Dubs say what I say next

Dubs say what I say next

I want to stay friends but with benefits. I let you put it in my ass if you let me put it in yours

would you please suck my dick daddy?


i had butt secks with your mother

Say: I also pissed in some of your drinks


BTW this is a dude who wants to fight me

nigga u gay

i want to fuck your mother while you watch me dick deep in her pucci whole

Who is this?

I'll mop the floor with you

If you were an animal you would be a jizzard

fuckin dubs scrubs post it faggot

btw, did you know French toast used to be called German toast?

I'm going to stab you.

Send a link of this thread to her



OP got some background?
it can make our suggestions funnier

He's a fat fuck boi who wants to fight


I bet you can't handle the longest yea boy ever! YeaaaAaaaaaÊaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa boyyyyyÿyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyytyyytyyttttyyytytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


What's going on here

