Anyone here know physics?

Anyone here know physics?

I need more information. Physics is a pretty broad subject. People usually specialize in certain subsets. Particle physics, quantum physics, classical physics, etc.

this is projectile motion. need to find the work done in this question.

Oh the pic is related? Give me a few.

all the info required is in the question btw

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work = force x distance

700 x 1,000 = 700,000

30 deg = 33.33% of 90deg (force straight upwards) so 33.33% of the force is going up & 66.66% is going forwards

700,000 x 0.66 = 462,000 J

*not upwards, towards the bank

FUck it was wrong.

700 x 1,000 = 700,000

cos(30) x 700,000 = work

cos(30) x 700,000 = 606,217.78 J

Or the first one.
I'm not a physics teacher.

Im pretty sure this one is right. Thanks

One more here if you know how. Thanks

The only force acting on the ball is that of gravity so :

whats v0

Sorry v0 is the initial velocity.

initial velocity wich is 19.6 m.s^-1 here

I got 21.87 but im pretty sure the answer is meant to be 17.7ms^-1 16.1degrees up from horizontal

Why y'all giving him answers instead of pushing in the right direction? Cmon guys.

Cause we aren't dicks?

this is wrong

the formula is

w = F (dot) d

where dot is the "inner" product between your force and distance vectors. if the horse only moves parallel to the river and the barge doesnt drift (thereby changing the angle relative to the bank)

w = F d cos(30)

= 700*1000 * cos(30)

this is wrong

you have to break the velocities into components before accounting for gravity.

a = angle of initial hit (given)
vo = magnitude of velocity after ball is hit (given)

vox = vo cos(a)
this is initial velocity in x direction. since the problem doesnt take wind resistance into account, this wont change.

voy = vo *sin(a)

vy(t) = voy + g t
y velocity as a function of time.

plug in the t you want, then re calculate the magnitude of the velocity using

vmag = (vy^2 + vx^2)^(1/2)

Which is why you should do what I said. He won't learn anything if you solve the problem for him. Dick.


He didn't ask us to teach him. He wants the answers. Dick.

forgot the 1/2 in front of the g in the vy

Well you are clearly a fucking idiot, done with you now.

Bye retard.

sry buddy I'm late
the velocity is to be broken down to two components: Vx and Vy
the intial velocity will be different for each ( find out wich is V0 cos30 and wich is V0sin30 )
After finding the two components you use the phytagorean theorem to find the velocity ( V^2=Vx^2 + Vy^2)

You have anymore? I'm bored at work lol.