You say shotato i say this "joke" is overdone and i hate myself

you say shotato i say this "joke" is overdone and i hate myself
it's a shota thread is what i'm trying to get across












i swear you're the only person that ever comments on these threads late at night. surely people in other timezones should be up instead of us?



so is there a version of this but with a dick or not

who else do you expect to wtop your thread from 404ing


probably some americans or something. go to bed faggotry, surely you have dick to suck early tomorrow?



im going to watch runescape q&a and then sleep at 3 but i probs will stop posting because im exhausted


oh so you ARE a fag?



i dont play it as much as I did(which was like 1 month ago) but I still like hearing people talk


>but I still like hearing people talk
well that just sounds like you're depressed lmao

watching talks is fun though, sometimes i put defcon talks on in the background




no. Im the type of person who rather listens to talk radio rather than music

not in a bad way but just prefer talking background noise



i don't listen to much talk radio but stuff like hamish and andy is great




All day im either in teamspeak with friends or listening to twitch streams

but I can never concentrate with music on


i like listening to music because i'm good at memorising the lyrics, so then i can sing to myself. i know way too many rap songs.




idk even though i'm pale as fuck i'm pretty black




so like the entire demographic of rap music, gotcha



yeah man i've got a black friend so i can say nigga



we say it all the time to mimic keemstar because memes


people that don't say nigga because they think it's """racist""" are idiots, i say it all the time.



people say it because people get triggered by it


i say it because i'm black

is this gay?


remember the handy rule to live by:
if they're cute it isn't gay. unless it's the third sunday of august in which case it is gay. other exceptions include the sabbath and any year that's divisible by 151.

They're not old enough to have masculine features, so it's not gay.


that's some NICE reasoning there, i prefer my aforementioned handy rule though.





















xd to you too friendo.








What is this arrow trying to tell me?


loner has no one else to post with