of sent us samples of Mars by now - stopped working after launch.
Shots fucked Mate

Just one big problem:
The USSR no longer exists.
No Comintern.
No Comecon.

Planet is dominated by avarice and conservative neo-liberalism.

Guy doing the interview is a fucking Bircher.
Right-wing disinformation.

The inertia is still going though from what he's talking about. It couldn't not be. Do you have a proposal as to where the momentum of their efforts would have gone even after the fall of the Soviet Union?

I'm genuinely interested in anything you have to say since you appear to take a critical view. Please be as factual as possible.

I think he's just some ex-KGB weaving buzzwords around a sinister narrative to get some press money and lulz. You can't change a culture anymore than you can change the weather.

>Russians distrust Muslim's so this hail Mary of throw in Syria is only going to net them 1 previous friend Syria
>Russia is going to outspend it's budget on defense
>Russia's development center is just a bridge going to Crimea.

>Those are some fine dubs
You've got a good point user, but I don't think communism is going to be the official authoritarian ideology to violently rise in this century.

Now it will be a weird mix of Feminism an Islam.
I wish that was a a shit posting joke but they're actually have relevant influence.

Then again a lot of countries in the EU are already getting tired of their shit so they might start deporting Kebab soon.

There are people nowadays that you seriously can't tell anything to. You cannot use facts to change their mind about something - they just go with some nonsense and stay with it.

Before I ever heard anyone say it I was using analogies like: 2+2 is not 5. water is wet because it is. the color red is red because it's not green, blue or ANY OTHER COLOR. Then I hear people all over the internet talking like that. And I don't think I told more than a couple of people that, and I don't think they use the internet much, so it's interesting to see that others thought the same thing, then this guy... from almost 30 years ago?? Boy, it seems awfully true. And everything he's saying has happened and is happening in the order he says and like he says.

you can't make these things up.

pic unrelated.

what do you make of the russia china alliance?

Want more? That KGB defector is in it aswell.

Saw this bullshit two years ago abliously speaking to christains like son of hamas

Wow, you're literally retarded. One of those "Western Civilization is crumbling" people that are inevitably uneducated

Stay woke.

Like my post if you think this guy needs some more vodka

>1 like=1 prayer
>5 like=5 prayer

watching now

Look at the interviewer. G Edward Griffin has published his works through the John Birch society, he advocates bogus cancer cures, is an hiv/aids denier, a 9/11 conspiracy advocate. Bezmenov also had writings published by same fringe Bircher group.

How do we know if Bezmenov wasn't a disinformation plant??

holy fucking shit... do you have any more footage of these moslems expressing their agenda? I don't know why I've never heard this before but this is the first I am hearing of it

>Sup Forums

Could 1st world nations ve instigating this behavior just to finally secure a militarized police state? It seems like it would be in their best interest to let things get bad fast in order for the masses to be scared enough to give their freedom to their "Protectors."
9/11 seems like the tragedy here and the housing market crash takes care of the economy for the U.S. and the War on Terror seems to have caused the Refugee problem.
Why would the participants of the war on terror leave so many loose ends and the fallout so messy unless they wanted it to blow up like this?

I think there have been too many stupid things happening in order for there to have been a calculated plan like that.

The conquering of the white race seems more like the actual plan. Did you watch this liveleak.com/view?i=d1b_1471980039

I mean, there's no disputing the logic

So maybe it was the plan during the Pre Obama Administration but failed because of those mistakes. I see the legalization of gay marriage as an Islam instigation technique. Also another stab at Islam would be modern social acceptance of sexual behavior and eroticism. Wouldn't be that hard to believe.

And also if 9/11 was actually perpetrated by members of the US Government it was very messy and obviously would fall apart. I mean how could they mess up Building 7.

>*mess up with building 7

What I get from the video is that the "war on terror" scorched the higher up radical Islam Factions, scaring the lower radicals enough to make them leave their own country, and displacing them to Europe.

Do you think Islam was involved and on their minds this whole time?

I'm new to the whole Islam, Jews and whatever else. But I'm seeing very obvious connections between them immediately upon inspection.

Also, you're not going to fucking believe this, but I was watching some of the translated Hitler speeches and, well, maybe you'll want to go see those for yourself.. But I can tell you he too predicted some of this stuff.

I always wondered why in school we were never actually told what Hitler was saying in his speeches or anywhere else really

>I'm new to the whole Islam, Jews and whatever else.

Better read up fast...

Just don't join any of them.

In fact shut off your computer then turn it back on delete system 32 and shut it off again.

Be as hyperbolic as you want, the man said no specifics, but a vague sequence of events.

These people looking for equality he speaks of? Did they not exist at his time in US? Or before?

The Bible said Israel would rise again as a nation and bear fruit. Israel is a nation today and produces a shit load of oranges. Does that necessarily mean the bible itself is prophetic?

Because if we heard them our adolescent mind might actually agree with them. What I see is the classic system in history involving Refugees:
>Radical Change in Countrys Laws/Beliefs
>Causes Dispersal of Oppressed People
>Dispersed People find Sanctuary
>Welcome Refugees
>Radical Refugees try to make new place theirs
>All out war between Refugees and Sanctuary
>One comes out dominant and decides rules/morals of Sanctuary

Fits with American Colonial Era and really any other Colonial Migration

you're right to be taken aback. I saw that vid years ago and its jaw-dropping in its accuracy.

Something interesting to note: Vladimir Putin was head of the KGB, George Bush sr was head of the equivalent in the US the CIA. These old power structures were put in place for a long run and men with knowlege of these systems used them to gain power. The old commies are gone but their weapon rolls on and now new owners are grappling to wield the automaton.

>Tells Truth
>Gets Trips of truth

Colonials invade Americas
H.W. Bush Invades Iraq

Close enough?

Europe here; don't sit around and wait for the deportations you suggested to begin. You might be disappointed.

I'll delete system 32 right away, you sound smart so I'll listen. Hackers. Hacking. and hax


hes right.

THEY wont deport anyone. YOU have to have the balls to stand up and at least speak out about it. Support and elect REASONABLE right wingers and don't the socialist bait you into wearing swastikas like fools.

Stop being so afraid that your government will come after you for defending your home!

>Be as hyperbolic as you want,
Just no.

Are you one of those people who're posting tranny/gay/facebook posts all the time?

This is Sup Forums in a nutshell.

A paranoid weirdo spouts some shit, a troll sees it and joins in, then the far right wingers join in, before you know it all of Sup Forums is 100% certain that native white people will be enslaved and live in cages whilst black Muslims with huge cocks have sex with our transgender waifus, whilst Hillary Clinton personally delivers our castration medicine.

Could probably find some.
That video has 10+ million views on youtube, although it has been muted in parts.

You get trips, and ask a question like that?

OK You win.

The Bible IS prophetic and you apparently are reading exactly the right part for our times.

You win..

Keep reading.

nobody thinks white people will be enslaved and live in cages, etc., that's a strawman argument you've built.

Hitler and his ideology are deemed dangerous for a reason. They are manipulative and can easily influence people to do things they would otherwise not be inclined to agree with.

That is why his writings and speeches are best left to advanced studies in college and beyond when a person's reasoning skills are fully realized.

>don't trust the left
>don't trust the right

Do you understand that the REAL conspiracy is that the establishment have us arguing between ourselves over what coloured boot is pressed against our neck?

Ya fucking idiot you're saying "HEY GUISE DONT WALK INTO THAT TRAP!" As you lead us into a prison cell.

>white people will be enslaved and live in cages whilst black Muslims with huge cocks have sex with our transgender waifus, whilst Hillary Clinton personally delivers our castration medicine.
you need your head examined for even being able to write a sentence like this.

Wow a strawman argument on Sup Forums? That never happens in these threads does it?

>quick leave your country before the deportations happen


Read the post, it's satire dickhead

It has Sup Forums on the emblem at the end of the video...

>Does that necessarily mean the bible itself is prophetic?

no kidding, no one is even making this stuff biblical. this person clearly has pretension to a high degree.

was the guy in your pic trying to say "one cubic centimeter", not 1 gram?


you're a touchy little faggot, aren't you

satire. meaning what you said isn't going to happen.

what do you think I interpreted it as? I didn't even say I took it seriously or not. You are arguing about that all on your own. I'm saying for even stringing those words together like that you need your head examined.

Ya I think so


You're the fucking idiot who's been feeding at the trough of socialist dogma his whole life seeing the world through the blinders and bars that your jew professors set in place. Assholes like you have fucked up the world with your asinine policies. You need to stfu and sit the fuck down.

I cannot tell whose side you're on. Or what your actual beliefs are.

>Criticizes Brainwashed people because they do nothing
>Says he can't do anything about it because it's too late
This guy is in a fantasy world. Why are we trusting a defector again?

Have any of you looked into Agenda 21? Even Sup Forums rarely touches on the subject.

>This guy is in a fantasy world. Why are we trusting a defector again?

>This KGB defector explains precisely what's happening in America today.

>Posting a quote where the author's name is offset by a hyphen instead of an em-dash
Fucking amateurs

Heard about this, haven't looked into it. you got a quick overview for me? I'm in the middle of editting a website I manage. Can't do much else ATM

>What is congress?

At least until November anyway.

Haven't got a quick overview but i'll give you some links.
youtube.com/watch?v=uN4ip9t7JvU (skip to 4:25 to see some real life footage)

all of this is just bullshit it makes people aware of other peoples race and skin colour and divieds peoples

thanks to the jewish media and the sjw assholes all it does is devide people

i use to enjoy games like tomb raider metriod now i can't play it without thinking that i am playing as a woman and black people all of it is just bullshit no one would be rioting unless the jewish media race baited

you're a faggy little faggot, aren't you.

Ah sorry the timestamp was for youtube.com/watch?v=KGqh__DOIxs

you were on borrowed time back then son.

and no matter what the situation was before these other races are knocking at your door. and you better believe it's really going to hurt you, especially if you're white.

I get that there are a lot of people whose feefees get all burny in their insidey parts when this topic comes up, but think about this: are there different numbers of different colored people on the planet? Answer is yes. How come those numbers aren't exactly the same? Answer: one's birth/death rate was higher than the other's. Is the proportion stuck at the same level forever? Answer: of course not. That's all you need to know that you can be out-bred.

Then similar logic can be used to talk about economic sanctions from high levels like countries to small levels like individual employment discrimination.

Why do these matter? You've got Muslims right out your door now, Jews guiding the thing (not interesting in disputing this, see the end of this video for "confession" by a Jew liveleak.com/view?i=d1b_1471980039), and you have China stealing technology and money. Economics is ONLY about technology and time. We're all on the same clock so tech is all that matters. There is not even an option to do nothing any more.

pic unrelated