Anybody here know an easy way to get these off?

Anybody here know an easy way to get these off?

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Buy the item.

Yes take them to the cashier.



I'm sure if you look on amazon or eBay or somewhere you'll find small magnets for sale. A fridge magnet won't take them off but a slightly stronger magnet will. I have one but I work in retail so it's risky lol

Is there any surefire way to use small wirecutters or anything?

Just drop some of your welfare on it.


If she won't take her pants off for you, try rohypnol

They're usually on the garment so tightly that the only way you can get them off is to rip them off and damage the garment. I've seen some of the pins have been cut but you do have to force your way in. It'll be tough to do that without making a scene and without damaging the item. Obviously you want to be as quick as possible right? Magnet is fastest.


magnet you dumb fuck

What strength?? Hard drive magnet works on DVD cases but will that do?


I've heard rubber bands work, wrap them around hard enough until it loosens up then give it a good yank.

Hey op. Did you get the item out of the store. Or do you need it off there?

I haven't heard that one. By the time you've wrapped a rubber band round it though somebody will have found you. Especially if you're doing more than one item. Got plenty of shoplifting tips if you want them from a retail worker.

Yeah sure, while I'm here i may as well have some

i used to boost shit on otherworldy level, to the point where Sup Forums wouldnt even believe

some pro tips:
1. dont steal, get a job
2. if you are going to steal, do not use any official tools to open it (buying it from ebay for example)

if you are found with official tools you'll have way worse charges

if you are going to steal - never hide any merchandise

if you are going to steal - do not run from anyone or attack anyone, try to talk your way out if doesnt work just go to police station and demand a lawyer

you dont have to stop if ur walking out of store with a full cart of jeans and alarm goes off, youre free to continue walking

never park a car in a place where camera can see your numbers

if youre selling it, find a way to hide tags & serial numbers if possible, depending on the amount you lift u may be targeted by OP LPs who will attempt to buy your merchandise and compare it to find thief(s)

prolly missed a lot of shit

i am too far in the sky atm

Never admit to anything, stay silent demand a lawyer and repeat it until they go away.

gl op

srsly tho try to get a job and stay legal

It's happened to a friend before, im just wondering for future reference

If you a have friend who works in a store they can get it off for you.

If you plan on make this a regular thing, you can buy that thing yourself. But then you might as well buy the item itself

what did he say? post deleted

I'm already employeed, its a shitty job, robbings just for kicks, i feel alive when i do it. used to just stick to doorstepping shoes but even that got boring after a while

Burn it off with fire.

Use neodymium magnets

>doorstepping shoes
whats that mean?

Shops have more blind spots that you think.
If a worker greets you, they may just be friendly, but they may also be weary you're a shoplifter (more on that later).
If you are greeted more than once, ESPECIALLY by the same person, they're onto you. Leave.
If you see the same worker in different parts of the store while you're there, they're onto you. Leave.
Don't dress dodgily or like a shoplifter. Seems obvious but you'd be surprised how many of the shoplifters I get are drunk, in tracksuits with tats and piercings and are scruffy looking. It just sends alarm bells.
Another obvious one, hide the tags you take off.
Probably the most useful one is to not dress like a twat. That's the easiest way we spot you.

there you go

any idea where to cop

Went out at night, shoes left on door steps, got like 7 pairs of nikes out of it, and a couple of adidas. not all in one night but over time

you rly need to consider on getting a lawyer if youre gonna steal

imho its best to target different chain of stores and just load your cart with everything you want around weekend/whenever there are a lot of people

dress nicely, preferably have a friend with you, look casual chat and shit while loading cart with items you have decided to take ahead of time.

you shouldnt be in the store for longer than 5 minutes TOPS, preferably 1-2 minutes.

If u know where everything is located it's quite simple.

go to boost during peak hours when there are many people
hit different chain of stores BUT BIG
load up cart with 1000$+ shit or whatever you want
simply start walking out with all of that shit
dont give a fuck about the alarm
keep walking to your distant parked car
if nobody is following you gtfo
if somebody is following you get your car and get a wallet, and start walking back
i forgot a wallet excuse will work in most cases on well dressed person (think tuxedo and shit)
thats one of the reasons why you dont hit same brand stores more than once every 3 months to be super safe

These are helpful, but how does a law abiding citizen dress?

Also I've heard off of a friend that wrapping it in tin foil can stop it from going off. Probably a load of it though
these are good. I know confidence is key as well

Generally as long as you avoid tracksuits and shellsuits you won't arouse suspicion. Don't do that stupid ghetto walk people do either.
If you went into a store wearing jeans and a t shirt with trainers you'll be fine so long they fit well. You just have to not look scruffy.

Another caution if you're considering this tin foil thing. I've caught people at both of the stores I've worked at who have beeped at the door with tin foiled bags. Some alarms can get through them some can't. Be very weary.

Are you british? Or at least European? A lot of people never really differentiate between shells and tracks, plus ausfag here so nearly every second persons in a shell jacket or a hood, its how most people dress tbh

I don't understand why people do that. Like .. I mean ... You just walk past and pick up a pair of unattended shoes?

>omfg what an adrenaline rush

Buy the clothes.

>these are good

His advice is ... Walk out of the store with what you want and keep walking?

That's good advice?

It's no wonder shoplifters have low IQ living in council housing. Fucking hell what a revolutionary new technique - walk off with the item you want to lift!!! Fucking wow!!!!

Tracksuit is cotton. Shellsuit has a polyester outer lining.

>accidentally steal from methheads and two have knives
That was probably the only rush from it, no wonder it got boring so fast

Yeah I've got a couple of shell jackets


If they're less dodgy over there they should be fine. You know the stereotype of how gang members and the lower classes dress? Just don't do that...

Seriously answer though, use a magnet.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean
This is what the majority of people who steal in australia look like and i dont dress like that at all
Video for extra reference

If you open something up and there is a beeper inside, keep it. Put it in your wallet in a well hidden place. You will beep when you enter/ exit EVERY WHERE!. But thats what you want. You just say its one of your store cards or something. Wave your wallet through and it will go off. So when you leave with some well priced merch, you go off, but they will wave you through because off you beeping as you entered. Good luck


stop replying to this thread this man has spoken

Didnt think of that

I'm a profession shoplifter in the uk. I steal graphic novels for a living I get up at 8 I work till 5 I steal 70 a day from 10 different shops throughout Kent and London I take them to a guy who buys at 3 pound a pop take home 210 a day 5 days a week. I have long lunches and go to the gym in the day. Never ever rob an individual or independent retailer!!!! Fuck the corporations and franchises and large businesses. They fck people daily so who cares. Morality is not based on the law I'm afraid.


This. But if you're going to fork out the money for a neodymium magnet, you might as well just buy the pants.
This, coming from someone who has a stockpile of neodymium magnets for a medical implant.

Some stores have detectors in their changing rooms, so remove the alarms in the store.

i was in ji bi hifi dressed casual and trying to decide on a new mouse and overwatch i had done some research on what mouse i wanted but was still undecided so me and my gf sat down for a bit while i decided had a staff member approach us twice the first time fake looking at stock , the second time he said "waiting for new stock ? and dont sit on the shelves" GF blew up and said "what a cunt my bf fggt user cant decide between a fucking mouse". Moral of the story is dont take to long to decide what to buy in a fucking shop. P.s just bought overwatch


i find it alot easier to just kill the shop owner and his workers


heat knife on cooker and go around the seam

jkjkjkjklolololol i


fuck :(


do people who aren't in australia have no comment statements?

> Slightly pull

> Burn metal inside with lighter

> Twist until you hear a pop

> Twist fully


Rubber band

Get a thickish rubber band and get it around the other side (the head of the pin) then just keep winding around and around and around. eventually it will pop off. I used to manage a Hot Topic and shoplifter taught me that. It really works.

I was tought the other side, but here's a video

Pee on it. The acidic urine will short the dielectric plates and release the magnetic field.

Would it work with a hair tie?

honestly don't know. never tried with a hair tie.


if you apply pressure and spin it it will loosen enough to be broke.
or use some super thin wire cutters to get in and snip the pin

source: loss prevention at kohls.

Who the fuck wears a tuxedo to go shopping? Are you a supervillan?